A/N: So this is my first attempt at a Vampire Diaries fanfic and the first time I've written anything in a while. It doesn't have a lot of substance and could be a one shot or something more. Reviews are welcome, especially if they have constructive feedback!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Vampire Diaries related, that honor goes to L.J Smith

Stay With Me

The knock on the door made Elena rethink her decision to invite Damon over. She walked softly down the stairs and with a deep breath opened the large oak door. As expected, standing on her porch with an ever-present smirk was Damon Salvatore. Stepping aside she gestured for him to enter.

"Well hello there, Elena. Aren't you looking lovely this evening," He said as Elena rolled her eyes and gestured to Jeremy at the kitchen table, then upstairs toward her bedroom.

"No Elena I will not come up to your bedroom!" Damon stated in a mock loud voice. No doubt hoping to either get Elena in trouble with Jenna, or to just plain annoy her. Although if she was being honest with herself, as of late, Damon wasn't as annoying and she actually found herself looking forward to seeing him. They had a comfortable friendship, and in some ways it was easier to be around him than Stefan.

"Stop messing around Damon," said Elena, rolling her eyes in frustration. She grabbed Damon's arm and led him toward the stairs. Once into her room she walked to her window seat, hoping to put some space between them. It felt entirely too intimate being alone in her bedroom with the flirtatious and dangerous Salvatore brother. Damon of course showed absolutely no reservations about being in her personal space. Walking about as though he lived there. Damon migrated his way towards her bed, and Elena's heart sped up. She couldn't pin point it but something about him lying on her sheets, playing with her old teddy bear made her very nervous. Shoving those thoughts to the side she tried to focus on why she asked him here. She walked back to where her dresser stood and leaned against it.

"I wanted to talk to you about Stefan." She looked into his eyes hoping to gauge his reaction. Damon's face however remained impassive. Instead of responding to her statement he nodded at the wall behind her.

"What happened right there?" It was phrased as a question but Elena was sure that Damon already knew what had transpired. And why she was consulting with him without Stefan's knowledge. The truth was, that lately being with Stefan scared her, in a way that was different than before. Sure he was still a vampire but there was something just underneath the surface that he seemed unable to control. It was like tasting her blood brought back a truly dark and evil side of him she had never known could exist. She couldn't help but compare this new aspect of him to Damon. Elena couldn't deny that Damon was dangerous, but at least he could control himself.

No matter how many times she had seen the darker part of Damon he had never looked as Stefan had that night. He had been unrecognizable; his eyes black and wild. She was worried that this was his true self, and he was having a hard time reining it in. She didn't know what to think or do and wanted Damon's advice.

"It's not what you think." Elena immediately defended Stefan, although she wasn't entirely sure why.

"No? Well how about I tell you what I think happened and see if I get it right? You and Saint Stefan were partaking in some evening fun and one thing led to another and the night almost ended in an Elena blood bath? Am I right?" Despite Damon's obvious condescension, hearing him say it out loud made her sick. Stefan couldn't even control himself around her, when Damon had done it not too long ago while she was bleeding!

As Elena was desperately trying to come up with something to say that would absolve Stefan from being a monster, Damon was up off the bed and began pacing her room.

"He would never have hurt me Damon! I didn't ask you hear so you could criticize him or me! I just wanted your advice. I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure I want to be with him anymore." Elena shouted walking over to the window and sitting down.

She just wanted my advice. She's not sure she wants to be with him? This stopped Damon in his tracks. He didn't know how to proceed, or how to comfort her. All he knew was that he wanted to. He walked over to her and gently pulled her to her feet. Elena glanced up in surprise. He was so close to her she could feel his breath and smell his skin; it was a mixture of leather, and sweetness. Not thinking, she inhaled deeply and raising her head, she met his eyes and in them she saw a side of Damon she couldn't put into words. His gaze was intense, his lids heavy; she felt as though he were looking into her heart. She idly wondered what her face looked like, and what it was speaking to him. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry and it was like all the air had been sucked out of the room. Elena dropped her gaze from his eyes to his lips, and she wondered how they would taste. She found herself moving forward, hoping he would do the same.

Damon couldn't believe it. Elena was standing in front of him wanting to be kissed. Part of him was torn between desperately wanting her and wanting to protect her from himself. He couldn't give her what she needed and he knew it. He was incapable of loving anyone, and was too dysfunctional for someone as perfect and sweet as Elena. He brought his hand up and brushed the hair away from her face. And even as the thoughts went through his head he knew that he couldn't walk away from her. Even if it was the right thing to do.

Sorry brother.

Leaning forward, Damon tentatively touched his mouth to Elena's, expecting her to back away. Instead, Elena stepped forward almost instantly and deepened the kiss, their tongues mingling. She couldn't believe the passion she felt at this moment. This was how it was suppose to feel, being with the person you love. Like you never wanted them to stop touching you, like you couldn't get enough and they were all that mattered.

Damon's hand brought Elena from her thoughts, as it made its way to the hem of her shirt and stopped there, as though asking for access. In turn, Elena brought her own hands up to Damon's shoulders and helped him remove his jacket. The intensity of his gaze deepened and he slowly walked her back so she was up against the wall. Her heart rate sped up and she found it hard to breath as he removed her shirt, never breaking eye contact. Then, it was as if he was everywhere. His hands roamed her body and then his lips were on her neck, then her breasts, and moving slowly downward over her stomach. Elena's head was spinning and she wasn't sure she could continue to hold herself up. Her head began to shake and she tried to say his name.

"Damon .. stop." Her voice came out hoarse and Elena barely recognized it as her own.

"Your kidding right." Was his reply and Elena felt guilty. It was not her intention to lead him on.

"I'm sorry, this is all just too fast. We need to talk about this."

This was what Damon was afraid of. He had only just begun admitting to himself that he had feelings for Elena. He didn't think he was ready yet to admit that to her too. "We both know I'm not so good with the talking bit. This on the other hand, I happen to be exceptionally good at." He gave her his signature smirk.

Elena untangled herself from him and made her way over to the bed. "I have feelings for you Damon. I think I always have, I just didn't want to see it. And I think that you feel the same way. And if we're going to do this I need to know that you're in."

Damon sighed and sat down next to her. "Why do we need to talk about it at all? Can't we just see what happens? Let the chips fall where they may?" And seeing her face corrected himself, "Or at the very least talk about it tomorrow?"

Elena's face softened and she nodded. "Stay with me tonight?"

"Of course."