Sorry I haven't written a new chapter in awhile. Also very sorry that this chapter is short… I have many directions I can take this story, and it's hard to settle on one. Plus I went and made a quick one shot as well.
Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Dedede awoke to sunlight hitting his face. He wanted to sleep in, but he still wasn't sure of Kirby's intentions yet…so he figured it'd be wise to get up.
He rose and opened his eyes.
He quickly fell back, clutching his chest. In his face, just like the night before, was the little puffball he was just thinking about.
"Will you stop doing that?!" Dedede wheezed, calming down. Kirby merely blinked, satisfied that he'd helped Dedede wake up.
Kirby walked over to the table and waited for Dedede. The still startled king walked over to the table and quietly munched on an apple that had been on the table.
The table was covered in food like the previous night, but it looked neater and there wasn't as much. Like before, Dedede ate enough to fill up then watched as Kirby demolished what was left in seconds.
Kirby got up and walked out the door. Confused, Dedede followed.
They walked silently for awhile, Dedede not wanting to break the silence. After a few minutes, however, Dedede couldn't contain the question tha'd been bugging him for awhile.
"Why'd you do it?" He blurted out. Kirby looked at him with a confused look. "I mean, why didn't you just leave me way back on that road?"
Dedede slapped his forehead with his palm, forgetting that Kirby couldn't be understood. With a sigh, he shut up and followed Kirby silently.
After a few minutes, they came to a hill. Kirby began walking up while Dedede followed rather slowly.
Kirby reached the top and walked over to one of the trees. As he expected, his friend Tiff was laying down under it, her nose in a book.
Kirby heard a gasp behind him, but ignored it. Kirby said his usual catchphrase and waved at his friend.
She looked up and grinned. "Hello, Kirby." she greeted and stood up.
Kirby murmured a few poyos to his friend. "What's that you say?" she asked, "You brought a guest?…Where is he?"
Kirby glanced around, wondering where Dedede had gone. He was hard to spot, until he saw a rather large figure crouched behind a rather thin tree.
Tiff spotted him first. "Kirby, look out! Dedede is behind you!", she said before charging at the cowering king.
Kirby rushed over to the two, quickly grabbing Tiff's arm to keep her from smacking Dedede with her book again. Dedede groaned and rubbed a bump that was forming on his head, grumbling "Knew I shoulda picked a better hiding spot."
"Run Kirby, I'll hold him off! Just let go of me!" Tiff shouted. Kirby quickly muttered his phrase a few times, which seemed to calm Tiff down a little.
"So you're saying he's not going to harm us?" Tiff asked.
"You can understand him?" Dedede asked, still rubbing the spot on his head.
"Sure," she replied, "if you get to know him it's easy."
While Dedede processed this information, the other two had a quick conversation.
"Alright," Tiff said to Dedede, "Kirby says you can stay with him as long as you need, as long as you don't try anything."
Dedede looked confused. "Not to sound ungrateful, but why?"
Kirby muttered a few more things. "Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he hates you," she translated, "he's not going to let someone suffer."
Dedede was confused. His enemy never really disliked him? And he was letting him stay? Too much information to process.
Not knowing what else to say, Dedede muttered a "Thank you."
"Just because Kirby's being generous, don't think you can try tricking us." Tiff cautioned. Dedede nodded.
Tiff turned to Kirby. "Now that that's out of the way, what're we going to do this morning?"
Argh. I'm thinking of just skipping to the next story and returning to this one later…this one is proving to be difficult. I have some things thought out, but no way to connect them. I suppose we'll just wait and see.
Keep an eye out for a new chapter or a new story soon.