Castiel woke up when warmth filled him. He gasped and tried to sit up and warm hands supported him.

'Slowly, brother.' Castiel knew that voice.

'Lucifer.' He said and faced his brother: 'What did you do? Where are Dean and Sam?'

'I believe they're out to get breakfast. I hope Dean brings you one of those pies they have here. Sam's salads always taste a bit too bland for my liking.'

'How did you find us?'

'I heard you screaming in pain through time and space.' Lucifer answered: 'You hurt yourself so much for my brother's vessel but you're the only other angel rebelling against Heaven. You're the only one I can still hear.'

'Is that's why you healed me?'

'It's funny that I didn't notice you before my exile.'

'I was born after your fall.' Castiel told him.

'Ah, that explains a lot.' Lucifer smiled: 'I know you won't like to hear this but you remind me of myself.'

'How's that?'

'I was overlooked, just as you.' Lucifer tried to touch Castiel but he flinched away.

'Do you really think that I would hurt you?' Lucifer asked disappointedly.

'Yes, you would.' Castiel replied without hesitation.

'But then why would I have healed you first? I don't want your death.'

'You want the death of everything.'

'No, no. I just want our Father to see that it was wrong to cast me out. Nothing more.'

'And you think the destruction of his creation will achieve that?' There was a hint of disbelief in Castiel's voice.

'Our Father imprisoned me in Hell. You saw it Castiel, you saw what it did to Dean. Do you think God would have done that if it had been Michael who rebelled?' The bitterness was plain to hear in Lucifer's words. He looked so bitter and sad and broken that Castiel felt sympathy for his brother.

'He gave them free will and watched them tear themselves and his whole creation apart, but when we do this we're cast out.' Lucifer continued.

'He created them in his image not us.' Castiel reminded Lucifer. The devil looked up in Castiel's eyes but said nothing. They were silent for a few minutes until Lucifer asked:

'Will you fly with me brother?'

'Where?' Castiel asked distrustfully back. Lucifer shrugged:

'It doesn't matter. I just wish to see your true form. Just once.'


'I haven't seen another angel in aeons. And even confined to this body I can see that you are beautiful, Castiel.' Lucifer held out his hand: 'You can see it as retribution for the healing if that makes it easier for you.'

Castiel took Lucifer's hand.

The flight of an angel was hard if not impossible to describe in human words. How could a language describe something that humans could never experience?

But if one tried it would be mostly a list of adjectives and nouns and verbs.

If one tried it would look like this:

space and stars bend between planets

skies underneath water and suns falling like diamond rains

infinity wrapped in lightening on a child's hand

falling upwards

light sounding like thunder

taste of colours

smell of music

running down barefooted a grassy green hill under a yellow sun and a blue sky while stretching out your arms, laugh, and believe you can fly

'I knew you were beautiful, brother.' There was something like awe in Lucifer's voice when it was Castiel who could not speak after he had seen with his own eyes the true form of his Father's first star.

Lucifer's hand lay tenderly on Castiel's cheek but this time the angel did not move away from the touch.

'Thank you, brother.' Lucifer said and kissed him. It was such a human gesture and such a transcendental one at once.

When Dean opened the door to the motel room Lucifer was gone.