Hey guys. I just randomly had this idea today and thought it would make an awesome fanfiction!!! I've already got most of it planned out.

I don't mind suggestions and constructive criticism. In fact, I love them!!! So please review and don't be afraid to voice your opinion; I will not be hurt!

Let me know if you like the idea and whether or not I should continue writing this story!!!!

Disclaimer: Due to the unfortunate circumstances of me not being James Patterson, I do not own Maximum Ride.

Now, on to the story!!!!!

___________________________________the line thingy (I can never figure out how to make these) ______________________________________________


I breathed in the fresh spring air. Ahhhhh. Welcome to Suburbia. Where the lawns are perfectly manicured and even the trashcans are squeaky clean.

Those weird rich people. All they're concerned about is their image. Not that I can talk, after all, I do live here. All these people remind me of Jeb, or as he prefers me to call him, Dad. Nothing matters except for what the neighbors think of you.

Nothing. Not even family.

I checked my watch. Crap, it was already 5:45. It would take me another 15 minutes to walk home from J.J.'s and then I would only have 30 minutes to make dinner. And if dinner isn't ready at the exact time Jeb enters the house, then he will be mad. When I say mad, you have no idea how mad Jeb can get.

I just hoped Jeb wouldn't come home early again only to find that I'm not there. The last time that happened . . . . . images flickered in front of my eyes. Angel sobbing, blood pouring out of Gazzy's nose. I shuddered and shook my head like an etch-a-sketch. Hoping that maybe I could erase the memories.

Yeah right, like I had anything else to remember. I have only vague recollections of what my life used to be. Of course that was before my mom . . . . . . STOP! I screamed in my head, before the memories could come pouring out. If they did I would probably end up curling up in a ball and sobbing my eyes out like a complete wuss. But I don't cry; I have to keep it together, if only for Angel and Gazzy's sake.

I remembered one of the few useful things Jeb had taught me. Think with you're head, not with you're emotions. So, I put all my emotions in a box and locked it.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle and looked up to see a boy that was about my age staring at me. He had olive skin and midnight hair. He was mowing someone's lawn, but had stopped in the middle of it to watch me. Like I was some sort of interesting T.V. show.

I glared at him, expecting him to cringe and look away immediately, but instead he just glared right back.

I admit I was startled and even a little impressed by this guy. Even Jeb has been known to flinch under my death glare. But this guy seemed different.

Whatever, congratulations to him. (Please note the sarcasm) I had too much on my mind to deal with this guy.

I turned to walk away, but then a snort and turned to see him rolling his eyes at me.

It took all of my self-control to not go up there and punch him in the freaking face. Who the hell did he think he was?

I bet he was one of those people who thought that just because I lived in a nice neighborhood like this, that my life was perfect. That I had everything I wanted and I was my daddy's little princess.

Well, you know what, my life is not perfect; in fact it's about one of the most imperfect lives there are. I still didn't have the one thing I have always wanted; a safe place for Angel, Gazzy, and I to live. And I am definitely not my daddy's little princess; I am more like his punching bag.

I gave the boy once last glare and stalked off.

I know, I know. That chapter was a little boring and kind of short, but it'll get more exciting.

The story sounds cliché, but trust me, its not!

Do not worry, my friends, Max and Fang will be friends. (Yeah, I bet you have all guessed who was glaring at Max.) And there shall be Fax, just be patient!!!

REVIEW, REVIEW REVIEW, REVIEW REVIEW!!!! The more you review the faster I update.