Beef here!

I know it's been quite a while since I've done much of anything...too long in fact. Recently, I got back into browsing FF's archives rather than wasting my life doing nothing, and I was really inspired by some other authors and their stories. So here's my attempt at a high school-esque fan fic with the SSB characters and OCs out the wahzoo. I'm going to try and maintain updates regularly or so...but we all know how schedules work nowadays. Title and ratings are subject to change at my discretion. Characters are not owned by me, except for my OCs.

Warning: Various relationships of all sorts are possible and probable. OCs are included. OOCness abounds. I'm open to ideas. Don't hate me :3

Well, today was the day; the first day of junior year for Pit, a transfer student at his new school. For most of his life he was home schooled by his single mother, but he attended a public high school for grueling years that caused him much more trouble than it was worth. Then again, trying to blend in with a 'normal' crowd when you have miraculous, angelic, white feathered wings sprouting from your back; life is bound to be complicated beyond measure. The students at his school had always picked on him, made fun of him, all sorts of cruel things just because he was different. A few girls and boys admired Pit's appearance at first, but they soon fell under peer pressure for fear of being bullied themselves.

Consequently, the young angelic teen's self-esteem and mood had spiraled down the drain until emotions got the better of him sophomore year and he tried to end his own life. His mother's was totally unaware, up until that point, of the torturous stress that weighed down on her son's mind, but quickly put in for him to transfer to a new school. One that he would hopefully have a much better time with the students and teachers at this new establishment.

'Selverian Academy. It doesn't look too bad' the brunette boy mused with a hint of desperation. He really just wanted to go home and stay home, far away from where all those hurtful names and cruel jokes could bother him. Pit sported his typical school attire of slim fitting jeans, a white and blue button up shirt, and white sneakers. The gold chain necklace and engraved armband his mother had given to him at sixteen dangled loosely around his neck, and his soft, white wings were folded as close to his body as they could physically be in attempt to avoid drawing attention.

The teenage angel started up the steps to the schools main entrance, trying to blend in with the crowd of students and find the counselors' offices where he could pick up his schedule. Of course, things are never simple and easy when you want them to be. Before Pit knew what hit him, the angel was flat on his back with another person's form laying on top of him.

"Ow…" Pit groaned and tried to look at his 'attacker'. The person pushed themselves off of the angel and looked around as if lost. The boy looked to be the same age with medium length green hair with bangs that hid one of his forest green eyes. His shirt was rather small, sleeveless, and cut off at his abdomen with some odd patterning on it, but the most eye catching part of this kid's getup was his choker collar. It was a soft, black leather studded with pearls, and the golden clasp was inlaid with a large, blood red diamond. The boy flailed his arms that were covered by a net meshing down to his wrists and scrambled around to gather the books that lay scattered across the ground.

"Ooooh! Nooo! Jukai is going to punish me if I'm late!" the boy whined, but froze immediately when Pit sat up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hello?" Pit inquired meekly. The verdant haired boy shrieked and nearly jumped a foot in the air from a kneeling position. Pit scooted back from the other teenager, while some people stood to watch what was going on. The boy turned to look at Pit with a fearful, yet innocent expression.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! So sorry, but I have to go or else I'll be punished! Byeeee" he yelped and burst through the crowd looming over them and into the school.

The angel could only blink dumbly as the crowd dispersed as quickly as it formed and they continued on, leaving Pit to sit there like a puppy left out in the rain. The boy cringed at the sudden pressure of a hand on his shoulder and turned to look at the newcomer. Pit frowned at this older looking guy who was even more scantily clad than the green haired boy from moments ago. His pants were torn in tatters, spiraling down his legs like a candy cane's design, the dark navy blue alternating with his pale grayish skin. The blue eyes of the angel traveled upwards to a tribally tattooed body and arms, and a skin tight black shirt that just covered his shoulders and chest barely. The male had two long black triangular tattoos below his eyes that burned a vibrant gold, which only seemed enhanced by his smoky gray hair with purple mixed into it.

'Great…not even in school and I bet I've met two whores already' Pit mentally sighed.

"Don't mind that kid…he's been trained better than a dog I'll tell you" the pale teen stated with a sly smirk. Pit felt a shudder down his spine at this older boy's voice that was smoother than silk and had a subtle, yet strangely alluring tone in it. Pit felt hypnotized by the older teen's eyes as he opened his mouth to reply, but it wasn't his voice that came out…well that was heard at any rate.

"Hey! Lucian! Don't you have some little boys and girls to go stalk you creep? Leave him alone" someone shouted. The scantily clad Lucian's smirk was replaced by a scowl as he stood up and glared at whoever it was calling him out.

"How typical of you preying on the innocent, someone who hasn't even officially started here yet too!" another person stated. Without another word, Lucian stalked off as another two teenage boys approached. They both looked much better in Pit's standards as respectable kids, but he was still a little on edge due to his sheer shyness and being the 'new kid' as one of them had so kindly reminded him.

Pit gave both males a good once over as they approached. The taller of the two had a rugged build, kind of like that which would pass as the football team captain, then again, the jersey adorning his broad shoulders couldn't have possibly been a clue. His unkempt, indigo, blue hair spiked out in every direction, although much of it was forced upwards due to a brown headband tied around his head. He had the air of a guy who was rather full of himself, but the expression on his face told the angel this fellow was indeed genuine and caring about others. Too bad the same couldn't be said about his jeans and sneakers that were grass stained and caked with dirt.

The transferring junior had to give the second boy a good two and a half times over, and suddenly felt his stomach turn over several times and his tongue become tied. A slightly shorter blonde boy with mesmerizing, crystal blue eyes accompanied the bluenette. He carried a few books close to his chest, which was covered in a green polo shirt with white under sleeves. A studious pair of rimless glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, and a pair of silver hoop earrings in his rather long and pointy ears as his only accessories. He wore a pair of beige khakis and brown loafers, but Pit was oddly more interested in staring into the eyes of the blonde, imagining himself drowning in those pools and forgetting life's troubles. Moments later, they were upon him and looking down at him with smiling faces.

"You just gonna' sit there all day, or are you going to get to class?" the blue haired teen inquired while holding out a strong hand and pulling the angel to his feet.

"I-I…uh…t-thanks…" Pit stammered, feeling the necessity to twiddle his thumbs and not look at either of them, especially the blonde.

"You're quite welcome buddy. Though I'd suggest avoiding that purple haired creeper if you know what's good for you" the football star laughed, nudging his friend with a bony elbow. The blonde shot a quick, but cold glare to his companion before returning his attention to Pit.

"Ike's right. That guy is Lucian, one of the biggest, arrogant, slutty, unscrupulous, dangerous, dirty, disgusting bastards to ever tread through this school- Ah!? Did I just say that out loud?!" the blonde yelped. The boy who was identified as Ike chuckled jovially and thumped the blonde on his back.

"That you did Link, that you did. Not that I disagree or anything. So…who might you be angel boy?" Ike asked.

"I'm…I'm…uh…Pit…just, er…transferred here…" Pit stuttered and stared at his feet timidly.

"Ah, first day? Well, I'm sure Link here won't mind showing you to Guidance to get your things. I've gotta' run to meet up with the team for tom-" Ike's sentence was suddenly turned into a stifled whimper as Link had decided to stomp on the taller boy's foot. "I think we should show Pit his way around. Zelda can wait you conniving liar" the blonde said with a easily distinguishable annoyed tone. Pit couldn't help but giggle at the face Ike was making, which seemed to pique Link's attention and he laughed too.

Ike and Link escorted Pit into the academy and accompanied him to the guidance office. When the two seniors were told they could be excused for the first two periods to give the angel a tour, Ike eagerly agreed while Link required a little bit of coaxing from the others. The three teenage boys left the office after Pit had acquired his schedule, some papers for his parents, and choosing a ring from a selection of various pieces of jewelry. The female counselor told Pit to come back at the end of the day to pick up his ring, but any day henceforth would require him to wear the ring as dictated by school rules.

"What is so big about that ring?" Pit inquired curiously as they walked through the halls. Link wished to drop off his things at his class so they headed towards the science wing.

"The ring, or whatever piece you pick in fact…they're what keeps everyone here under control and looking normal so to speak" Ike replied while holding up his left hand and showing Pit a ring just like the one he picked, although Ike's was intricately engraved with unfamiliar symbols to the angel.

"You could say that these little trinkets are what keeps Selverian Academy your average, run of the mill high school" Link stated, only adding to Pit's confusion.

The trio came to room 183, Link's biology class headed by Professor Kagerou. Link entered and Pit heard him sigh loudly for some reason. Upon entering, the angel figured out why the blonde had sighed. Aside from the trio, three other people were present in the classroom. Pit immediately recognized one, the green haired boy from earlier, who also happened to be bent over top of one of the desks with his wrists bound and an expression that was a cross between pain and pleasure. Then there was another male looming over him with a smirk and one hand planted firmly on the pinned boy.

"Tora, what did I tell you about being late?" the older teen questioned. Pit took note of his features, particularly his heterochromatic eyes where the left iris was a golden amber and the right was an emerald green. His hair was silver and frosted that darkened to a slate gray towards the back of his head, and was even more unkempt than Ike's with stray locks spiking out freely in all directions. The male wore a sleeveless maroon shirt with a high collar that concealed most of his neck, and a pair of black slacks with black dress shoes.

"To always be at least ten minutes early, Jukai-sama" the verdant haired boy mewled as he squirmed under the silver haired boy's grip. Pit could only stare in disbelief as the one identified as Jukai raised his other arm up and came down hard on Tora's backside with a resounding 'smack'. The boy yelped with a rather excited expression, which elicited a surprised gasp from the angel. Link and Ike both vocalized a sound of disapproval accompanied by the sounds of a newspaper being rustled.

Pit's angelic, ice blue gaze turned towards what had to be the teacher's desk that was occupied by someone who was apparently hiding behind a newspaper. Pit noticed that the flimsy paper was quivering incessantly as the apparent person behind it continued to try and shrink more and more. The angel was about to ask a question when he someone grabbed him by the wrist and drug him out of the room. As the brunette angel was drug out from the room, he temporarily caught Jukai staring at him with those piercing eyes, a wry smirk and raised eyebrow.

"Professor, I'll be back for class after we give Pit a tour of the school. He's a new student and everything…" Link called out. The apparent Professor emitted a meek cry of acknowledgement, the paper in his hands starting to tremble uncontrollably.

"I…uh…who were they?" Pit asked timidly as Link relinquished his grip on Pit's wrist and exhaled a sigh of relief. Ike stood with his back to the cream colored wall with his hands locked behind his head.

"Jukai Sukiyaki, a senior. He's the school's lacrosse captain and probably one of the more vicious and dangerous individuals here. That look he was giving you as we left…I…don't like it" Link said quietly.

"The other kid is Tora Kouken, a junior like you. Do I need to tell you he's Jukai's little bitch essentially? He's a really nice kid and all, just involved with the wrong crowd" Ike sighed. The two seniors shared rather sullen glances which were then turned onto Pit who turned to watch some passing students in embarrassment.

"Hey, Pit. Come on, we'll show you around the school now" Link said with a warm smile. Ike lurched up from the wall and yawned loudly.

"O-Okay" Pit nodded and fell into step behind both older teens. They walked through Selverian Academy and practically covered every inch of the complex in no time flat. The angel couldn't stop smiling all the time he was with the two as Link and Ike seemed so friendly, even taking the time to introduce Pit to some of their other friends, and making sure the angel could find his way around on his own. Pit really didn't think there could be people as kind as Link and Ike in school, but then again, he was basing his judgment off of his first two years in a school that treated him terribly.

Ike bade farewell after the last part of the tour was complete to go find a girl named Zelda and get to his pre-calculus class. Link and Pit were left alone in the hall and neither said a word for a few moments of awkward silence. The blonde took off his glasses and wiped them with his shirt, while Pit rocked on the balls of his feet and hummed nonchalantly. Seeing Link's blue eyes without the glasses caused an even stranger, more awkward feeling to stir within Pit's gut. The angel was too shy to really speak up for a few reasons, one was that he was still just so nervous being the new kid, and two there was a strange feeling in his stomach when he thought about Link, almost like if he opened his mouth, words would just spill out incoherently. It was such a foreign feeling, and Pit was totally unsure how to deal with it, maybe his mom would know and she could enlighten him. The angel was suddenly roused from his daydreaming by Link's voice.

"So…uh…Pit? Do you need anything else?" the blonde asked scratching the back of his head and gazing more towards the ground.

"Hmm, no thank you. Thanks to you and Ike, I think I'll be okay with getting to classes and everything" Pit replied with as polite a smile he could muster. Link nodded and returned the smile with a strange coloring in his cheeks. The angel furrowed his brow.

"Link, are you sick? Why are your cheeks pink?" Pit asked suddenly. The blonde senior turned his head and chuckled lightly, if not a tad timidly.

"No, I'm fine. If you ever need anything, feel free to find Ike or myself. I've got to run to class, there's a test today in bio. Bye Pit!" Link exclaimed and hurried off down the hall. Pit watched the pointy-eared senior disappear around the corner, tilting his head in confusion while his wings stretched themselves.

'What was that about?' Pit wondered. The angel shrugged to himself and proceeded to his classroom, where he hoped he would find equally as friendly people as Link and Ike. Pit was rather surprised and happy that almost every class he attended during the day was very warm and welcoming and full of friendly individuals, and then some, but the angel tried to pay them little mind, unless they were teachers. Pit was excited that he ended up sharing two classes with Link and one with Ike, while the rest had at least one or two friends the blonde and bluenette had introduced him to during the tour. Either way, the rest of the day went off without a hitch save for the occasional awkward introduction in front of the class where the students could freely marvel at his velvety, white feathered wings.


'I think I'm going to like it here' Pit mused as he left the guidance counselor's office. Mrs. Peach, clad in her pink, flower print shirt and skirt, was extremely friendly and helpful as she showed Pit the final product of his 'identity ring'. The angel's blue eyes widened in amazement and his jaw hit the floor. The plain, silver trinket had been transformed spectacularly into an engraved masterpiece. The symbols that were sculpted into the small band all had some significance to the angel and his history as a descendant from Skyworld. Pit could only imagine the look on his mother's face when she saw this item.

The angel walked through the vacant halls and out to the front of the school, while continuously turning the ring over in his hand. The blue eyed angel decided to try the item on and without a second thought slipped the piece on his finger. There was a strange sensation that coursed through the junior and he felt something was wrong. Glancing over his shoulder, the boy's eyes widened in horror as his angelic wings seemed to disintegrate into a sparkling, snowy dust. Pit tore the ring off his hand and the wings immediately reappeared on his back completely unharmed. The boy guffawed and replaced the ring on his finger and then took it off again in fear. The process continued for several more repetitions until a familiar voice spoke up.

"You'll get used to it Pit. Don't worry" The angel looked up and spotted Link in the driver's seat of an older model of a green Buick car parked next to the sidewalk. Pit immediately blushed and returned to twiddling his thumbs when he saw the blonde and heard snickering from within the car.

"Hey guys, be nice to him. Say hello" Link scolded whomever it was in the back seat.

The back window rolled down and the angel saw three young faces looking at him with mischievous smirks plastered across their features. One looked exactly like Link except maybe a little younger, shorter, and without glasses. The other two looked to be twins in physical appearance until Pit looked more closely and realized one was a boy and the other a girl. The young faces all gazed at the angel and collectively opened their mouths in unison to speak.

"Hiiiiiii" the trio droned. Link rolled his crystal blue eyes and beckoned to Pit.

"This is my little brother Link, but just call him Toonie cause everyone else does for reasons. The twins back here are Popo and Nana. I get the unfortunate pleasure of chauffeuring them around all the time" Link said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You mean you get the glorious privilege to drive us around!" scoffed Link's brother. Popo and Nana snickered together in the back as Link vocalized his disapproving groan.

"Believe me…if I wasn't related, you wouldn't see me with these three for anything…" Link whispered, "Anyhow, would you like a ride?"

"He can just fly home can't he?" grumbled Toonie. Link shot his brother a viciously cold glare that silenced the younger blonde.

"I-I…err…th-thank you" Pit stammered with a nod and blush. Toonie was right though, Pit usually flew home on his own, only because he didn't seem to blend in on buses and he had no friends that drove back in his old school. Link smiled warmly and tilted his head towards the passenger seat.

"Well get in then. I'll take you home…just uh…could you wear your ring? I don't think you'll be too comfortable with your wings so cramped" Link said with a nervous expression. The angel looked at the blonde with frightened features, but found himself gradually feeling a lot more comfortable by looking into Link's eyes. Pit nodded and reluctantly slipped his ring on, allowing his wings to disappear in a sparkling light. The trio in the backseat 'ooohed' and 'aaahed' at the sight.

Just as a profusely blushing Pit hopped into the passenger seat, there was an earth shattering explosion that came from the school. A huge, billowing plume of smoke rose up like a snake to touch the heavens above.

'Roy. Jacob. Pherae! Report to the headmaster's office NOW!' a voice boomed over the intercom. Pit looked on in horror while the other occupants of Link's car started laughing uncontrollably.

"Roy is at it again" giggled Nana.

"Don't worry about that. Master Hand will handle it. He always does" Link said reassuringly to Pit as he pulled away from the academy.

And so it begins. I'm gonna' try to be regular on updates, but yeah.....

Hope you enjoyed!