"Look Ema, trust me. I'd never steer you wrong and you know it." Lana smiled. "You just need to put up with a few more weeks, maybe a month of Gavin. Then I can promise you a new job."
"Working for you?" Ema wanted confirmation.
"Well, under one of my finest associates I promise." Lana nodded. "Do we have a deal?" She held out her hand.
Ema hesitated at first. Her hand lingered in the air for a couple of minutes before she took her sister's hand and firmly shook it.
"I guess you heard all that…" Lana waited until her sister went out that evening, taking her sleeping son from Apollo's arms.
"Yeah." Apollo nodded.
"It means you only have a month to decide." Lana walked out into the main room, closely followed by Apollo.
"I know what I want to say but my heart keeps telling me not to…" Apollo sighed.
"In other words you want to say yes but your heart says no."
"That's it."
"Listen Apollo." She gently lowered her sleeping baby into his Moses basket. "Why do you think I've managed to start a business on a thousand bucks from my aunt's inheritance?"
"That's all. I thought you used more than that!"
"No." Lana shook her head. "Because I bought my office and rented it to a fellow graduate from my law school. She always made sure she gave me a share of her wage whenever rent time came. Having loyal colleagues like her mean I have no worries over money. I have plenty of income from plenty of places. Look at this apartment for a start."
"Even so…"
"You're not going to be taking anything from baby Seth, you will be working in a building you will rent from me. I'm willing to be an investor to start your firm too."
"Well how would you get that much back?"
"Like I said, I'd want a ten percent share in your business, that ten percent will cover your rent and some of the money I've invested. When your business is built up and you owe me no more money then I will only be interested in the rent and utilities for the office."
"Damn Lana. You're in the wrong business." Apollo smiled. "You should be a business woman."
"Technically I already am." She reminded him. "But putting the guilty behind bars is my true passion. So…will you say yes to my offer."
"Alright. Yes." Apollo nodded his head. "If I can take a look at this office first."
"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything less." Lana nodded.
"It's probably a little derelict inside, I can get a friend of mine to do it up for you." Lana assured. "I know a few interior decorators and things to draw up designs you might like and everything."
The office was spacious. Big enough for him to wheel the chair around easily. There was plenty of space and two doors leading to a bathroom and what Apollo could imagine as a kitchen area.
"This place is amazing Lana!" Apollo couldn't reach just one area of the office. Which was on a slightly elevated platform.
"This would obviously be where your assistant would be." Lana closed the door and wheeled her son's stroller into the room. "There's some room for bookshelves behind the desk so you can move your law books so your assistant is in charge of them."
"This place is great."
"So you'll take my offer." Apollo nodded his response to her. "Right, we'll get a contract drawn up for you and all that stuff and I'll have some friends do some designs for the office. We'll get it all fixed up and looking good."
"You're the best Lana! Have you spoken to Wright about this by the way?"
"He seemed a little peeved at first, then strangely happy." Lana remembered. "Something about 'not having to feed him'"
"He didn't feed me anyway!" Apollo laughed.
"Well whatever, his loss. You'll be well looked after here, I promise you." Lana held out her hand. "Shake on it?" She asked. He took her hand and shook gently.
"Well, what about Ema?" Apollo asked as they sat down in a nearby café.
"What about her?" Lana took the coffee from the waitress who was staring at the boy in the stroller gooey eyed. "Oh, the job thing!"
"Yeah, the job thing." Apollo nodded a thank you to the young woman.
"Well, she'll have three options."
"Which are?"
"Well one, she stays working for Gavin."
"I doubt that." Apollo took a sip of his soda.
"I doubt it too, or someone will agree to move her into their custody which, to be honest is even less likely."
"Number two is she can be your assistant."
"I saw that one coming." Apollo smiled.
"I think it would be ideal, she'd be out in the field, still doing the job she loves, just for a lawyer rather than a prosecutor and a boss who would treat her nicer."
"I'd like that. At least she'd know what she's doing."
"Indeed. There is a third option though."
"What's the third?" Apollo asked curiously.
"My lawyer friend who manages the other law firm has an ex-cop as an assistant too, she's a little younger than Ema in fact."
"And she gave up law enforcement already?" Apollo seemed surprised.
"Not quite. Got involved in a shooting, got some damage to the leg. Nothing severe, she can walk and everything." Lana closed her eyes. "I think she'd be quite useful to you, she's quiet an intellectual and she can create profiles of people off the top of her head."
"I'd much rather I had Ema."
"I would too but I'd like you to meet this young lady first before you pass her up."
"So you're the little nightmare huh?" The lawyer cooed.
"Tia, you'll spoil him." Lana smiled.
"Ah, but where are my manners. You must be the infamous lawyer Mr Apollo Justice." She held out a hand. "I express my deepest sympathies over your illness."
Tia Dropp was Lana's best friend when she studied law. At first Tia also wanted to be in the courts protecting those accused of murder but she found she was deathly afraid of blood. She would take on cases that were not quite as severe as those Apollo would regularly take and she managed the law firm and the lawyers and solicitors within it – which dealt with many smaller cases.
"Pleased to meet you too Miss Dropp." Apollo smiled shyly.
"So you want to speak to Demmie?"
"If we could." Lana smiled.
"Did you need something?" As if on cue Tia's assistant appeared behind them. "Miss Skye, hello. This must be your new baby hm?" She waved at the little boy in the stroller. "He's very cute."
"Thanks. Demmie Roberts I'd like you to meet my lawyer friend Apollo Justice." She gestured to Apollo.
"How do you do?"
Demmie was a very carefree woman closer to Apollo's age than Ema's. She was good, as Lana has said and Tia could testify to that.
"I'd much prefer staying here, no offence to you Mr Justice." She took a sip from the bottle of juice she was drinking. "I may be good at profiling but when it comes to seeing the bigger picture I'm not as fortunate. Your sister however…"
"I know she's good." Apollo smiled.
"Why do you ask anyway?" Tia asked.
"Well, the prosecutor she works for, Gavin…he causes her a lot of hassle and she wants to leave."
"Ah ok, and I'm already well aware of your situation with Apollo. You're lucky to have a friend like her you know?"
"Yeah. I know." Apollo smiled.
"So why did you seem so keen on me?" Demmie asked.
"Well, I figured if Ema wouldn't work for Apollo then maybe you and her would be willing to do a switch. I highly doubt you'd be switching though." Lana replied honestly.
"Interesting. Well, if you ever needed my help Mr Justice I would be happy to pop around and help build a profile of the killer I would assume to be the one and your client." Demmie smiled. "I only work here Monday toThursday and on Saturdays so I could pop by every Friday. I wouldn't even expect pay."
"Perhaps I could suggest a better idea?" Tia cut in. "Since we both work for the same employer perhaps our offices could work in unison. We would be happy to lend you our services as long as you would be happy doing the same with us."
"I don't see which of my services you'd need…" Apollo looked to Lana who nodded. "Still, I accept."
A week passed and in that week Lana had been getting interior decorator friends of hers to design what they think an office should look like for the young attorney.
"So, I think that one's a bit too old for you, a lot like my office…" Lana discounted one. "This one's by a close friend of mine…"
She opened the paper to reveal a fairly minimalist, easy to get round, modern office. Apollo smiled, he liked this one more than the others so far.
"Judging by the reaction I'd say you like it." Lana smiled.
Within weeks the new office was built. Within days Ema would start to fall in love with him…