CH4: A Kink in the flight

Everyone sat in the main living room of the ship "Now I have a question." Jimmy said.

"How did you 3 do what you did?" the 3 told them everything that happened.

The watch, the squid face and everything else "You're telling me that you are the protector of the galaxy?" Sarah asked with a giggle.

"Hey! You saw what sock head did back on earth! He can turn into any alien in the universe!" Sarah just looked at him.

"By the way Eddward. How did you escape from the cell in Vilgax's Ship?" Azmuth asked Double-D.

Double-D rubbed his head and told the story


The 3 Ed's were chained to the wall as Double-D spoke to Ed "Ed? Do you still have Wormy?" Double-D asked.

"Yep!" Ed said happily.

"Well then, tell Wormy to climb into my pocket and take out the green watch, then tell him to put it on my left wrist." Ed nodded and spoke.

"Ping pong, Google vista!" Wormy climbed out of his pocket and slithered over to Double-D. After getting out the watch and putting it on Double-Ds wrist.

"Good! Now… Omnitrix! Goop!" in a flash, Double-D was engulfed in a green flash and transformed into a green glob. He slid out of the chains and melted the others chains "Now it's time to kick butt!" Double-D said with happiness and anger.

"End flashback"

Sarah looked at Ed "You have a worm in your pocket?" Jimmy looked as if he was about to barf. But before that could happen, a loud booming sound was heard coming from outside "What was that?" Ed whispered.

"Be prepared for anything…" Double-D whispered back. But then, the door to their left flung open! And guess who… I will give you a clue… pure evil demon witches! "Kankers!" Eddy yelled with fear.

"Looks like we got ourselves a few wanted men!" Lee said happily "What do you mean?" Double-D asked suspiciously.

"After beating up Kevin, there was a big reward put on your heads! So we want first dibs." Marie said happily "We couldn't have made it out here without one thing! Big Ed's toys are very realistic!" May finally gave a happy giggle.

Double-D smirked "I don't think you can take us… dead cows!" the 3 Kankers shot steam from their ears. "Let's end this right now!" Eddy ran at Lee and grew 8 feet "That's new."

Marie said with a little surprise. Ed charged lightning in his hands "Let's end this, once and for all!" he threw the lightning at May but she dodge it. Eddy threw a punch at Lee, but she blocked it. "Time to monkey around!"

Double-D slapped down on the Omnitrix, then transformed into Spidermonkey! "Let's see how ya like a face full of web! Ha, ha, oo, oo!"

Spidermonkey flipped from wall to wall and punched Marie in every opening, then shot web in her face (Ha, ha!).

Eddy kept trying to hit Lee, but she kept blocking "The bigger they are…" Lee slid under Eddy and kicked him in the tail bone "The harder they fall!" Eddy fell and shrunk back to normal. "Nice shots big Ed!"

May kept dodging the bolts Ed shot, but then he made himself look like he was going to shoot to the left, and May dodged the fake shot, while Ed shot a real bolt at the right and hit her dead on! Spidermonkey dodged every punch that Marie threw.

"Hold still!" Spidermonkey kicked Marie and made her slide and hit a small trash can "Kiss my butt! Ha, ha, oo, oo!" he slapped his Omnitrix symbol and in a green flash, transformed into Swampfire. "This is gonna be a blast!"

Swampfire shot a faire ball at Marie… but it didn't affect her? "You're not the only one with talents, dream boat!" Marie morphed her hands into a spike balls "That's new…" Swampfire said surprised.

Eddy grew 14 Ft and grabbed Lee "Let's finish this!" he threw Lee into another room… "Good throw!" Azmuth told Eddy "Thanks!" he said smiling "Unfortunately… that room is the engine room!"

Eddy's face went pail and the ship shook. "Great! I knew Eddy would kill us some day!" Sarah said with anger "Ya gotta give him props though! Plank says that was one massive spin ball!"

The ship started to shake violently. It started to go into crash landing on a nearby planet; the ship hit the atmosphere, they fell and crashed on what seemed to be… a desert planet.

After getting everyone out of the wreckage, Double-D walked up to Lee I know that you have hidden talents, so I think we should join forces." Double-D held out his hand "Deal!" Lee shook his hand.

"But… only if we get a kiss! And not on the cheek either!" the 3 Ed's groaned "You just had to do that, didn't you?" Eddy asked, but he knew the answer…