I felt the cool grass against my bare feet; the freezing air whipped my hair across my face. The cuts on my arms and legs stung as the water found its way between the skin, leaving rings of red around them. My eyes were stinging as the cold wind blew across my face. I'd been running for hours. My clothes were torn and I'd lost my shoes ages ago, but still I ran. I had to get away from them; they were chasing me, never giving up and never tiring. They could run for days, I could barely run for 5 hours. My foot hit a stone and I fell, skinning my knees on the way down, I felt fresh blood trickle down my forehead. I scrambled to my feet, they were getting closer, I could hear their cries of rage not far behind me. Quickly ducking out of sight, I tore off the hem of my dress, what was left of it anyway. My dress was barely recognisable as a dress, the amount of tears and rips in it, but I didn't care, after all I never liked wearing a dress. I ran back out onto the flat, the field went on for miles, with the occasional bush or tree. I felt my heart pounding in my ears, I could here them catching up. I ran, faster and faster trying to cover more ground, but alas I could hear them clearly now, they were shouting orders and the space between us was closing. I looked back, they weren't far behind, then suddenly I ran into something hard, my head hit the ground and the world started to spin. I looked up, of all the people I could have run into it had to be him. I felt his hot breath on my neck as he hauled me to my feet; I felt his hand run down my leg. I kicked him in the groin.

"Feisty today aren't we?" he said mockingly, I rolled my eyes. He swung me over his shoulder and proceeded to walk, I kicked him in the face, but he just kept walking.

"You are so doomed Zim" I said and kicked him again.

"I don't think so little Gaz; you see Zim has the upper hand in this one" he pinned my legs and walked back to the cruiser, giving instructions to his minions as he went. Stupid Zim, he might have one this one, but he wont win the next.