Title: run run run, as fast as you can

Disclaimer: not my characters

Warnings: future!fic

Pairings: implied het

Rating: PG

Wordcount: 155

Point of view: third

Prompt: Henry/Vicki, our future will be forever intertwined

He leaves Toronto, leaves Vicki and Mike and Coreen. He can set up shop somewhere else, somewhere less exciting, less messy. Somewhere away from Vicki and Mike and their tangled lives.

Vicki deserves someone better. Someone alive, someone warm, someone who can see her in sunlight.

Even without him, odd cases swarm to Vicki, and he hears so many stories. Some of them must be true.

Mike dies first, of course, during a routine investigation. In the line of duty, saving a civilian. Henry sends flowers.

Next, Coreen, caught up in something beyond her understanding.

And Vicki knocks on Henry's door one night, as he's sketching his latest idea, and she smells like magic, like shadows and blood, and she says, "I'm tired, Henry."

He doesn't ask what she's done, what's been done to her, what deal she's made and who holds the contract.

He says, "Come to bed, Vicki" and lays her down.