Chapter 1
Disc: I do not own naruto!
"Ha, ha, ha,"
The sound of someone training broke the silence of the early morning on the Hyuuga estate.
"Sakura-Chan, its 6 a.m. what are you doing training this early. The academy doesn't start for another three hours" 'yawn' a timid voice said from the edge of the training field.
"Gomen, Hinata-Sama, but I couldn't sleep" Sakura said turning to Hinata and bowing in respect.
Unlike other Hyuuga's Sakura was different, she didn't have brown hair like so many of the Hyuuga do, no she had cherry blossom pink hair, hence why her name is 'Sakura', and because of this trait she is shunned by most of the other adults.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me 'Hinata-Sama', Hinata or Hinata-chan is just fine." Hinata said.
"But that is disrespectful, I can not." Sakura said with an emotionless face.
Unlike Hinata, who belonged to the main house, Sakura belonged to the branch house and like the other branch members she hated the main house but unlike some she didn't hate Hinata and made it her goal to always protect her.
"Ok, let's get ready for the academy; I can't wait to find out whose team we're on." Hinata said beaming.
"As long as I'm on the same team as you I'm happy." Sakura said with the same emotionless face.
'An hour later'
Hinata and Sakura walked towards the academy building, as they passed the flower shop, Ino came out.
"I-Ino-chan, g-good m-morning." Hinata said stuttering.
"Good morning Hinata-chan, Sakura-chan" Ino said beaming.
"Hn" was all Sakura said, causing a vein to throb on Ino's forehead.
"God, that's all you ever say, can't you say something else for once." Ino exclaimed.
"Ugh, that's the same thing" Ino yelled.
"Shut up and move, Ino-pig or we'll be late" Sakura said annoyed at how loud Ino was being.
Putting the matter aside for now all three continued walking to the academy, when they arrived in class, Ino ran towards her crush, Sasuke, pushing another blond to the ground to get to him.
"Naruto-kun" Hinata said in concern.
"Hi, Sasuke-kun is it ok with you if I sit next to you." Ino said blushing, though Sasuke just closed his eyes.
"No way, I'm sitting next to Sasuke-kun, I was here first." A girl with purple hair screeched.
"No way, Ami, I'm sitting next to Sasuke-kun." A red head said and before long just about every girl was screeching about who sits next to Sasuke.
Everyone turned to see Naruto squatting on the desk in front of Sasuke, both glaring at each other.
"NARUTO, get away from Sasuke-kun." Ino screeched.
'What so great about him any way' Naruto thought as he glared at Sasuke.
"No way really" a boy in front of Naruto said leaning back, bumping Naruto.
"Oops, sorry about...." the boy said before cutting off.
When Naruto was bumped, he fell forward smashing he lips onto Sasukes. All the fan girls stood their shocked, Hinata covered her eyes not wanting to see and Sakura just sat there with her eyes closed. Both Naruto and Sasuke pulled apart coughing and spitting.
"Naruto, I'm going to kill you"
"Not if I kill you first."
"Na-ru-to" Ino growled cracking her knuckles.
"W-wait, it was an accident" Naruto said backing away.
-Five minutes later-
Naruto sat at his desk covered in lumps and bruises, Iruka walked into the class holding a clipboard.
"Ok lets get started, Team 1......Team 7, Uzumaki Naruto..."
Naruto looked up after hearing his name.
"Hyuuga Sakura..."
Sakura opened her pearl coloured eyes and turned her head to look at Hinata, who looked like she'd pass out any minute.
"And Hyuuga Hinata."
Hinata relaxed and sighed in relief.
"Team 8, Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Uchiha Sasuke."
Kiba groaned loudly about being on the same team as Sasuke, Sasuke sighed in relief and Shino stayed silent.
"Team 10, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji."
Ino felt like banning her head off her desk, Shikamaru was too lazy to care and Chouji continued to stuff his face.
"All the teams are assigned and there's no changing, have lunch and then wait for your jounin sensei, class dismissed." Iruka said as he walked out of the classroom.
-An hour later-
"Ugh, where is he, all the other genin left with their senseis." Naruto whined.
"D-don't w-worry N-Naruto-kun, I-I'm sure h-he'll b-be here s-soon" Hinata stuttered blushing madly.
"Hn" Sakura said.
"Huh, Sakura-chan, you just sounded like Sasuke-teme." Naruto Said.
"Don't you dare compare me to him" Sakura hissed at Naruto.
Naruto gulped as the room seem to get cold all of a sudden.
"Sakura-chan, your nothing like Uchiha-san, your better than him, your smarter and stronger." Hinata said softly and room returned to normal.
"Yo, I'm Hatake Kakashi and I'll be your jounin sensei." Kakashi said while reading a small orange book.
"Your late" Sakura said in an icy tone, causing Kakashi to shudder.
"We'll meet you on the roof." Kakashi said before he poofed away.
-On the roof-
"Now that we're all here, let's start the introductions', I'll go first. As you already know my name is Hatake Kakashi, my likes and dislikes I don't feel like telling, hobbies... I have lots of hobbies, and dream...I never really thought about." Kakashi said.
'All we really learned was his name' all three thought sweat-dropping.
"Ok, blondy, you first."
"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I like Ramen and training, I hate Sasuke-teme, my hobby, pranks I guess and my dream is to be Hokage." Naruto said grinning while fiddling with his forehead protector.
'Well, he's got quite a goal.' Kakashi thought before turning to Hinata. "Alright your turn."
"Hai, my name is Hyuuga Hinata, I like spending time with my friends and training, I don't like people judging others and people picking on others, my hobby, making medicine and my dream is to prove to the main family that I am strong and to change the laws of the Hyuuga's so no one has to suffer because of what family their born into." Hinata said without stuttering once, next to her Sakura smiled warmly at the determination she saw in Hinata.
'So she wants to change the way the Hyuuga clan works, who knows, she might actually do it.' Kakashi thought smiling under his mask. "Ok, last one."
"Hn, my name is Hyuuga Sakura, my likes are, training, meditating, and spending time with my friends, my dislikes are, people who are arrogant and power hungry, and everyone in the main family but Hinata-sama, my hobby, reading I guess, and my dream is to always protect Hinata-sama." Sakura said emotionlessly.
"Huh, you're a Hyuuga, Sakura, does that mean you're related to Hinata." Naruto said scratching his head.
"No Naruto, just because we share the same family name doesn't mean we're related, I am of the branch family, where as Hinata-sama is from the main family." Sakura explained coldly.
'Oh, Sakura-chan." Hinata thought sadly.
'Interesting, it's just as Hokage-sama said.' Kakashi thought looking at the pink haired Hyuuga.
"Here are the names of your new team." The Hokage said handing Kakashi the sheet with the names of the genin in team 7.
"Hm, Uzumaki Naruto, the Kyuubi container, I see, you put him on my team, so I could keep an eye on him, right." Kakashi said looking up from the sheet.
"Hai, I want you to keep the Kyuubi under control, and I also want you to keep an eye on another in your team, Hyuuga Sakura." The Hokage said folding his hand in front of his face.
"A Hyuuga." Kakashi said interested.
"Hai, she's from the branch family and you know how hard it is to be a part of that branch, she's also very different from the other Hyuuga's, her appearance is unusual for a Hyuuga; she has bright pink hair and very pale skin. I want you to keep an eye on her and show her what it's like to have a family, seeing as she lost both her parents when she was very young." The Hokage said.
"Hai, Hokage-sama." Kakashi said.
End of Flashback.
"Alright everyone, come to training ground four tomorrow, oh, and don't eat breakfast." Kakashi said before leaving.
hope you liked this chapter
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Sakura Haruno554 xx