A/N: Thank you for reading this people! I hope you like it! Read and Review!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto or Junjou Romantica characters.

Warning: Yaoi (malexmale), crude language, future sexual content

Rated: NC-17

Pairing: Nowaki Kusama & Naruto Uzumaki

Summary: Falling in love while oncoming danger was literally riding your ass was kind of hard if you asked Naruto. Good thing Nowaki was a pretty strange guy, but then again, so was he.

Books Are Boring

Chapter 1: New Neighbors

"Usagi-san! Please, stop it!" Misaki cried as he desperately tried to shove the wandering pale hands of his boyfriend away from his body. His lover, Usami Akihiko, reluctantly fell back on his assault with a sigh and laid back against the couch with his arms spread out on top of the furniture. Misaki scooted over to the other side of the couch, away from the silver-haired man.

"You always act like this is your first time." Akihiko chuckled while rubbing his chin. Misaki was about to retort when they heard a crash coming from outside. A few seconds later, there was shouting. Misaki listened, curious as to what was going on.

"So what? You're gonna dump us here and leave? Jiraiya, if you didn't want me- us, why didn't you just say so instead of me having to find out by myself!"

"Naruto, calm down! You're making a scene!"

"You think I give a flying fuck if I'm making a scene! Damn it Jiraiya! You're about to leave us again! You're leaving me!" They heard the boy's voice crack (the tone of it sounded to rough to be female) and a sob quickly followed after that.

"Naruto, please…don't cry….."

Somebody else spoke, but this time it didn't sound like the boy's voice. It sounded malicious, like the voice of a child molester from a movie.

"Jiraiya, it's time to leave."

Misaki looked worriedly at the door, deciding whether to stay in or go out. In the end, he chose the latter and hurriedly bolted for the door. He vaguely heard Akihiko yell after him, quick footsteps following behind him.


The brunette opened the door with Akihiko hot on his tail and his green eyes widened. There was a old white haired man standing right next to a blond haired boy, Naruto, on the ground who was hugging his knees to his chest protectively. The old man glanced up at them momentarily before going back to gazing at the blond on the floor.

To his left there was a big chested blond lady with pig-tails right next to him and a snake-like man standing impatiently right next to her, his skin a sickly pale and his stature wreaking of annoyance. The woman put a reassuring hand on the white haired man's shoulder and frowned.

"C'mon Jiraiya." She ushered while pulling him along with her as all three of the grown ups started walking away.

The man, Jiraiya, glanced solemnly at the blond on the ground before leaving, but continued on. The blond lifted his head off his knees slightly and gave him an icy glare.

"You're just like my father." Naruto spat. Jiraiya faltered in his step but proceeded to walk, not turning back to even spare him a look. After a minute or so, the blond got up and wiped his face quickly, stuffing his hands in his pockets and then went inside the housing quarters at the end of the hallway. The blond didn't even glance their way as he slammed the door behind him.

Akihiko shut the door and grabbed Misaki's wrist and dragged him to the couch, seating him down right next the himself. Violet eyes gazed worriedly into soft emerald ones.

"I'm fine Usagi." Misaki reassured his lover as he chewed his lip in thought.

That Naruto guy was certainly interesting.

Naruto sighed and ran a hand through his disheveled blond hair, slumping against the closed door and sliding to the floor tiredly. He put his elbows to his knees and clutched onto his hair and tugged at it frustratedly.

"Nii-chan?" A small worried voice spoke up.

Naruto's eyes snapped open to reveal his cerulean orbs and he looked up, seeing his seven year old brother Konohamaru in his little train pajamas with a drowsy look on chubby face. The blond glanced at the clock on the wall, noticing it was already ten 'o clock. Too late for his younger brother to be up so late at night when they had a busy day tomorrow. Naruto guessed he shouldn't have been so loud. The blond gestured with his hand for his brother to come over where he was and the brunette grinned, immediately complying to his older brother's silent request.

Naruto smiled fondly as Konohamaru ran up to him with his arms wide open, a lopsided grin on his face. The blond spread out his arms as well, catching his precious bundle of joy in a warm embrace, nuzzling his soft brown hair. The boy cuddled his nose into Naruto's tan neck and let out a contented sigh when he smelt the familiar and calming scent of his brother. Naruto stroked Konohamaru's hair soothingly, rocking their bodies back and forth, lulling his sibling back to sleep. The older male hummed lightly until he could hear his little brother's breathing even out.

The teenager cautiously stood up, making sure as to not awake Konohamaru from his slumber and quietly tiptoed upstairs. He entered their shared bedroom and set him gently down on the queen sized bed. It was sort of a habit for the both of them to sleep together ever since their parents had left them. When they tried to sleep in different rooms, Konohamaru would end up crawling next to him in the middle of the night.

Naruto tucked his younger brother under the blue fluffy sheets, pulling the covers over the boy and smoothing back his hair to plant a soft kiss on Konohamaru's forehead. Before getting in himself he took off his plain white v-shaped shirt off along with his black skinny jeans, leaving him in only his green boxers. The blond slipped inside the bed next to his brother and stared up blankly at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come.

"What am I going to do?" He asked to no one in particular as he gazed at Konohamaru fearfully.

Naruto glanced at his cell-phone which laid innocently on his night stand and his hand itched to get it and dial in the needed number. In the end, he decided against it for the sake of his pride. Naruto shifted positions to lie on his stomach and snuggled further into his pillow, breathing in deeply before relaxing his eyes. He fell asleep in minutes.


Misaki's uneasy voice rang through the empty hallway. His right hand was hovering over the copper doorknob that lead to the apartment of his next door neighbor. He debated on whether or not to knock on the blond teen's door or just leave it be.

Just then, the door was swung open and a very disheveled blond carrying a small boy in his arms along with two heavy looking backpacks hung on his shoulders burst out. Naruto looked at him before quickly turning his back on him to fumble with his keys with the child still in his arms. The blond managed to lock his door and wasted no time in bolting down the hall.

Misaki finally let his hand fall down to his side and a light frown threatened to reveal itself on his lips. That is, until he heard-

"Sorry! Can't talk! Busy!"

-and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Naruto hugged Konohamaru close to his body as he made it outside, a chilly wind blowing at them and making them shiver. He quickly but swiftly ran amongst the crowd that were hurriedly walking down the pavement, avoiding trying to run into people as he dodged them. Naruto bumped into a couple of people and hurriedly shouted his apologies to them before they had a chance to retaliate against him. The blond finally made it to the bus stop and tried to catch his breath, inhaling deeply as waited.

"How you doin' 'Maru?" Naruto asked his brother once he had caught his breath. Big brown eyes looked up at him innocently.

"I'm cold." Konohamaru replied while snuggling closely to Naruto who smiled reassuringly down at him, nuzzling his cold cheek against the smaller boy's chubbier one.

"Just a couple of more minutes buddy." Naruto said while hugging his brother closer to his body.

The blond sighed in relief as he heard the familiar screeching halt of a bus which stood in front of the crowd they were in. He waited patiently as all the people filed in a line to get inside for his turn, but once it was his turn to pay, he couldn't find his money.

Great, this is just my fucking day. Naruto moodily thought.

The blond sighed in annoyance and looked pleadingly at the busdriver who just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, moving his eyes toward the people that were waiting impatiently behind him. Naruto groaned dejectedly and made to turn around and leave but was met with a hard chest. His azure eyes looked up to meet dark-blue eyes. The owner of the eyes smiled at him pleasantly and stretched out his hand to the bus-driver.

"I'll pay for him so please let him pass." Naruto shivered as the man's mint-scented breath washed over him.

"Thank you so much sir!" Naruto bowed to him as much as he could in a crowded bus and the man just nodded, still smiling down at him. The blond teenager squeezed through the crowd of people and situated himself in an empty spot where he had enough room for Konohamaru and himself to stand. He stood silently with his brother still in his arms and faced ahead of him as he grabbed onto one of the handles that hung from the ceiling. He caught sight of the man from just a few seconds ago look around as if searching for someone and stop once they landed on him. The weaved through the numerous crowd of people until he was standing in front of the blond.

Now that Naruto had enough time to look at the stranger closely, he realized he was quite handsome. He had blue-black hair and was at least four inches taller than Naruto. He was also quite tan, most likely natural since he still had it during the cold weather. The stranger stuck out his hand and smiled at him politely.

"We didn't get to properly introduce ourselves. Hello, my name is Kusama Nowaki, it's a pleasure to meet you. May I ask what your name is?" The man asked him while never once taking his eyes off of him

"Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you." The blonde said while detaching his hand from the handle to take the other man's hand. Before he could grasp Nowaki's hand though, the bus chose that moment to lurch forward. Naruto lost his balance and stumbled forward, colliding roughly with the man's chest who he had not even met ten seconds ago. A strong arm was wrapped securely around his waist and the blond instinctively clutched onto Nowaki's black jacket. Naruto blushed when he realized how close Nowaki was to him, his face turning a red tomato as the man leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could let go of you but it seems we're stuck this way. There are too many people so I can't move my hand." True to his word there was indeed too many people. They couldn't even move.

Naruto just nodded and looked down, averting his eyes away from the handsome man.

"What's this little fellow's name?" Nowaki asked and the blond looked up immediately, cerulean orbs shining. Naruto felt Konohamaru's hold on him tighten and his body tense at the mention of him. The blond male smiled up at his new acquaintance and patted his little brother's hair softly.

"His name is Konohamaru, he's my little brother." The small brunette peeked an eye up at the man his brother was talking to. Nowaki smiled down at him and Konohamaru hid his face once again, feeling his older brother's throat vibrate as Naruto chuckled at his timid antics.

"He's a bit shy." The blond explained and Nowaki just nodded in understanding. The bus jerked to a rough stop once again and Naruto flushed as the hold on him tightened, the handsome man pulling his body flush against his own as some people got off. The automotive continued on for a few more streets until Naruto noticed they were nearing his stop and informed the raven who almost frowned.

The bus stopped again and as the people filed out Nowaki was able to let go of the blond. Naruto waved to the man and hurriedly got off the bus. He ran down the sidewalk which didn't have as much people as most of the time and crossed the street.

The blond made it to a large building and sighed in relief, running to the clear doors and heaving them open. He let out a content sigh when his body was welcomed with warm waves of heat and continued on inside the building, crossing the empty hallway and opening the wooden door that led to the office.

There was a tall counter right beside him and he looked over it. There was a lady with long, flowing black hair typing quickly on her computer. She finally looked up after she had stopped typing and got up from her chair.

"Yes?" The black haired woman asked him.

"Um, are you still taking in second grade students? I already have his paperwork filled out and everything." Naruto explained while setting Konohamaru on the ground and proceeded to rummage through one of the backpacks. He pulled out a thin stack of papers and laid it out in front of the receptionist. She took it and skimmed over the first page before thumbing through the rest of them. Her chocolate eyes finally looked up once she was finished and she walked out from behind the counter.

"If you follow me Naruto-san then I will gladly lead you to your son's assigned classroom." Naruto's hand tightened momentarily at the mention of the one false word and he bit his lip.

If he were to correct her, then he could kiss his brother's education good-bye. They would take Konohamaru away from him if they found out he was still in college and he didn't have a job. Child Protection Service's had once tried to take his little brother away from him when he had been fifteen, but he hadn't allowed it.

Technically, he hadn't been the right age to be taking care of a child when the blond was only twelve years old, and he still wasn't now that he was nineteen years of age. On the school forms that he had filled out he had put down his own name as Konohamaru's legitimate father, afraid that they wouldn't let Konohamaru in if he gave them his mother and father's real names. That would just cause a lot of unnecessary publicity. If the public found out that the world's greatest-

"We have arrived Naruto-san."

The blonde snapped out of his musings and looked at the woman and bowed.

"Thank you very much….um?"


"Thank you, Haku-kun." She smiled and knocked on the door lightly. They heard the muffled voices of children quiet down as a feminine voice shushed them. Finally, a woman with curly black hair and crimson eyes answered the door.

"Naruto, this is Yuhi Kurenai. Kurenai, this is Uzumaki Naruto and his son Uzumaki Konohamaru." The woman smiled at them and she stuck out her hand towards Naruto. The blonde took it into his own and shook it. She did the same to Konohamaru who took it shyly.

"Hello, as you already know my name is Kurenai, I will be your son's teacher from now on." She informed him while smiling a pearly white smile which reminded Naruto of a toothpaste commercial. The blond nodded in acceptance and Kurenai stepped out from the doorway so that the three could enter. Naruto turned to the two ladies and grinned sheepishly at them.

"Can I have a moment with my son please?" He asked while pulling his supposed son close to him. They nodded and stepped aside, giving them their space to talk. Once Naruto was sure they were out of ear-shot, he knelt in front of his brother and grabbed his shoulders.

"Now, remember 'Maru that when you're here, I am your father, understand?" Konohamaru nodded and grinned at him. Naruto pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head lovingly. He stood up and took off the black and green backpack that had been slung on his right shoulder. He handed it to Konohamaru who took it from him immediately.

"I already put your lunch in there and all your supplies as well. I'll be here to pick you up at three-thirty." Konohamaru nodded once again and Naruto smiled at him, ruffling his spiky hair.

"Be good and play nice." Konohamaru grinned at him. The small brunette ran off and sat down next to an orange-haired girl and a snotty-nosed (literally) brunette boy. Naruto smiled as his brother began to talk animatedly with them. He was always such a social person with kids his age, but he had never been so with adults.

Kurenai smiled at him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's sure nice to see such a handsome responsible young man. They're hard to find nowadays." The woman spoke while rubbing his shoulder softly. Naruto chuckled nervously and scooted closer to the receptionist.

"Well then, let us take our leave Kurenai-san." The black haired woman almost pouted and reluctantly let him go.

"I hope you visit us soon again." Kurenai called after him as they walked away. Naruto nodded hesitantly and his gaze lingered on his little brother, his heart cracking a bit as Haku shut the door.

The walk back was silent and awkward and it wasn't until the young receptionist spoke up that everything seemed to relax.

"You have a very strange name Naruto-san." Haku abruptly said as they were walking. Naruto snorted at her.

"Same here. Why would they name such a beautiful woman Haku?" The receptionist smirked at him and something told Naruto that he had made a mistake on his part.

"I'm a man."

Naruto chocked on his own spit.

Haku was just pulling his leg, right? He was prettier than most women he met!

Naruto scratched the back of his head sheepishly and sputtered his apologies

"G-Gomen, I didn't mean to…..you just look like…..Gah, I'm sorry! I'm not ver-" Haku laughed at him and gestured for him to cease his stuttering.

"It's alright Naruto-san, you certainly aren't the first to mistaken me for a women and you won't be the last." Naruto blushed and nodded solemnly, muttering a soft 'sorry' before everything fell silent again. They finally arrived to a familiar hallway and Haku turned to him, bowing in goodbye.

"Have a nice day, Naruto-san." The blonde smiled and nodded at him.

"You too, ja ne!"

Naruto pushed open the clear, glass doors and sped off. He checked his wrist-watch and cursed. It was already eight, his class had started at seven-thirty. If he kept on running like this, then he would probably make it in about ten minutes.

"First day of college and I'm already fucked!"

(IMPORTANT!) Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed the editing I've done! Reviews are much appreciated so please encourage me to write more! :D Not saying you have to, just informing you that it'll help in me updating sooner cuz of the inspiration. The chapters will be much shorter now so I'll probably still update sooner than normal.