Wohoo! My second ever fic! A SatoRisa fic! This is dedicated to my dearest brother (who kept bugging me to write something) along with his friends! Anyway enjoy!
Disclamer: No own. Ugh... If only I could draw Satoshi better...
Risa Harada didn't start her day so well. No, that was an understatement. She felt like hell. To start it all off, she was woken up by the loud banging of kitchen utensils.
"Risa! Wake up! Wake up!" Riku shouted as she continued to bang altogether the frying pan and spatula. Heh. I really wanted to do this! This is actually fun!
Risa winced at the continuous nuisance beefore her. Agh...! This was really getting on her nerves! Risa quickly moved to a sitting position, shoving the sheet that once covered her to her lap, "Okay! Okay! I'm up!" she shouted with great irritation in her voice. Riku stopped banging and grinned at her now awake twin sister. This was the perfect chance for Risa to shot a death glare to her twin. Oh, if only looks could kill...
Riku shrugged and started walking out of the room. Once the older Harada was out of sight and earshot (considering Riku was born a few minutes before Risa), Risa sighed. This is going to be a long day. Maybe a shower would be nice...
As the Harada twins continued their way for class, they spotted a certain red-haired boy. Riku was the first one to spoke up, "Good morning, Niwa-kun!"
The said red-haired lad, also known as Daisuke Niwa, turned only to find certain twins heading towards him. "Good morning, Riku-san, Risa-san," Daisuke greeted, who was also on his way to class.
Risa waved a hand as they neared Daisuke. "Ohayo, Niwa-kun..." she greeted back.
Riku took a glance at her watch and saw it was already 7:57. "Ah! Its already 7:57! We should hurry up! C'mon Risa! Niwa-kun!" the short haired Harada exclaimed as she grabbed Risa by the wrist and starte dragging her (another nuisance for Risa, I might add), leaving Daisuke trailing up behind.
"W-wait! Riku-san!"
As the three students of Azumano High entered their prospective classroom, they were surprised to see their classmates chattering all about. "Shouldn't Kawashima-sensei supposed to be here by now?" Daisuke asked to no one in particular. Kawashima-sensei was never absent.
"Are you sure we're in the right room, Risa?" Riku joked since Risa was the one who opened the door. The younger Harada turned to her and made a face which made her back a step and laugh nervously. Risa sighed and proceeded to her seat.
Okay, so maybe this day wouldn't be so bad at all. First period and second period became vacant (double period for Science) because Kawashima-sensei was absent. Risa was happily chatting with Ritsuko, a close friend of hers while Riku was talking to Mio, another close friend. (a/n: I know! They're classmates again! XD) Hm, this day wasn't so bad.
Meanwhile, a certain blue-haired boy with glasses (but still looked hot!) was somehow annoyed by the current situation. The teacher was absent, which would result to chatter, chatter, chatter. He looked at his watch and sighed. Still 30 minutes left before second period ends, he thought and focused back on the book he was currently reading. Next period will be Computer class. He felt something suddenly and he shivered. What the hell was that supposed to mean? He just shrugged the thought away.
Yes! Chappie 1 finished! Uwah...! This was kinda short, wasn't it? Oh well, I'll try to update soon. The advance studying for Physics is getting on the way! I'm only 14 yrs. old! Bear with me people! Tonikaku...Review! It would be a pleasure to have 'em!