Hey there! Sorry for the delay, but here it is: the last chapter of Morning. Thank you for staying in this romantic plot-less fic with me. I enjoyed it a lot. I hope you stick with me in future stories, hopefully better ones. About the chapter, in the middle there are some paragraphs in italics. That's because it's something that happened in the past, so don't be confused. It certainly gave my beta a hard time xD Well, onto the story. Please review after!

The night was perfect. The moon shone high in the sky and stars could be seen perfectly. It had been a good idea after all to announce the heist away from Tokyo. Here the city lights were far away, allowing to see the sky and its stars in a way you couldn't even dream about in Tokyo. In addition, he needed to stay away from there.

He looked at the beautiful landscape and focused on enjoying the night. The task force wouldn't be getting near in a while, as consequence of the 'super adhesive strawberry bubble gum tramp' they had fallen into.

He opened his fist and observed the heist prize. It hadn't been the first reason to make the heist here – or not in Tokyo, more accurately. He had just needed a distraction, but the new acquired diamond of the Takahashi family certainly did its thing. He held it under the moonlight, acknowledging that it wasn't Pandora, not that he had expected it to be. It was just a common diamond after all. Not much background history or weird stories of enchantments attached to it.

Anyway, now he had all his life to look for her, now that the B.O had been taken down. Shinichi and himself had fought shoulder to shoulder to do it and after two long years they had won. They had had to make sacrifices, but it was all worth it after all. And when it had ended, they had come back to everything they had left behind. Their families, their friends… and Shinichi had gone to Ran.

Surely, Kaito had missed that life terribly when he was away, but how he craved for spending a day with Shinichi alone now! His sarcastic tone, the smile in his face when he laughed at his jokes, the way his eyes would shine every time he solved a puzzle. He really missed that. But now, everything was different. He had left his side forever and he would never come back. It had all happened in a blink of an eye for Kaito and he wished he would have stayed open-eyed all the time to not lose sight of Shinichi, who had been his friend and his ally and then started to be more. Much more, because he had started to love him. Kaito didn't know how it had happened, why, or when exactly he had fallen in love. But he knew when he had realized it. Before their last fight, it had come clear that their adventure was coming to an end, good or bad, and he had known he would have to let go of Shinichi eventually and it hurt him. It hurt him so badly. The mere thought of being away from Shinichi made his heart ache. Like in that same instant.

He had confessed and, of course, had been rejected. He remembered how angry he had been when Shinichi had announced his marriage with Ran. Kaito hadn't wanted to admit it, but he had hoped. Hoped that Shinichi would feel the same way he did, hoped he would love him and would want to stay with him. But he had said it clearly, he wanted to marry Ran. Kaito had sensed Shinichi was feeling guilty because of Ran, but anyway, Shinichi had been clear about it, so he would step back.

And then, that night in the bar. They were 'celebrating' Shinichi's marriage. That was the night that had twisted Kaito's mind and changed everything. Because he had been more or less resigned about Shinichi, and definitely hadn't expected what had happened that night. He had just attended to it because Shinichi was still his friend after all. He hadn't had anything to celebrate for, but he wouldn't have let his friend down. Moreover, if he had been absent, it would have been suspicious that something wasn't right. Kaito would always cheer for his friend's happiness.

They sat in a round table in a corner and he asked for whiskey. When the waitress came back, Kaito asked her to leave the bottle. That would certainly make things easier. Shinichi, Hattori and Hakuba were laughing and joking and then someone asked Shinichi about his plans for the honeymoon. He didn't have to hear that. Kaito stood up and went to the dance floor. He was totally boozed already and hardly could stay still. He remembered a beautiful lady coming up to him and the next thing he knew, they were snogging against a wall. Great.

And then Shinichi came to him and he seemed worried. He knew something was bothering him, so he followed him out of the bar. Some exchange of words he couldn't remember followed and they were in a cab going to Shinichi's home. He felt dizzy, but he didn't stop looking at Shinichi, demanding answers with his eyes. The other seemed upset, even angry. Kaito didn't understand what was going on. Had he done something wrong? A couple of minutes after that, they were out of the cab and entering Shinichi's apartment.

Not a second after they walked through the door, Shinichi had pinned him to the wall and was kissing him. Shinichi smelt delicious and his kisses were all he had ever wanted. He had never been so happy in his life before. The feel of Shinichi's body, his hands coming to his body, making him feel wanted. Their kiss was long and passionate. He couldn't taste him though, the strong whiskey scent still on his taste buds. And they broke apart and Shinichi was looking at him with his lovely deep blue eyes. He locked his gaze with him, their foreheads together, not wanting to separate even an inch more from the other. And before Shinichi told him, he knew it. Kaito knew it from the look in his eyes and he had perfect knowledge of the words Shinichi was about to pronounce. Kaito, I love you.

Kaito smiled. If he had known it was just alcohol talking, what would he have done? Would he have done it anyway? No, probably not. Not only because of Shinichi, because of him also. Because that night, it took a part of him away, a part that he probably wouldn't be retrieving anytime soon.

He heard some footsteps and adjusted his hat. Well, they had gotten out of his trap sooner than he had thought. He would make sure next time to make one more difficult. He waited until the door flew open and turned around to meet his guests.


"T-Tantei... kun?" Kaito blinked several times. Was he hallucinating Shinichi again? That must have been it. He had really gone insane.

"What's wrong, KID? Weren't you expecting me?" The hallucination was mocking him! Kaito tried to calm down. Shinichi was there, with him… but that was impossible.

"I thought you had a honeymoon to attend this week, Tantei-kun." Poker face back in its place.

"Change of plans." Shinichi shuddered at the implication and Kaito felt his whole world shake.

Silence came between them. They looked at each other, holding their gaze. And it was Shinichi who broke the connection, looking somewhere else in the dark sky.

"Why?" It wasn't KID's voice anymore. It was Kaito's, a broken voice which belonged to a broken man, who didn't want to hope too much.

"I'm sorry, Kaito." They were a meter apart only now. Kaito didn't know if he had approached Shinichi or vice versa, but it didn't matter then. A hand came to caress his right cheek and then two strong arms closed around him in an embrace. Kaito allowed it, but didn't do anything in response. He was too shocked.

Shinichi started whispering into his ear and Kaito shivered. "I've been so stupid and I'm sorry. I… I don't know how to say it. I know I hurt you, and I will never forgive myself for that. I made a mistake, and I truly regret everything I said. If you accept me, I'll make up for you. I can't stay away from you… Kaito, please, don't make me stay away from you."

Surprise, shock, anger, love… So much was passing through Kaito's head that he couldn't even stop himself to think about it.

"But, why?" Some babbling wasn't enough, he needed answers. What were Shinichi's intentions? Was he fooling him? He smelled him – maybe he was drunk again – but no. The only thing that reached his lungs was his intoxicating smell. He smell of nature, yes, like his own flowers and also soap. A fresh and extraordinary combination, as the detective himself.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you. I looked for you everywhere, I was too blind to realize. I didn't want to hurt her. But…" The detective gulped, trying to find the correct words, and he couldn't hide the regret and the shame in his eyes "Ran did figure it out. She… I… She said I am in love with someone else."

Kaito stared at him, surprised. "Is…" Kaito posed a hand on the detective's shoulder and looked at him directly into his eyes "Is she right, Shinichi?"

Shinichi separated from Kaito to take a better look at the thief. He was stiffened, but his eyes were shining as he had never seen them before and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes." Shinichi answered firmly, looking directly at beautiful indigo eyes. He didn't want to miss a second more. He wanted to act right now. He closed his eyes and grabbed the other's white jacket and started closing the gap between them.

The kiss was… weird. It was rough and wet to Shinichi, and… hairy? He opened his eyes to see two red eyes staring at him, white long ears and a tiny black nose. What the… He lost grip of the jacket and it fell to the floor, a little white rabbit escaping throw the cloths. Shinichi yelped in surprise, what had he done to Kaito? Oh God, he had just turned him into a rabbit! Wait. That was impossible. He heard a slight chuckle and he turned around, just to see Kaito wearing now a black t-shirt and jeans.

"Did you really think it would be that easy, Shin-chan? I mean, you realize you can't come back as if nothing has happened." Kaito was eyeing him with a frown and Shinichi just backed up a few steps, shaking a little. It was obvious. He himself wouldn't give his persona another chance. He couldn't blame Kaito. He was the one who had messed up.

"I-I… I didn't mean to… I'm sorry Kaito… I just…" Shinichi started stuttering, and he sighed. Kaito started laughing and approached Shinichi giving him a grin worthy of an Oscar. "I was just joking, Shin-chan." Kaito didn't think twice as he posed his lips gently on Shinichi and then started kissing him fiercely. He couldn't avoid laughing as Shinichi gaped skeptically inside the kiss. But then he started responding, eagerly leaning into it and deepening the kiss as their hands got lost in their hair and they couldn't say what belonged to each one of them.

Nakamori-keibu made it to the roof just in time to see the show starting. On the edge of the roof was standing Shinichi Kudo looking at the sky. For a moment, the old man thought he was going to jump. It took several calls of his name for him to acknowledge their presence and Nakamori wondered if during the heist he had yelled that loud to get the young man deaf.

That was the moment fireworks starting to explode in the sky, illuminating everything in every possible color.

And even when Nakamori had made out the building from where they were coming out, and him and the rest of the task force had left the rooftop, Shinichi stood there, watching the sky and the remaining of the colorful spectacle, wondering if he might be seeing the thief again that night.

I want to thank all of you who read this, especially those who left reviews. No matter what you say, you make my day people.

Special thanks for MsBenzedrine for having beta'ed this from chapter… 4 I think? You did a great job girl! And you had been so patient with my bad timing for delivering the chapters. You're amazing :D I look forward to keep working with you!

PhantomAngela/GiggleTwins and kuroange1 : You both made an incredible job encouraging me to keep writing this. Thank you so much!

This goes dedicated to Alice The Walker too, with who I lost contact some time ago. Are you there somewhere?

I hope you have enjoyed this and want to keep reading me, because I certainly want to keep writing. Please review and let me know what you think, I will really appreciate it.