Alright ya'll, this whole comin' up with a sequel thing is giving me the biggest problem ever, and I'm at a loss for what to do next. So, to maybe solve my problem I ask for the peoples' help! Power to the people! :D

What's happened is that I have like 20 thousand bazillion time lines, none of which I've liked so far, and none of which have an ending and a few short little drabbles with like John and Anna, and a couple ones with Anna and Paul, but nothing that really pertains to a story really.

But seriously, I have posted a poll on my profile, and if you would kindly go vote on what you would like that would be fab. I've never posted a poll before, so I wasn't exactly sure how to get the word out, and I promise as soon as the poll closes, I shall delete this chapter.

So to all of you who've described to this story and still wish to see a sequel and want to help an extremely indecisive girl with her writing, please to vote in the poll. I'm desperate to get something going, to say the least…

The poll with close on July 10, 2010 unless I have absolutely zero votes. Thanks again! Peace and love to you all!
