Yes. Another. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I had this totally falling out with the pairing and now I'm popping out fangirlisms left and right. Guh. Oh well.

Prompt is 'umbrella.' Enjoy! Leave a review if you like~


The rain was very heavy in the winter.

And Sakura didn't like it. Not one bit.

It made her hair stand up in haphazard ways no matter how many times she brushed it. It was dark and gloomy and it was always very cold.

But her umbrella was bright yellow and it kept her dry. It protected her from that horrible rain and that was all that mattered.

As it tried to pelt her, her sunshine-y umbrella was an effective shield. The drops struck the top heavily but ended up just sliding off the ends easily before dripping to the wet ground. However, it couldn't block the way her toes stung from icy cold water puddles, or the nasty gusts of wind that made goosebumps rise on her skin.

She found herself near the old training grounds. Where Team Seven had first gotten together and where their lives had taken a turn for the better.

And for the worse.

There was a figure standing near the Memorial Stone, and as she walked closer she finally recognized who it was. She was surprised she didn't realize sooner.

"Naruto," Sakura called out in concern. He didn't have an umbrella. His clothes clung to his form like a second skin and his hair dripped in his face. He didn't even move.

He looked numb to the world around him.

It's only when Sakura is right beside him and he catches something bright out of the corner of his eye that he finally lifts his head and looks over at her. He blinks the water out of his eyes a few times, clearing his vision."Sakura-chan...what are you doing out here?" His voice is scratchy, and Sakura realizes he's been crying.

The rain had just been hiding it.

She didn't need to ask why he was here because she already knew. Slowly her head turns to look at the stone like he had just been doing, and one name stood out the most to her. It was etched with heartache and shaking fingers. A hand reaches out and traces the kanji before finding coverage back under her umbrella.

"I miss him."

"I know. I do too."

The only sound is the steady flood around them after that, soaking her toes even more. She's freezing but all she can think about is all the hurt one person had caused for two. They stand in front of the stone for what seems like forever.

The rain doesn't stop.

Naruto starts when suddenly there isn't a downpour drenching his head and shoulders anymore. He already knows what's happened. The umbrella blockades the torrent of water, held by the cute medic-nin. She's standing close to him so they could share the dry space and she can protect them from getting even more sick.

"Let's go home."

Sakura didn't like the rain because it makes Naruto cry.