I do not own The Secret Saturdays.

Nico turned the corner of the alley at the edge of town. He slammed against the edge of the brick. Then he looked out towards the direction he had run from.

"Good, those scientists didnt try to follow me." Suddenly, a wolf walked up to him. It had a note in its mouth. Nico pulled it out of the wolfs mouth and read it out loud. "Dear commander, our ground troops have successfully laid claim to the land you requested to own. Unfortunately, several of the soldiers have been critically injured. We request you come to survey the damage. Also, we have finally convinced to foxes to join in our fight. Their general would like you to sign a peace treaty. Please return to base immediately." Nico looked at the wolf. "Well, I guess I should get to base. Now where did I leave my motorcycle?" The wolf turned his head and pointed his paw towards a tarp. "Oh yeah. Thanks, wolf." Nico removed the tarp to reveal a black and chrome custom motorcycle with a wolf painted on it. He drove off with the wolf running beside him. He drove past the last paved street and onto a small dirt road. He kept driving until he was at the edge of town. He drove into the forest until he came across a small cabin. He got off the motorcycle and stepped into the cabin with the wolf. Then he typed a code into a keypad on the wall. The inside of the shed shot down below the ground to and underground bunker. Nico opened the door. Immediately after he opened the door a group of wolves walked up to him. One of them had a scar across his right eye and had bite marks on his ear. He stepped forward. Then he started to speak.

"Hello commander, how are you doing?"

"Very well, general. But it seems someone is looking for us. I ran across a couple of scientists that thought that the wolves might be attacking because of cryptids." The two laughed.

"Hey, if they knew that we could talk, theyd probably take a dump in their pants!"

"That is true. So, where is the fox general? And why does he want me to sign it? I dont sign anything, remember?" The general wolf let out a small growl.

"Well, you know how the foxes are. They dont trust any of us wolves. They want the head to sign it, or theyll think theyre being cheated. Frankly, I dont even know why they hate us so much." Nico looked at him.

"Dude, you wolves killed off half of their species. So frankly, they have every right to hate you. They dont hate me because I never tried to kill them. Although you havent killed any foxes, either. In fact, did you have that little fling with that Ukraine Fox. Man, that was just great. Man you,"

"Shut it, commander. We get it; I had an affair with a fox. We get it."

"Chill out, general. I was just joking. Now lets go sign this treaty." Nico and the general walked over to the foxes. The fox generals paw print was already on the treaty. Nico pulled out a pen and signed it. Then he shook hands, or, paws, well Nico used his hand to shake the foxs paw. "Well, general fox, I hope that this treaty will help the two of us out." The fox nodded. Suddenly, the wolf general jumped on Nico.

"I am sick of you always bossing me around! So I hope you read that treaty clearly. Its a declaration of war against you and the foxes." He started to attack Nico. Several more wolves jumped on him as well. Then suddenly, a couple of Artic white wolves attacked the wolves that were attacking Nico. Then some more wolves attacked the white wolves. Then The foxes attacked the wolves that were attacking the white wolves. The entire room became a huge maul fest. No one could stop it.

Well, let me just say something. This last chapter was a little out there. Mainly because Im getting low reviews and I think that I need to leave these new stories and go back to one of my old ones. If you have any ideas for me, please review and tell me. Thank you.