DISCLAIMER: I claim NO OWNERSHIP to ANY of the characters in this story! I only own Nightshade and Neo, and the previously shown Ultimus. Every other character belongs to their respectful creator/owner.

Ultra City, 7:45 pm

The sky had a purple coloring to it over Ultra City. Nightshade dropped onto one of the large roofs of a metal skyscraper. Nightshade dashed down the building at super speed. He came down to the street, skidding to a halt. The roaring of a jet was overheard from above. A side door opened, Torrun leaped out of it, holding her sword over her head. Nightshade jumped back. Torrun slammed her sword into the ground, releasing bolts of electricity from its blade. Nightshade fired a ray of intertwined lines at the Asgardian. Azari landed in front of Torrun releasing wall of electricity to combat Nightshade's attack. The two forces collided causing an explosion with forceful winds and a growing cloud of black fog. Coming down towards Nightshade was an enlarged Pym. Nightshade formed two black blades that came out of his elbows. Pym smashed his fists into the ground, causing the ground to crumble and crack. Nightshade leaped up and swung both his claws at Pym's chest, cutting through the armor on his chest. Pym groaned in pain, falling on his back. The weakened ground suddenly caved in. James and Hawkeye made it to the ground, feeling the ground quake beneath their feet. The whole group fell into the giant hole. Pym reduced to his normal size, holding his chest in pain. Nightshade grabbed onto a crack in the earth, watching the others fall down into the abyss of the earth.

James threw a holo-shield at Nightshade, hitting him in the gut, and causing Nightshade to lose his grip and fall down with them. Nightshade tackled James, who smacked the young hero into the earthy wall. In another room deep below the city, the ceiling broke in, the group fell, with an injured Pym screaming in pain. Torrun hurried over to Pym's side.

"Stop screaming! It'll do no help!'' Torrun told him.

Nightshade saw the two. He glared at them. An arrow struck Nightshade in the back. He simply looked over his shoulder at it. Nightshade took the arrow out, deep red blood on the arrow's tip. Nightshade tossed the arrow aside. A stream of lightning wrapped itself around Nightshade, resulting in a loud bang. The room filled with smoke. Nightshade swung his arms to the sides, wiping all the smoke out of air. "How is this guy not down yet?" said a surprised Azari. Nightshade saw a piece of his cloak on the ground, a section from the back of his hood. The heroes noticed white hair swaying in the air. Nightshade noticed his hair revealed. "Weird. Just…weird.'' said Hawkeye. Nightshade took his cloak, walking over to Torrun and Pym. He wrapped the cloak around the wound on Pym's chest, then he looked to Torrun. Nightshade grabbed her by her hair and tossed her to James and Hawkeye's feet.

"Just because I helped him, doesn't mean I won't attack you. And once…the foolish little boy…awakens…I shall kill him too…for being so…weak.'' Nightshade told them.

The piece on the back of his cloak suddenly closed, his white hair was back inside his cloak. Nightshade charged at the group. Nightshade quickly kicked James in the stomach, then grabbed Azari and tossed him at a wall. Torrun swung her sword at him, blasting Nightshade across the room and into the metal wall, denting it far inwards. Nightshade stepped out of the wall, cracking his knuckles.

"Damn wench. You're afraid of me…I can see it.'' Nightshade said.

Torrun slammed her sword on the ground, releasing a wave of electricity. Nightshade swung his hand, blasting a gap in her attack, and continued marching.

"I was born to inflict fear. Born…to hate. None of your meaningless attacks…nor your begging for me to stop…I will continue…until…I'VE…WON!'' Nightshade yelled furiously, firing a pair of white beams from his eyes.

James created another holo-shield. The beams deflected off his shield, shot towards the roof and exploded. A sheet of metal dropped down at Nightshade. The villain held his open hand up, catching it. He tossed the massive piece of metal at the group. Torrun leaped forward, cutting the sheet down the middle, then throwing her sword at Nightshade. He dodged to the left, then fired another pair of beams from his eyes, blasting Torrun and sending her into a metal wall with an echoing bang. Torrun fell to the ground, slightly moving. Nightshade teleported over to her. He picked her up from the collar of her armor.

"You…shall dearly pay for judging my power!'' he said, reeling back his fist.

Torrun slightly opened her eyes. Nightshade suddenly felt struck. Her gaze felt somewhat familiar, like he's seen them before. Torrun looked exhausted and weak in her state, Nightshade still hesitated. "HEY!'' shouted Hawkeye from Nightshade's left.

Nightshade looked over at the boy, aiming an explosive arrow at him. Nightshade let go of Torrun, facing Hawkeye.

"You wish to die first?" Nightshade said.

"In your dreams! AZARI!'' Hawkeye shouted.

Azari shot his most powerful beam of lightning, actually causing Nightshade to groan in pain. Hawkeye then fired his arrow. The arrow entered the electricity and exploded, blowing a massive radius to knock the heroes to the ground. The smoke finally evaporated. The heroes gasped at Nightshade's grim façade. There, floating in mid-air was…a Darkrai. Nightshade growled at his foes. He suddenly felt an urge come over him. His cloak isn't just for hiding his appearance, but it heals him. The attacks he took from the young avengers began to settle in, causing Nightshade to drop to the ground, unconscious. The heroes surrounded him. The piece of Nightshade's cloak that was wrapped around Pym's chest suddenly vanished. He immediately sat up, gasping for breath. "Uhhh, what happened?" he asked.

Tony made his way into an operating room he set up. He wasn't wearing his Iron Man suit because Nightshade's threat has been subdued. "Well Tony, what is it?" asked James.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen such a being before. His vitals are fine, but one thing just shocks me.'' Tony said, walking over to an X-Ray scanner, grabbing its handle.

"And what would that be?" James asked.

Tony put the scanner over Nightshade's chest, crossing his arms afterwards. "What?" said Pym, shrugging.

"Look at the screen.'' Tony said. James looked into the screen, showing the inside of Nightshade's body. James gasped when he noticed. Pym looked, "What? What is it? Tell me!'' Pym exclaimed.

"Guys…he doesn't have a heart." James told them, reeling his head back.

The group gasped in shock. "Truly a spectacle. A being able to live without a heart. How is it possible?" Tony questioned himself.

Suddenly, a black fog formed around Nightshade's body. The group backed away from the table. The fog vanished, revealing an anthropomorphic hedgehog. His fur was all black, wearing black shoes with two white stripes that went down each shoe. The tips of his six quills were white. On his forehead was an upside down crescent, the points aiming down. Two toothpick shaped marks went diagonally across both his eyes. "He…he looks just like Sonic!'' exclaimed Torrun.

Nightshade suddenly sprung up. The group was startled by his sudden jolt. He glared at them. Nightshade swung his feet over the bed and let them hang. The group noticed he wore black cargo pants with a silver chain in his right pocket. He was also shirtless, with a white bandage across his shoulder. He leapt off the bed, groaning and holding his injured shoulder. "Dare not move, that wound really affected you.'' said Tony, holding his hand up.

"Which…which one of you…did this to me?" Nightshade asked in a horse voice.

"I did. Got a problem with it shorty?" Hawkeye stepped up, admitting he was the one shot an arrow into Nightshade's shoulder.

Nightshade reached up, grabbed Hawkeye and tossed him into another bed, slamming into the opposite wall. Nightshade then walked out of the room without a word, holding the walls as he limped.

"I don't think you should've threatened him.'' Pym commented.

"We must learn of his intentions.'' Torrun suggested.

"Agreed. Let's go, guys.'' James said, following after Nightshade's path.

Nightshade stared down a hallway to his right. It had an ominous dark red glow to it. He limped down the hall, grunting every step or so. The heroes weren't far behind. They watched Nightshade walking down the hall to a very memorable room…Ultron's Trophy Room. The lights came on as soon as Nightshade entered. Thousands of individual lights shined within several cases which held something important. Nightshade rubbed his shoulder before walking into the center of the room. The heroes stopped behind him. He silently growled due to their presence.

"What is your name?" asked Torrun.

"None of your business.'' Nightshade snapped at her, without moving an inch. Nightshade felt a slight depression in the ground. He lifted his foot, seeing a floor press. He put more force on the button, causing a quick rumble beneath their feet. The floor they were standing on turned out to be an elevator, it began to descend. After a few moments, they hit the bottom floor. A single light turned on, revealing five cases in front of them similar to the cases above. Nightshade marched towards them. He noticed the middle one had a samurai sword in it. Around the blade were two golden inhibitor rings. There was a plaque under it reading "Shadow the Hedgehog." Nightshade glanced at the one on the right, seeing a wooden staff. It's plaque read, "Avatar Aang." Next to that one held a short cannon, which had a pedestal holding it up.

The plaque read, "Mecha WereSonic." Nightshade looked over to the case next to Shadow's. In that one held a pair of white gloves on a stand. The gloves had a glowing turquoise symbol on each. The plaque read, "Silver the Hedgehog." A gasp was heard, Nightshade quickly looked to his left, seeing Torrun with her hands over her mouth. The group was also shocked to see what was in the first case. Nightshade looked to see a pair of red shoes, with white stripes across them, and gold buckles. On top of the shoes were a pair of torn white gloves. The plaque read, "Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Sonic…Sonic's…dead?" said Torrun with sadness in her voice.

Nightshade slowly looked at all their expressions. A slight burning sensation came from the crystal in Nightshade's forehead. He stood in front of the case, putting his hand on it. The burn was stronger, but he could hold it. A soft female voice suddenly spoke inside his mind. "You're a great person, you DO have a heart. That is why…I will always remember you.'' Nightshade removed his hand, lowering his head to gaze at his feet.

Nightshade suddenly backed away from the heroes. He ripped off the bandages, his blank white eyes shined. His cloak suddenly grew back over his body. He placed the hood over his head.

"Where are you going?!" exclaimed James.

"Do not believe I'll listen. I have my own path…my own reasons of what I do." Nightshade responded.

"And those reasons are?" James pondered.

"I said before. None of your business.'' Nightshade quickly made his reply and suddenly vanished into thin air, with one final thing to settle.

Tremorton, Present Day, 9:30 am

Jenny sat by her mother's side, who was still unconscious. Neo stood in the doorway. "It's Christmas today…isn't it?" Jenny said softly.

"Yeah. It is." replied a solemn Neo.

"Could you invite Brad and Tuck over?" she asked, standing up, not turning to face him.

"Sure.'' Neo agreed, turning to walk down the stairs.

Jenny walked over to a mirror. Outside the window, Nightshade appeared. He watched Jenny closely. Jenny took in a sigh, left the room, closing the door behind her, heading to her own room. Nightshade opened the window, hopping inside. Nightshade looked at the ail Mrs. Wakeman. Nightshade tightened his eyes, sticking his arm out. Several particles of white glitter came down from his entire arm. Noreen began to stir. She sat up, holding her head. Nightshade was already gone. Brad and Tuck wearing winter clothing walked inside the house, followed by Neo, in his human form. The three stood in the living room. "Where's Jenny?" asked Brad. "She's preparing something. She didn't really tell me what. It is Christmas after all.'' Neo replied.

Inside Jenny's room, she sat on her bed, staring at the ground. The door suddenly opened, and Mrs. Wakeman walked in. Jenny's eyes widened with shock, but above all happiness. Jenny stood up, letting her tears flow.

"Jenny? Are you alright?" her mother asked.

Jenny wrapped her arms around her mother, crying in joy.

"I'm…I'm so glad you're okay! I wouldn't be able to go on without you!'' Jenny said.

"It's Christmas Jenny! There's no way I'd miss this! Now let's get you in that outfit!'' her mother replied, breaking from the embrace.

Downstairs, the three watched Nora appear from the top of the stairs. "Mrs. Wakeman? You're awake!'' exclaimed Neo.

"And it sure is good to be back! Now enough of me. I present to you; my beautiful daughter!'' Nora presented, stepping over to the left.

Walking out of the hallway was Jenny. The three below widened their eyes. Like the time she upgraded herself with clothing to combat the Krust cousins, Jenny sported a santa outfit. It's color was the same as her colored armor, which stopped beneath her thighs. She also wore a santa hat, the same color of her armor, with her pig tails coming out the sides of the hat. Jenny had her hands clasped behind her back. A shy expression on her face while she slightly blushed.

"Nice outfit Jenny.'' Neo commented, then looking at Brad.

His mouth was still gaping. Jenny walked down the stairs, and by surprise, hugged Brad. Brad slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, shutting his eyes solemnly. "Mind if you come upstairs? We need to talk.'' she whispered into his ear. The two separated from the hug. "Sure.'' Brad replied, following Jenny upstairs.

Once the two were in Jenny's room, Brad shut the door behind them. Jenny stood in front of the window, simply looking out it. "So…what do you want to talk about?" Brad asked, breaking the silence.

"Do you still…care for me?" she asked, turning around with a sad look.

Brad began to sweat. He knew he did, but his ignorance was combating his own feelings to come out and confess it…again. "Jenny…I.'' he stumbled.

Jenny lowered her head, looking out the window again. "It seems that nothing can ever go back to normal." Jenny said.

"What do you mean?" Brad replied. Jenny looked at him, her eyes tearing up.

"I suppose…if Nightshade…does come back. I have to at least tell you…" she trembled off, walking towards him.

Jenny came face to face with Brad. Her eyes began to shut slightly, as she neared his lips with hers. "So I can tell you…how much you mean to me.'' she finished her sentence. With that, her lips met with his. Brad was first taken by surprise, but he returned the kiss. Jenny grabbed his jacket, kissing him lovingly.

Outside the window, Nightshade flew down. He was in slight shock by the scene before him. He lowered his head, lifting up the sleeve that covered his metallic arm. His eyes went from a normal gaze…to an enraged one. "Remember…no matter what others say…no matter how much they hate…I will always care about you…my Nightshade.'' said a female voice in his head.

He pulled the sleeve back over his arm. He turned around, suddenly seeing a rocket come and hit him. The force of the rocket blew a quarter of Jenny's house apart. Jenny and Brad were knocked to the ground by this sudden force. The whole front wall of Jenny's room was gone. Slowly hovering down in front of the whole were three familiar faces; Mecha WereShadow, Metal Sonic, and Metal Knuckles. Jenny and Brad gasped in fright.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" said Mecha.

"You guys are responsible for all the thefts, aren't you?" Jenny exclaimed, standing up and pointing at them.

"Correct. Such a time to finally reveal ourselves to a familiar enemy.'' Metal Sonic added. "I've been waiting to do this for SUCH a long time!'' Mecha announced, arming his rocket arm at the two.

Mecha quickly fired a rocket at them. There was no way to go. Suddenly a black cape swayed in front of Brad and Jenny. The rocket went inside the cloak, merely vanishing! Jenny and Brad were still holding each other when they saw their rescuer before them; Nightshade. His hood was down, shocking ALL of them.

"Sonic? SONIC!! How are you still alive?" exclaimed an angry Mecha.

Nightshade slowly turned his evil gaze to three mechanized warriors. "There is no Sonic here…ONLY NIGHTSHADE!!'' shouted the demigod, releasing a wave of dark purple energy from his fingertips, blasting the three robots out of sight.

Nightshade helped Brad up with his left hand. Once Nightshade grabbed Jenny's hand with his right, Jenny gasped. Jenny gazed at his metallic arm. She noticed several short air tubes plugged into his arm, also a small green light on the side of his shoulder that slightly shined from underneath all the wiring and metalwork. Nightshade helped her up. Jenny smiled, tilting her head. Jenny kneeled down and hugged him! Nightshade raised his eyebrows, showing a strange expression on his face. Nightshade grabbed her shoulders, nudging her away. Jenny watched Nightshade walk to the giant hole in her room, leaping out of it, to combat the three metals. Mecha and the two metals just began to rise from the ground. In a sudden bump, Mecha turned around to see Nightshade standing on the other side of the street. Mecha fired his chaos cannon. Nightshade quickly dodged to the right, firing multiple black chaos spears. The spears exploded in front of their faces, blowing the two metals into buildings behind them. Mecha looked over his shoulder at his two injured comrades. Mecha looked straight again, seeing Nightshade standing in front of him, and delivering a strong punch to his snout. Mecha fired his gatling gun sporadically. Nightshade took every single bullet, dropping to one knee, with smoke rising from his back. Mecha armed his large metal stake with his right arm. Mecha raised it over Nightshade's head.

"YOU'RE HISTORY!'' Mecha thundered.

Nightshade quickly stood up, grabbing both sides of the stake with his hands. His legs were bent back as Mecha continued to push all his force and energy into killing his foe. Nightshade sensed Metal Sonic approaching from behind. Metal fired a charged up core blast from his chest. Nightshade rolled to the right, leaving the blast to hit Mecha in the gut. Nightshade swung his foot straight across Mecha's face, then did a short jump and kicked him again in the snout, firing Mecha through a store window and knocking down about five shelves of food. Metal Knuckles drove his spiked fists into Nightshade's back. The demigod growled angrily, elbowing Metal in the chin, forcing Metal to remove his claws from Nightshade's back. Nightshade sent a fist at Metal, but Metal quickly punched him twice across the face. Metal grabbed Nightshade and tossed him at a light pole, denting it inward. Mecha quickly fired his chaos cannon, blowing right through Nightshade. Jenny and Brad watched from afar.

Nightshade marched out of the smoke, his cloak had several tears in it. Mecha fired his flamethrower at Nightshade. Nightshade grabbed the sides of his cloak and covered his whole body with it. Mecha laughed maniacally as he continued to put on the fire. A sudden stick of a sword in his back stopped him. Jenny flew down, her shiva swords armed. Mecha changed his flamethrowers back to his arms, grabbing the sword and dislodging it from his spine, tossing it to the ground. Nightshade suddenly charged out of the fire, grabbing Mecha by his shoulders and tossing him into a car. Quickly after Mecha impacted the vehicle, Nightshade fired a massive dark purple energy ball at him, causing a massive cloud of black smoke to rise into the sky. Nightshade quickly glanced at Jenny. Jenny retracted her swords back into her body, her normal arms in sight. Nightshade noticed Metal Sonic rising from behind her. Nightshade's eyes narrowed. He charged towards Jenny, quickly pushing her out of the way to avoid a core blast aimed for her. Instead the blast hit Nightshade dead on. The demigod tumbled across the street multiple times until slamming against the side of a car.

Jenny fired a charged shot of her laser limb, blasting Metal Sonic in the chest, and tumbling to his feet.

"I have a feeling this isn't the best time, Mecha!'' Metal Knuckles exclaimed, taking a shot from Jenny's laser limb.

Mecha readied his jetpack, "Agreed. Let's go!'' he exclaimed, lifting up into the sky with the two metals following him.

Jenny retracted her laser limbs and into her regular arms. The teenage robot hurried over to the wounded Nightshade. He began to stir when Jenny kneeled beside him. He grumbled to himself, as he began to rise to his feet, Jenny intended to help, but he didn't need it. "Cowards." he muttered, limping forward, looking up at the sky.

"I don't know how to thank you Nightshade.'' Jenny said.

"There's no need for thanks…I did what needed to be done. Nothing else.'' he replied. Jenny smiled nonetheless, still thankful for his endearing bravery.

Jenny held up a mistletoe, looking at it, then Nightshade. Jenny took a step forward. "There'll be no need for that. Show your feelings to those…who deserve it.'' Nightshade said, turning and pointing behind her.

Jenny turned around to see Brad standing there. Jenny then quickly turned around, seeing Nightshade change into Darkrai, also surprising her. He looked over his shoulder, then looked back up. Nightshade soared into the sky. Brad walked up by Jenny's side, holding her hand. The two looked at each other warmly, watching Nightshade flying towards the sun. Nightshade lifted his hands to grab his hood, but stopped. He looked back at Tremorton. Nightshade lowered his hands, deciding to keep his face revealed. As the mysterious being flew across the cool, crisp, free sky he felt nothing but understanding, for himself, Jenny, and his mysterious past which he will find the key to unlock. Nightshade's cloak flapped rapidly as he continued to fly forward, into his bright new future.