Chapter One: Risks and Benefits

DISCLAIMER: I claim NO OWNERSHIP over these characters except Nightshade and Neo, they're my creations.

Titans Tower, 10:30 am

Neo stood on top of the massive tower, holding his communicator. "Are you ready to leave?" Robin asked from the communicator. "You bet Robin!'' Neo replied. Neo leapt off the tower and dashed across the ocean.

"You're sure you're up for this? Your fight with Nightshade was pretty bad.'' Robin explained.

"That was two days ago. I'll be fine.'' Neo assured.

"All right, good luck!'' Robin made his goodbye. Neo's communicator had a strap on it. He put the strap on his head, the round communicator over his ear.

Tremorton, 11:00 am

Brad arrived at his house. Now having a car to available instead of his skateboard, getting places was much more pleasant. Brad pulled into the driveway and got out, walking towards the door. As soon as he opened it, Tuck grabbed hold of his stomach, with wide eyes.

"B-b-b-BRAD!'' his brother stuttered.

"I don't want to hear it, Tuck.'' he replied in a dull tone, his eyes half shut.

Brad grabbed his brother by his dome and gently put him down. Tuck watched his brother walk inside. "I thought that would snap him out of that trance of his?" he said to himself.

Brad immediately went to his room, and sat down on his bed. From behind him, Tuck rose up by surprise. "Let's go over to the arcade!'' he exclaimed with a smile.

Brad grumbled as a sign of meaning 'No'.

Tuck formed a grumpy face like his. Brad began to get irritated. Tuck made his frown even longer. "WHAT!?!" he yelled.

Tuck fell backwards off the bed. "Gee, Brad, I thought you'd never say anything!'' Tuck said.

"It doesn't matter, Tuck.'' he replied, looking at the floor.

"What is this time? Tried going out with another puppet again?" Tuck asked, sitting next to his brother.

Brad gave him quick glare before replying, "No. It's Jenny.'' he answered.

"Yeah, what about her?" Tuck asked, raising his arms.

Brad looked at him with one eyebrow up. Tuck did the same.

"You don't remember?" Brad broke the silence.

"Still not getting a clue here?" Tuck said, bonking on his own head.

"Oh, right. Jenny and I broke up last week! She's done with me. Every time I walk up to her, she acts as if nothing ever happened!" Brad quickly explained.

Tuck looked at him for a moment. He suddenly burst into laughter, rolling back and forth on the bed. Brad stared off into space with a disgruntled. "You…and…and Jenny? HAHAH! How could you two be together?" Tuck spoke in between his insane laughter.

"I JUST told you! We're not together!'' he exclaimed.

"So…every time you run into her, she acts as if it never happened?" Tuck asked, wanting to make sure.

"That's about it.'' replied Brad.

"Maybe it's best this way. You can't expect her to stay with one guy the rest of her life.'' Tuck added.

"Yeah. I guess so.'' Brad replied.

Standing on a hill with Tremorton far in the distance, stood Nightshade. He looked at his robotic hand. On the back of his hand was a glowing blue half sphere. "What…is this?" he asked himself, continuing to gaze at it.

"All I remember…is that I should 'use' it when the time comes. When…is that?" he thought to himself.

Suddenly, a stream of smoke flew right over him. It was Jenny. The teenage robot stopped, hovering over the city. Nora Wakeman, on the message screen that came out of Jenny's chest, appeared.

"What is it this time Mom?" she asked.

"Oh X-J9 I don't know. Reports say that rogue robots are attacking the town, and stealing a multitude of weapons!'' her mother replied.

"Where are they now?" replied Jenny.

"That's the bad part. Every time they commit a crime, they instantly drop off the radar!'' she said.

"It's only four days until Christmas! Why would any robot want to start stealing from others?" Jenny asked herself.

"I have no idea who or why, but now we don't have enough information.'' Nora explained.

"And, soooo?" Jenny responded.

Nora sighed tiredly, "You can have the day to yourself. But don't get yourself into trouble!'' she told her strictly.

The screen retracted back into Jenny's chest. The robot girl instantly threw her fists in the air, flying down towards the Tremorton Mall.

Neo sped past the Wakeman house. Neo quickly stopped in his tracks. He looked at the house, tilting his head. He felt something familiar about it. Neo turned into his human form, walking towards the house. Neo stepped up to the door, knocking on it. Mrs. Wakeman came to the door, opening it. "Hello, how may I help you young man?" she asked.

"Have you seen any strange things happening around town? Possibly rogue robots?" he asked.

"What are you trying to say?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"I got news that there are some robots causing trouble in this town. Stealing and attacking people.'' Neo replied.

Nora had uncertain doubts about Neo already. "May I come in? I just have a gut feeling I can find some answers here.'' Neo asked again.

"Very well. Come in.'' she agreed, letting him through the door.

"Can I get you anything?" asked Nora.

"No thanks. Now tell me, are there any robots you've seen her?" he asked.

"Not at all.'' she lied.

"You haven't heard of the robberies around town?" he asked with surprise. "No.'' she quickly answered, wishing to get him out of the house as soon as possible.

Neo felt doubts immediately as well. "So nothing strange?" he asked.

"Nothing at all…uhh,'' she trailed off. "Neo.'' he told her.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't any help Neo.'' she said.

"Well actually, you can help me with me something.'' he said, standing up.

"What's that?" Nora cocked an eyebrow. Neo lunged towards her. Hovering from up from behind her chair was Nightshade. Neo tackled Nightshade to the floor. "You can start running!'' Neo shouted.

Nora quickly headed to the door, but Nightshade kicked Neo's body right into the door. "Go some other way! Hurry!" exclaimed Neo.

Mrs. Wakeman ran for the kitchen door, stopping in front of Brad who was standing in the doorway. Nora quickly shut the door behind her, clasping her hands together and trying to keep a straight face. "Hi Mrs. Wakeman, is Jenny home?" he asked.

"No, no. I'm afraid not.'' she replied with a goofy grin.

Neo smashed through the wall above the door and landed in a bush. Neo rose out of the bush, in his Werehog form. Brad's eyes widened with fear. "I told you to run!'' Neo shouted. Nightshade flew through the hole and tackled Neo to the dirt. Neo punched Nightshade across the face three times. Neo then proceeded by grabbing his foe and tossing him high into the sky. "GET MOVING!'' Neo yelled at Brad and Mrs. Wakeman. The two then ran as fast as they could from the battle site.

"What's going on?!'' asked a panting Brad.

"That thing…with the fangs and claws…was just some teenager who came to my doorstep asking about 'rogue robots' loose in town!'' she replied, panting heavily as well.

Nightshade suddenly appeared in their path. He grabbed Mrs. Wakeman by her shirt collar. "You…have information…of the Transformator!'' he exclaimed angrily.

Brad began pounding his fists against Nightshade. Nightshade growled angrily, elbowing Brad to the ground. Neo dove down towards Nightshade. Nora widened her eyes. She quickly got loose from Nightshade's grip, leaving Neo to pound Nightshade into the ground with a bang, rock flying from the impact spot.

"Come on, we need to find Jenny!'' Brad said, helping Mrs. Wakeman up and running down the street with her following.

Neo continuously punched Nightshade in the face while he was on top of him. "Why are you following them!?" Neo asked, punching Nightshade across the face.

Nightshade, with the telekinetic powers he copied from Raven, picked up a car off the street. Nightshade kicked Neo off him, fired the car at Neo, and Nightshade quickly moved out of the way. With the car smashing on top of him, Neo was surrounded in a plume of smoke and fire. Nightshade safely landed in front of the fire that continued to grow. Neo came out of the fire in a ball, impacting Nightshade in the gut, launching the villain over the house and crashing into the street. Neo leapt over the house, diving down towards Nightshade. Nightshade fired two streaks of blue lightning at his foe. Neo quickly spun off to the side, dodging it. Neo drove both his feet into Nightshade's gut, forcing him to the ground. Neo lifted Nightshade up by the collar of his cloak. Neo smashed him face first into the concrete.

Nightshade merely rose up, punching Neo in the face. Neo bounced down the street until he came to a stop.

"Why are you here? Let me guess, the Transformator right?!" Neo exclaimed, rising to his feet.

"That is none of your concern…fool.'' Nightshade snared, firing multiple dark energy balls at Neo.

The hedgehog quickly evaded to the right, then charged directly at his nemesis. Nightshade quickly charged up a strong bolt of lightning with his hands close to each other. Nightshade stuck his arms out at Neo. A massive lightning bolt came out of Nightshade's hands, striking Neo and firing him towards town.

"Please?" asked Tuck.

"No.'' said Jenny.




"TUCK! Listen, I can't always put you in front of every other kid waiting in line.'' Jenny told him.

"Why not?" Tuck asked sadly.

Crashing through a skylight in the middle of the mall was Neo. He smashed into the ground, citizens running in panic. Neo quickly jumped to his feet. Nightshade appeared a few feet away from where Neo was standing.

"There's no reason to have others involved, you know?" Neo proclaimed.

"The lives…of others…never matter to me.'' Nightshade replied coldly.

"Look around you pal, it matters to them!'' Neo snapped.

Nightshade raised a bench bolted into the floor, launching it at Neo. Neo quickly grabbed it, swung it around back at Nightshade. Nightshade turned into a T-Rex, grabbing it in his mouth, breaking it to pieces in his mouth. Nightshade crushed Neo with his enormous tail. Nightshade changed back to normal, then quickly turned into a spider. Neo looked down at the small arachnid. Neo cracked a smile.

"Wow, good job Nightshade! I'm scared now!'' Neo laughed, slapping a hand to his eyes.

Neo's gloating diminished, when the so-called little spider grew to the size of a bus. Neo looked up. The eight glowing red eyes was more intimidating. Nightshade revealed his venom covered fangs. Nightshade hissed, dropping his fangs down at Neo. Neo quickly did a back flip to dodge the massive fangs. Nightshade raised one of its legs. Neo quickly ran, and kept on running as Nightshade continuously struck his legs down at Neo. Neo changed into his Werehog form quickly, leaping up and swinging his enlarged fist into the giant face of the Nightshade spider. Nightshade reverted back to his normal form, falling to his knees. Neo slowly marched over to him. Neo stopped in front of Nightshade. Suddenly…Nightshade fell over, lying motionless on the floor. Neo was taken back by this strange act. Jenny landed behind Neo.

"Okay buddy-Sonic? Is that you?" she said.

Neo turned around, "Why does everyone think I'm-'' he was suddenly interrupted when Nightshade rose to his feet and tossed him into a hot dog stand. Nightshade turned towards Neo, but he shifted his head to Jenny. He stared at her, standing up in a straight posture. The glass orb on the back of his metal hand glinted. Nightshade gripped his chest, breathing heavily, like he was about to pass out. Neo grabbed the hot dog stand and flung it at Nightshade. The object smacked Nightshade and sent him crashing into a wall. He shook his head, growling angrily. Nightshade quickly charged at Neo, giving him a punch to the chin, throwing him towards the ceiling. Nightshade, with the powers he copied from Raven, used telekinesis to grab Neo's body and slam him face first into the floor. With an echoing boom and dust cloud, the impact was tremendously powerful. Nightshade heard the noise of transforming. Nightshade looked at Jenny once more. Her laser limbs aimed directly at him. Nightshade took a step forward. Jenny shot once at his feet, he didn't flinch.

"Stay back! You're going to pay for the damage you've done!'' Jenny shouted.

Nightshade continued to walk forward. Jenny then shot repeatedly at Nightshade. The villain quickly leaped straight up, through the ceiling, gone. Jenny and Tuck looked up in confusion. Neo rose from the crater he sat in, changing back to his human form. Jenny quickly changed her laser limbs back to her normal arms.

"Are you Jenny Wakeman?" Neo asked, walking out of the crater.

"Yes. Who are you?" she asked.

"You can call me Neo. The cloaked guy was Nightshade.'' Neo replied.

"What does he want from you?" she asked.

"Let's head back to your place, and I'll tell you.'' Neo answered swiftly.