Demon of my Heart, Prologue

Warnings: Slash (boy x boy relationships), foul language, love triangles, dark themes, character death, OOCness

Disclaimer: Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. The story below is a work of fiction and is not written for profit of any means. Any events relating to real life people are unintentional and purely coincidental.


London, England, year 1870

"Al! It is time to go. The stagecoach will be departing soon!"

"Hurry up you lazy git. Or we will just leave without you."

"Alright! I'm here, I'm here, everyone!" came the huffed reply, as a young, blond came scrambling into the carriage - clapping his hands together excitedly as he joined the other two occupants. "Woohoo! Vacation, here we come!"

A peaceful silence lulled through the air as the three men settled in their seats, preparing for the trip ahead. It was nothing enough to be a proper vacation, but they were finally getting a break from the boring droll of everyday life.

The carriage swayed slightly with a loud clunk! as the conductor cracked his whip, sending the horses off in a swift, brisk trot.

Leaning back and relaxing, Matthew watched as the last remnants of his beloved home melded away into the scenery. 'Just like old times,' he sighed, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over him. Back when his father was alive, they – along with his brother Alfred would travel frequently, exploring various different towns and cities bathing in the rich culture and diversity each had to offer.

Their parents had raised them both as sophisticated and classy young men, ensuring that the two boys were well cultured and proper. Though Matthew had no idea how much the upbringing worked on Alfred, he knew for sure that through his travels he had found his passion in life. And once again, he would be making that special trip, the one which had started it all. In a matter of days, he would arrive at Paris Theater, right in the heart of France. The place where he had first discovered his true love and desire as a young boy.

'I could definitely get used to this again,' Matthew thought, suddenly feeling his stomach turn in an odd mixture of release and sadness. Speaking of which, it had been almost a good seven years since the last time he left London to venture into a new city – yet alone a whole other country. Without their father around, neither he nor Alfred really got out much afterwards. So much in fact, he had pretty much spent the jest of his teenage life completely sheltered and protected by the familiarity of his hometown. However, starting now and for the next few weeks, that shield he had grown so accustomed to would soon be gone, leaving him totally exposed to whatever the real world had to offer. But in the end, Matt decided, this really was everything he wanted. No more was he going to dwell in the corners of the past. He was going to move onto new sights, places, and most importantly, peruse his dreams. Yup, he was certain. This was what he had hoped and worked for all his life - ever since the day he first picked up that beautiful, wooden cello.

Matthew sighed nervously, thinking of all that would be coming up for him in the near future. He had achieved what many young aspiring musicians could only dream of. The Annual Orchestral Competition was well underway and quite surprisingly, he had made it into the finals. Having to travel all the way down to the Paris Theater for the event was the least stressful part of this whole hassle. There, he would be expected to play a brilliant, long sonnet in front of a large audience and then judged by three high ranking music critiques. It definitely was a showcase event. People, from all over Europe were coming, just to witness such a dazzling festival.

And things weren't going to be easy for him. He would be competing against a wide array of other skilled musicians who wanted to win just as badly. Everything was going to come down to who had the most talent. If by chance, he manages to pull of a spectacular performance and outshine all his rivals, then there would come a guaranteed boost of fame, as well as a permanent contract with the theater itself. That standing alone, would be exactly what any artist needed if they wanted to have a place in the music industry. Matt rubbed his temples, trying to release a bit of stress and tension. The next week was definitely either going to make or break his career as a cellist, and he planned on giving it his all.


Alfred fumbled in his seat, bored by the droll and lack of action. After a good while, the blandness was too much for him to bear. "Are we there yet?" he whined, tugging persistently at the older man next to him.

"Bloody hell!" Arthur smacked his head. "You just got on and you're already asking those annoying questions? How the heck do I put up with such childish and idiotic behavior like this everyday?"

"Aww, but that is why you love me, Iggy ~" Alfred grinned, planting a quick peck on his fiancé's cheek, causing the other to blush brightly.

"W-what was that for, you wanker?"

Matthew chuckled, watching the couple and their silly antics. In less than four months time, Arthur was going to become an official part of their family. The news was nothing shocking to him, of course. The three of them had been operating like one crazy dysfunctional household for as long as he could remember.

And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that Alfred and Arthur liked each other - no matter how much the said two denied it in the beginning. Matthew was so certain that there was so much chemistry between the pair, he could almost see the imaginary 'sparks' fly at times. And truly was he happy for both his brother and Arthur. They were absolutely fated for each other, getting along like chalk and cheese. The youngest grinned as he laughed at the thought. If the saying 'opposites attract' was true, then he couldn't have found a better living example.

Only just recently did Alfred finally own up to his feelings for the other man, popping that infamous question. It was about time the two settled down and formed an official commitment, despite the numerous years they had been together. Matthew was relieved, observing the happy couple. 'It sure must be a wonderful feeling being in love,' he reminisced.

'Talking about love, eh?' the blond paused, suddenly remembering a letter he had received only days ago. Carefully, he reached into his coat pocket, fishing out the delicate envelope.


Dearest Mr. Matthew Williams,

My darling, how I've waited all these years to see your beautiful face. We will be reunited once again at the theater. I have been so patiently awaiting your arrival – it is my sole reason for living, everyday.


An admirer


Matthew read through the letter, studying the neat, fancy penmanship of each word. 'Francis, you silly man,' he giggled at both the obviousness and cheesiness of the note. 'Only you would send something like this to me'. But either way, he was glad to hear from his childhood sweetheart again, ecstatic that the other was welcoming him so openly.

Quite some time had passed since he last saw the Frenchman, and Matt could only wonder how that silly goof had been the while they were apart. 'Probably enjoying a life of fine wine and luxury,' he smiled, imagining his former lover swimming in a pool of gold and jewels.

It had been two years since Francis left, and more than ever, was he missing the other's presence.

The two of them had always gotten along well, but the difference in their social status eventually lead to their inevitable parting. Francis belonged to the realm of aristocrats, obligated and enslaved by his duty as heir to an enormous family business. It was only a matter of time before he was called back to his native home of France to save his share of a vast fortune. Henceforth, Francis departed with the promise that they'd meet again in the distant future. And Matt was glad the other was finally living up to his promise.

"What is that, Mattie?" Alfred broke the silence, taking interest and peering curiously at the envelope in his brother's hand.

Matthew snapped out of his thoughts. "It is a letter. A letter form a secret admirer," he grinned, holding out the note for the others to read.

"Why it must be that frog. I will be damned if I have to see that vain little bastard again!" Arthur scowled, looking extremely displeased.

Alfred had taken the news a bit more hapily. "Wow, Mattie!" the blond beamed. "I am so happy for you! So you are finally going to meet up with Francis again?"

"Yes, it sure seems like it. After all, his estate is only a few blocks from the Paris Theater. If this is not the perfect opportunity, then I do not know what is."

Arthur shook his head disapprovingly. "Sometimes I question your sanity lad. Do you seriously plan on getting back together with that perverted prat?"

"Oh come on, Iggy!" Alfred exclaimed, pressing lovingly against the older man, wrapping the other in a tight bear hug. "Mattie has found that special someone. You should be happy for him! I'm sure he would want the same thing we have."

Arthur grumbled, remaining silent for a moment and resisting the affectionate gesture, but reluctantly nodded in agreement before returning his fiancé's embrace. "Fine, fine. I suppose you're right. But if that blasted frog tries anything at all, I'll have his head served on a silver platter faster than you can say the word 'guillotine'."

Matthew gave a light laugh, relaxing against his seat for a well deserved nap. "Well, I do not know if I would want something as far as that. But it sure would be nice just to see him again. It has been so long since we last met."

In the mean time, he had a long journey ahead.


Ack! First of all, I apologize for any historical, cultural, or geographical errors in this fic. Yes, I know you can't get from London to Paris on horseback alone, but I really don't want to write out every sequence of their journey. Plus, that stuff's boring. I'm sure you guys want to just get down to the actual plot. ^^

Secondly, I know most of you are wondering "What the hell does any of this have to do with Phantom of the Opera?". Well, it's not a direct Hetaliafied version of the play, rather, I'm just adding some aspects and elements of it into the story. Most of this will be an original work.

Thirdly, I should have the first chapter for this up soon! I know it's been almost a month since I first published this fic and so far, the only thing I've really done was revise the prologue over and over again. To those of you who have followed this since the beginning, all I have to say is that you guys are absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for putting up with me!

And last but not least, I'm really trying something I've never done before- and that is taking the time to write a significantly slow paced and long story. Any critiques are greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading, everyone!