Chosen by Destiny

By Alexpuppy

Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids or any of its people. ,-_-, I wish I did...But come to think of it, it would be hard to own it and if I did, then I wouldn't be abil to write this story because it probable would be in the sieres! ^_^; (that would be weird...)

(A/n: I don't know to much about Zoids. I love it anyway! Like I don't know every little detail of the inside of the hover cargo and I don't know Bit's fave color and I don't even know Bit's moms name! Oh, and I never saw the ending to the series, but that's no big deal! Oh, and another thing, my spelling sucks. sorry.)

Chosen by Destiny


"oh god. I'm dead meat..." A scared Bit Cloud whispered as he decided that it would be smart to run now....

"NOT AGAIN! HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU NOT TO STEAL My FOOD?!?" An enraged Leena screamed running after Bit.

"Finders, keepers!" He yelled back as he ran faster, taking a bite out of the cookie he had just stolen. If Bit had been looking where he was running, he would have saw the candy (a/n: ... I couldn't think of something to slip on...) and jumped over it, but Nooo, he just HAD to enjoy bugging Leena. He slipped on the candy and slammed head first into the corner.

"I have you know, Bit. hehehe." Leena said, hovering over him(a/n: not literally...) Bit sat in the corner, holding the cookie in his mouth and put his arms over his head to protect himself. There was aloud Snapping sound. Bit opened one eye slowly, looking to see what that noise was. He opened both eyes to realize half of his, well Leena, cookie had been broken off.

"Hey!" He complained looking over at Leena who was standing in front of him munching her half.

"Look, I could have beaten the hell out of you, but I decided to be nice. It was MY cookie in the first place..."

The Blitz Team had now been in the S Class for a few months. Brad and Naomi Had started to go out and Jamie, well, he was just Jamie. Bit and Leena had become good friends but always had their little fights. They considered the fights battles, but everyone else considered them to be flirting. The Zoids were doing good to, well most of them. All the Zoids were fine except for the Liger 0. He seemed very dispersed for some reason. Until one day...


"WHAAAA! Look! Look at my beautiful Gun Sniper! Its a wreck! What am I going to do?!?" Leena cried. They had just been in a rough zoid battle that they only just won. They might have won, but Leena's GS had been totaled.

"Hey doc, maybe Leena and I could go out and look for a new zoid for her?" Asked Bit.

"Well, ok. But the car isn't working right now, so you'll need to take the Liger. I hope there is enough room." Answered Steve.

"Come on Leena, doc said I could take you out to find another Zoid. What do you say?"

"OK! Lets go!" The two hurried to the Liger and tried to fit both of them in. In the end, Leena just sat on Bits lap.


30 minutes from the hover cargo, Bit spotted something sparkling in the distance.

"Hey leena, do you see that out there? Or is it just me?"

"Your right! Go and see what it is, Bit." The Liger, for some reason started to run faster, and faster, and faster until they got there.

"Wow! Its a Zoid! OH MY GOD!!!" Yelled Leena.

"This is unbilevibile!"

It was a Zoid that looked JUST like the Liger 0, with just a few little differences. It seemed more, well, girl-like. The weird thing was that there was no one in sight. There was a girl Liger 0, with no one here to clam it.

"Well, what do you think? Think it belongs to some one?" Bit asked.

"Hey Bit, look at this."
There was a note taped to the girl Liger's paw. I read:

Dear person,

I'm happy you found Ligra 0. I can not pilot this Zoid. I'm hoping that you can though. I have been to see all the best Zoid worriers in the world and no one can even get it to take one step! Maybe you are the chosen one, the one from the legend. Also, she seems very lonely, I think it maybe because she is not with the Liger 0. Please take good care of her. thanks.

-you need not know my name.

"oh. my. god." Was all Bit could spit out.

"well, you want to try Bit? I mean, YOU are the one who can pilot the Liger, maybe you can pilot the Ligra too!" Leena said. She wished she could. She would have the same zoid as Bit! But she already knew the Bit would be able to pilot it. Bit walked over to the Ligra. She gave a small roar and this startled Bit. He started to fall but then Ligra quickly grabbed to collar of his shirt and put him back on his feet.

"Amazing!" A voice from behind a rock said. "Sir, this has never happened be for! She has never been nice to anyone! And all of a sudden, a boy came up and she's as polite as can be! Maybe, just maybe you are the chosen one from the legend!" The Man said, stepping up to Bit.

"I wouldn't be too surprised," Leena walked over to them, "He IS the one who can pilot the Liger 0." She finished.

"Oh, then you are a person from the legend, but not the one who can pilot Liger 0. It must be someone else. Young lady, might you give it a try?" The man asked. "Oh and before you try, my name is Bob, the man who wrote the note that was on the Ligra. Now what are your names?"

"I'm Bit,"

"And I'm Leena. Now I'm going to see if I can pilot the Ligra 0." To her amazement, the Ligra bent her head down so that she could get in the cockpit. She sat in and closed the top. Ligra roared and Started to walk forward. Then started to run, and then stopped. Leena jumped out.



"Wow! That's a really nice Zoid!" Leena commented.

End Chap.1

(a/n: R&R please! If I get alot of reviews, I'll continue this story! Oh, and no Flames, k?)