An overused idea, but I couldn't help myself :3 I am very lazy when it comes to updating…. So don't expect anything much from me often or even on a regular basis :P


Going to the bar was certainly not a good idea, not one bit. But somehow a weary and tired mind had allowed the body to wander, and before Kurapika knew it, he was sitting on a stool with the bartender handing him some form of concoction. Staring at the drink, he let out a sigh and with a shrug downed the contents of the shot glass. The liquid burned down his throat and threatened to bring tears to his eyes. As he ordered another shot, only one thought was on his mind - To hell with it.

Stumbling around on the way home with impaired vision, and well, impaired everything, Kurapika was bound to trip and fall either onto the ground or into some form of object, a brick wall perhaps, maybe even a fence. So when he did trip and fall, it wasn't the ground that came rushing to meet him, nor was it a brick wall. It was a person.

"Oh hello there!" Kurapika's slurry voice announced to the mystery man. Inebriated as he was, it was clear enough to his drunken mind that this was a male. It just so happened that that was about as far as his deductive powers could go. Hands still gripping the man's coat, he looked up to the conveniently placed person. The face that looked back at him was just ever so slightly perplexed. However, it wasn't long before Kurapika burst into a small fit of giggles. It wasn't the expression of the mystery man that fueled his mirth, but the small mark that was upon his forehead. His dark eyes were looking down; the only emotion present was bewilderment. The dark hair that had concealed the mark was ruffled, it had happened when the tiny blonde haired boy came veering into him.

"I'm so sorry, but your face is just so funny!" The slurred voice surrendered back into a fit of giggles, and the handsome stranger stood there stiffly, perplexed expression replaced with an emotionless mask. He moved to adjust his black coat around his dark button up shirt, and patted down his equally dark slacks, and finally ran a hand through his disorderly hair.

"You look kind of familiar… Do we know each other? Oh well, we do now, lets go back to my place! We'll be great friends." Putting on his most silly grin, Kurapika did not wait for the stranger to reply and instead began to drag him along in what seemed to be some randomly chosen direction. The action was met with little protest, but the perplexed expression did return to the dark eyed man.

It later turned out that the direction chosen was not so random after all. The mind might have been heavily intoxicated and movement was not exactly easy, but somehow Kurapika had made back to his lodging without loss of life of limb, stranger-now-made-friend still in tow.
Trying to stuff the key in the lock unceremoniously was proving to be difficult, especially with the additional lack of hand eye coordination, not to mention that both the hand and the eye were not exactly in good working order. Eventually a different hand took away the key from the Kuruta boy and with a fluid motion, slipped the key into the lock, gave it twist and pushed the door open. Handing Kurapika back the key, the 'new friend' stood back and waited to see what would come next, amused and interested at the strange fate that had befallen him.

Giggling at the gesture, drunken Kurapika dragged his new friend into the house, somehow remembering to shut the door behind him. For a moment he stood there in a contemplative state, almost as if some semblance of coherency had returned to him. It had not. The blonde boy donned a sleepy expression and released his vice grip on his new friend, seemingly forgetting that he was even there. The drunken figure moved in the general direction of his bedroom, stripping of and dropping to the floor random articles of clothing. By the time he made it to the large bed he was in basically nothing more than his underwear. Crashing down onto the soft surface, he was asleep in seconds.

Meanwhile the mystery man was watching on, an amused grin playing on his lips. With no accessible nen powers and plenty time to spare, playing around seemed like a good idea.

I think we all know who the mystery man is, if you don't well then -.-

AN: Well, personally I think this turned out very well! I already have some of the next chapter formulated in my head, but whether I develop it more and write it down, is heavily based on if I can even bother doing it. I am very lazy. Anyway, please review, tell me what you thought, where did I go wrong, where did I go right, which part was your most/least favourite? Do you like my Australian writing? You know, colour spelt with a 'u' and measurements using the metric system, not imperial. REVIEW!! please?