Thanks for the prompt list goes to the wonderful GizmoBunny. You can find a link to her prompt lists on her profile -for those of you who are really curious I'm using list number three. I don't think I need to attach any warnings to these drabbles, if you squint you may be able to pick out some Lucy/Natsu or Lucy/Loke but everything should be readable as Gen or Friendship as opposed to Romantic interest. Without further ado, on with the rambling;

Oh, wait, one further ado, there may be Manga spoilers. Now on with the show;

1. Allergic

The second Erza left the room, Gray and Natsu sprang apart as if they were allergic to each other. The effect lasted about a minute before they were back in each other's faces, taunting the other about their fear of her, ignoring their own.

Levy glanced up from her book as they jostled the table she was sitting at. She pulled her Wind Reader glasses off to focus on the boys in front of her and without looking away, addressed her reading partner. "Hey, Lou-chan?"

"Hm?" beyond used to Gray and Natsu's constant fights, Lucy hadn't even noticed the table rocking.

"Page three-hundred and four. And those two"

Lucy skipped to the page mentioned, then glanced up. Fighting to keep her giggles down she replied "You're right, the way those two keep at it, they really might be fighting an attraction to each other"

The comment was just loud enough for the two in question to freeze in horror and turn to look at the two girls staring guilelessly at them.

This time the allergy lasted a whole week.