He did it again yesterday..stared at me all night long.
I never once saw him blink and the only time he'd look away was for the occasional swig off the bottle or to light a smoke.
His eyes were so dark and completely vacant of any detectable emotion.
You could tell he was thinking hard about something but what about I'm not sure if I truly want to know.
This is the second time he's done this..
He had gone out alone on a hunt and when he returned he practically busted the door down trying to get in. Even though it was late and the night followed him in, I could see he was dirt caked, angry and exhausted looking .
Without a word and only low grumbles, which I couldn't make out a single word of, he grabbed a bottle of Wild Turkey, plopped down hard at the piece of shit little kitchenette table, placed the shotgun down in his lap and just freakin stared at me.
The room was dark and all his muted observing was starting to creep me out.
Like Dr. Vannacutt kinda freak me out.
I turned on the only light in the room which was working and slowly turned to look at him. The bulb was filthy and produced a nicotine colored glow throughout the room but bathed the table, and him, in long wicked shadows. It was even harder to see him after I turned it on but I realized the amber light danced in his eyes as it flickered on and off making him appear almost feral. And god help me for saying this..but he looked insane.
Sometimes John scares the living shit out of me