Hello there, loves.

I decided to drop by and literally type this up from scratch, with only a small, one sentence brainstorm to go off of. It's cute. Take a look!

Neri stared at her green, digital alarm clock. Something must have been wrong. There was no way that she'd be wide awake an hour before it was supposed to assault her with racket, and on a Monday to boot. She looked at her window, realizing that the sun was not in fact shining through. It was almost as if it was still night. But Neri could not go back to her slumber; she was just too awake for that. Sighing loudly, she threw her legs over her bed and into her slippers, ready to start her usual school morning routine.

Both her parents were still asleep when she passed their room, thus she decided to proceed softly down the stairs to the kitchen. Some kind of breakfast was normally already made for her when she awoke, but today it was too early. Neri made a mental note to either leave a note or text her mom that she would be heading to school super early, so the woman would not waste effort making her food, or think that she was kidnapped in the middle of the night.

There weren't any left overs in the fridge aside from her bento that she grabbed, so the small girl settled on a Japanese knock-off breakfast cereal. Cornfrosties, aka Frosted Flakes. They tasted nothing like the original, but they couldn't complain. Better to get what was at the mart than to import.

The sun was barely coming up when she closed her gate and proceeded on her path to school. It was considerably colder and a bit eerie, so she walked faster. As the school gates were coming into view, she observed a boy slowly heading in that same direction. He had short, dark hair, and as she continued to study him, he stopped and turning her way. Her eyes widened in recognition as her favorite prefect stared at her.

She immediate ran to his side and smiled up at him, suddenly feeling a bit safer. "Good morning, Hibari-san. I rarely see in the mornings anymore." He continued to stare at her. "Umm…" she looked down then, and softly asked, "How was your weekend?"

"We're rather talkative this morning, aren't we, Herbivore?"

She blushed then. This was the first time she had a real conversation with him since he'd been back, so she thought it was normal. "I…" she whispered. He sighed then. She looked up at him, determination painted on her face. "It's been a while since I could talk to you like this is all."

He raised an eyebrow at the girl. Her hair seemed at bit longer than the last time he properly looked at her. It was no longer in a boy cut, instead it almost touched her shoulders. He was also surprised that she corrected her error so quickly without him having to scold her. She knew he hated it when she whispered. Well, he didn't necessarily hate it, per say. He actually found it quite endearing, but it was hard to hear her when she spoke like that. She was so close to the ground with her height-

He stopped himself with proceeding with that line of thought, for he felt a snicker coming on, and that would most likely look odd to the girl looking at him with so much determination, awaiting some type of response from him.

"Aa." He immediately felt bad about his retort. She most likely wanted something more meaningful to come from his lips, observing the face she made immediately after he said it. "Come on. If you must, you can assault me with your questions in my office." Her face instantaneously brightened.

That's what he liked to see.

I didn't actually mean to put 'determination' in so much but... eh. That fills me with determination. (Undertale, anyone?)

This would have been longer, but literally as I'm typing this I'm getting ready to leave work, seeing as my boss is already gone and I'm the only one here. Gotta go home!