Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek. I make no money from this work.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who followed this story to the end, your feedback was wonderful and many time hilarious. Thanks again to the ladies over at Writers Anonymous for looking my stuff over and catching the strange things that show up after my late night writing sessions. This chapter was not reviewed by a beta, all errors within are my own. Please forgive me.

The Experiment

Part VI

"Commander Spock, we are on our final approach to the Embassy. The shuttle will touch down in four minutes, thirty seven seconds."

"Thank you, Varik. We will prepare to disembark."

Spock began to disentangle himself from Nyota for the third time that day. She thought once more about madness as Spock brought her to her feet, her dress again flowing down and covering her.

She had reached for the fastening on his pants three times as he pleasured her with his hand, only to have her hand moved gently away twice and batted away the third as he murmured, 'not yet.' Any attempts at verbal protest by her at being thwarted by him were smothered with kisses that stole her breath as well as her train of thought.

Wasn't it madness to want to stay in the shuttle all night so he wouldn't have to pull away from her?


"I need you."

"The need is mutual."

"Take me now."


She fell silent as Varik and T'Ryn stepped from the front of the shuttle.

Wasn't it madness that she saw every surface they passed as they were led through the Embassy's quiet halls—a bench here, an information desk there—as something perfectly acceptable to stop and have sex on? She actually whimpered when they entered the turbo-lift.



"Patience, Nyota."

"I don't care if they see."

"I know."

"I don't think they mind it they see either."

"I am aware of that fact."

"I want you."

"Nyota, in two minutes and thirteen seconds I am going to show you what it truly means to want."

A small whine escaped her throat.

Thirty seconds later the lift doors opened.

Spock drew Nyota along behind him by the hand as he followed Varik and T'Ryn into the hall where she and the three Vulcans and were met by an imposingly tall fourth.

"Greetings, Hakausu Sorel." Varik said, stopping and bowing his head slightly.

Sorel looked at Varik, inhaling deeply as he did so, and then slowly raised a single, slanted eyebrow. "It appears the journey from this evening's event although unnecessarily elongated was also…profitable."

Spock thought he heard Nyota whisper something about the 'spreading sexual mass hysteria' before she mumbled 'Infinite diversity in infinite combinations' against his back, where she appeared to be trying to hide. He thought about the diversity of positions Varik and T'Ryn had striven to experiment with and experience in the shuttle and was inclined to agree with her assessment. If his hearing did not deceive him it sounded as if T'Ryn—like Nyota—enjoyed cunnilingus very much. And Varik enjoyed bending her over the flight console and performing it—assailing her from the rear so to speak, before becoming engorged for, by Spock's count, a third time, standing and entering her forcefully. His remembrance of the moment dissipated as Nyota began rubbing her face between his shoulder blades in an oddly appealing way, making a low cooing sound, both made him want to give in to her repeated pleas and mount her, oblivious to their expanding audience.

After a loaded silence of ten seconds an amused Sorel, deducing neither Varik nor T'Ryn was disposed to speak to his comment, lifted his hand in the ta'al, excusing them before focusing his attention on Spock.

"I desire a word, Spock. Miss Nyota will wait in the rooms prepared for you."

Spock felt Nyota tense behind him. He turned to her, finding what he had heard her roommate refer to as her 'you've got to be shitting me' face before her expression settled into the one he referred to as the 'don't even think about it Mister'.

"It's been two minutes and thirteen seconds."

"No it has not." Spock replied as he grasped her upper arm to pull her down the hall with him in Sorel's wake. When they came to the door Sorel had opened for them he turned to her again only to lose his resolve under her intense glare in telling her that a mere one minute forty five seconds had elapsed.

Nyota saw his logical argument crumble in his eyes and decided to press her advantage instead of giving him an ear full for manhandling her. She leaned into him while maintaining eye contact and emitted the low, comely sound that had caused him to shiver moments before.

The healer had seen enough.

"You are certain."


Sorel pulled Spock, and by extension Nyota, into their rooms and locked the door. He guided them swiftly to the bed chamber and then turned to face Spock.

"Please undress, Nyota." Spock whispered, his eyes holding fast to hers as Sorel placed his fingers on Spock's meld points and began the unusually simple disseverment of that which was supposed to be more than a betrothal and less than a marriage but unmistakably had never been anything but a tenuous link, left to wither by both parties.

Nyota sat and removed her shoes as she watched Sorel touch Spock's mind, unsure of what was happening but trusting her instincts that it felt 'right'. The transaction between the two men was short enough that when she rose and let her dress slip from her body to the floor, Sorel's hand was back at his side and both were observing her.

"Please lay down on the bed."

Spock's voice was so broken and rough with desire when he spoke again; Nyota immediately obeyed his request, traversing the short distance on unsteady legs. He followed close behind, ridding himself piece by piece of his clothing with each step he took. He helped her onto the bed and then moved to stand at its end by her feet while Sorel came to stand by her side.

"With your permission, I would touch your mind, Nyota Uhura." Sorel said softly.

Nyota nodded her assent, keeping otherwise mute, her eyes trained on Spock. When the fingers of Sorel's outstretched hand pressed firmly against her face and he began to speak, Spock began to climb over her. Her desire for Spock flared as Sorel entered her mind, her previous release under his touch forgotten. She burned for him, her center throbbed and she couldn't stop her own hand from dipping between her thighs.

She made a mewling sound as she felt her fingers find her sex and begin to explore and soothe her aching need. She shifted her hips forward guiding two fingers inside, her eyes closing with her yearning for Spock, unknowingly breathing his name. Nyota moaned as she opened her eyes and drank in his hovering form while thrusting her fingers within herself. He appeared drunk and a little impatient as he paused in his trek up her body and knelt between her thighs. He absorbed the movement of her hand, his eyes flitting from its rhythmic ministrations, moving to gaze upon her face, and then back again. She thought he would pull the hand away, but instead he leaned forward and brushed his lips against it as it moved within her.

"I will come to know the desires of your body better than you do before we leave this place." He quietly breathed against her hand.

Sorel extended his hand to Spock's meld points again, linking the three of them, causing Nyota to gasp and Spock to shudder and for the first time in Nyota's hearing—curse. His body tensed and flexed and she heard, 'Koon-ul', and then 't'nash veh' in her head as if he'd spoken it. The words were suffused with an adoration that shook Nyota to the core of her being.

Nyota felt Sorel's presence begin to fade, but was unsure if it was within or without that she heard him say, "It is for you now as it should have been Spock. May you and your ko-kugalsu live long and prosper."

Spock released a measured breath with Sorel's parting words and then slowly stroked his tongue along the tops of Nyota's fingers where they disappeared into her heat. His movements were leisurely, belying the noticeable need hanging heavily between his own thighs as he lowered and situated himself between hers. He groaned as he smoothed his tongue up and over the back of her hand, to pause at her wrist and gently suck the skin there.

"Nyota spread your sex for me. Pull your skin taut to expose your clitoris."

Nyota did not hesitate to obey Spock's appeal, easing one of her legs over his shoulder where she'd bitten him, to expose her needy flesh to his eyes. His fingers entered where hers had been while he closed his mouth over the engorged, tiny stem she'd laid bare for him. His tongue lapped at her in rhythm with the thrust of his hand. Nyota anchored herself to him with her free hand, the nails of which dug into his shoulder that was as yet unmarked. Spock paused in his mouth's attentions to again, just as he had when she'd bit him, beseech her to grip him 'harder' and make the mark 'deeper'. As Nyota complied, her fingers flexing and gouging his skin, his mouth became rougher against her cleft. When he felt the burn of broken skin where her nails finally scratched and pierced his flesh he encased her clitoris between his teeth gently, flicking his tongue rapidly across it. Her body tightened around his pulsing fingers as she shuddered and the spoils of his plundering tongue flowed out of her in unison with the small rivulets of green blood that trickled over his back and chest.


Sorel, wholly forgotten by the lovers, had melted into a corner to observe them. He was quickly assured the newly established bond was strong and that Spock, although remarkably in need of his mate, would not inadvertently injure her. The fact that he'd continued to pleasure her orally when the joining was complete was a testament to his tempered and tender disposition in the moment. The healer concluded, from the contented sounds Spock emitted as his mouth consumed Nyota, that the female's taste undoubtedly inspired him to continue in the activity as well. He was certain he would recall the indelible image of the two so beautifully intertwined in both mind and body for years to come. Sorel quietly slipped from their room, ordered the door to lock behind him and journeyed two floors above.

"Good evening, Ambassador."

"Sorel." The ambassador said simply in acknowledgement and greeting of the man before him. "How is Commander Spock fairing?"

"He is satisfactory."

"And the young human woman…Cadet Uhura…?"

"The female is adequate. I believe your wife would say 'exceptional'."



Spock raised himself and moved to fully cover Nyota's body with his own and she sighed at the sensation of finally having his naked body pressed to her and hugged him tightly. She felt his manhood nudge against her sex and she shivered, shifting beneath his body to allow him to draw closer.



"It is Saturday."

He reached between them to position himself and began to push into her and her eyes flew wide to see him looking intently down at her. Spock's lips parted as his breathing increased with his growing gratification and the strain to go slow, Nyota's hands gripping his hips fiercely where she had encircled his waist. His lips moved as if to speak, but no words came forth as he grasped her left hip in his hand, lifting her slightly and driving deeper.


"Not there…" Spock retreated slowly from her body until only the head of his cock remained and then eased in again with his knees planted firmly for leverage, inching forward until he was almost fully seated within her and then flexing his hips sharply "there."

Nyota's strangled intake of breath was enough to tell him he had been correct in the location of her 'sweet spot' and he immediately took up a smooth, unhurried rhythm; his own pleasure intensifying with every utterance of his name that fell from her lips. Her body sheathed his exceptionally and he knew it would be beyond agreeable to inhabit it in this way for the rest of his life. When she began keening Spock's thrusts became rougher, stroking deeper. He felt his body begin to wind tighter. Then he heard Nyota call to him…inside.

'Come with me…come in me. Gods, he's mine. Spock is mine.'

Spock arched his back and let his orgasm take him in great, body racking waves. How was it possible, he thought, to feel ones body fall to pieces even as it shook with the powerful awareness of being made whole. He at last profoundly understood one of the strengths of being Vulcan, of being bonded and complete, by way of the beautiful, fragile, sweating and glorious human woman trembling with her own climax beneath him.

"Spock…oh gods…I can hear you…" Nyota began to cry. "I…your….your love for me…" She couldn't finish, couldn't think of a word big enough, could only wrap herself inexorably around him.

Spock rolled them to their sides when he regained his senses to do so, holding on to the thigh Nyota still had tangled around him, easing it up until it draped over where his heart still raced in his side and then laid his forehead against hers.

"I find you as equally unquantifiable."

Nyota laughed, wiping tears from her eyes and tipping her head back so she could refocus on his face. Her gaze drifted to his lips and she raised her hand to touch the line of his jaw and sweep her thumb gently against his lower lip.

"Your mouth is beautiful. I've always thought so, but seeing your lips...wet and parted while you were moving inside me…"

Her words trailed to nothing as he took her hand in his and pressed his lips to her palm.

"I am going to kiss you now."

Nyota laughed again, though it was short lived, swallowed by an involuntary groan from deep in her throat as he placed his lips there. "That sounds like a warning of some kind. Where are you going to kiss me precisely?"

"Everywhere." He murmured into her skin. "I project it will take me one hour and thirty-five minutes to complete the task, barring the possibility of becoming engulfed in the desire to remain in certain areas, resulting in time consumption I can not accurately calculate. I thought you should know in case you thought the length of time devoted objectionable."

Spock tongue made a heated swath of sensation as it slid along the sensitive skin behind Nyota's ear. She stretched against him indicating she was not opposed to his 'project' in the least.



Koon-ul—The Joining

t'nash veh—Mine
