Sonic a blue hedgehog, and green brother Manic, and his pink sister Sonia, are in a base that has come alive and the walls are bleeding.
Sonic;(gasps) We gotta wake mom and dad up and get to the car!
Sonic's mom is Queen Aleena, a purple hedgehog, and his dad is King Jules, a light blue hedgehog.
They wake them up.
Aleena;What's wrong?
Sonic;The walls are bleeding everywhere! Look!
She looks as well as Jules and they get scared.
Aleena;What do we do?
Sonic;We have to get in the car and leave! This place is haunted! Let's go!
Jules helps her up and they run to the car.
They run out of the base and into the dark, stormy and lightning night.
Sonic gets in the front side door to drive with Aleena next to him.
The others get in the back which has beds on each side.
But as Sonic starts the car, Sonia interupts. They forgot Knuckles!
Sonia;(sobbingly) I want Knuckles!
Aleena;Please, son, drive.
He does.
But as he gets eleven inches away from the base, he stops.
Sonic;I won't leave him! He gets out and runs back to get Knuckles.
Aleena;Sonic! No! NO!
He makes it back in and calls for Knuckles.
Sonic;Knuckles! Knuckles, where are you?
He goes down a staircase which leads to his room, the stairs were broken, he had to turn into robot form and jump.
He changes form.
He jumps.
Meanwhile, back in the car.
Aleena is sobbing, thinking he's gone.
Jules is hugging her, telling her he will come.
Sonia is hugging Manic.
Knuckles sees him and backs away, scared, thinking he's the evil Metal Sonic.
Knuckles;(gasps, whimpers) Metal Sonic. It can't be.
He glares and attacks him.
Knuckles;(pounding his head and back) Take this, Metal Sonic! And this! How 'bout that!? You're not taking me away!
Sonic;(getting punched and kicked) No, Knuckles! (grabs his arms and he struggles) No, it's me, buddy! (he punches and Sonic grabs his arm) Knuckles.
Knuckles;(realizes, sobbingly) Sonic.
They hug.
Sonic;We have to get outta here, the place is alive and it's going to fall apart.
They jump back up and they head to the door.
Sonic;Let's get outta here! Knuckles;I'm coming!
But the door latches.
Sonic;Oh, no!
Knuckles;(scared) I'm scared.
Sonic shoots it open.
Sonic then changes back to his original form.
Sonic;Let's go! Knuckles;I hate stormy nights!
Sonic;I'll carry you!
He picks him up and runs to the car.
Jules;(sees him coming) Look! Someone's coming!
Aleena;(sees him coming with Knuckles in his arms) Thank god. Oh, thank god.
Sonia and Manic smile relievingly.
He gets to the car, opens his door, puts Knuckles in the back, closes his door, and drives.
Sonia;(hugs him) Oh, Knuckles!
Knuckles;(rubs her back) Shhhh....don't cry, i'm here.
Manic;(joins in hug) We thought you were dead!
Jules;(to Aleena) Your son is a hero, Aleena.
Aleena;I know. (leans to Sonic and kisses his cheek) I love you, son.
Sonic;(kisses her back on the nose) I love you, too, mom. (kisses Jules' cheek) And i love you, dad.
Jules;I love you, too, son.

The End.
I hope you like it!