Thank you to Summer Nickle for allowing me to adopt this story :D This story was hers and the first six chapters are hers as well. I'm in the process of writing the next chapter as I upload these chapters :D

There I sat, in a normal white chair, next to a simple white tea table. I sat and watched two familiar friends run around the small garden. I knew where I was, I was in wonderland. Cheshire Cat was being chased around by Mad Hatter, wearing his hat. Dormouse was on his shoulder laughing her little mousy head off. I looked next to me and sure enough the White Rabbit was sipping a cup of tea, his red eyes filled with laughter. Every time Hatter would catch up to him Cheshire would disappear. I laughed when suddenly he appeared next to me. "For you." Just then he sat the 10/6 hat on my head and disappeared. I laughed and just as I was handing Hatter his hat a familiar voice filled my ears. "Would you wake up already?"
I opened my eyes to see Ms. Grace, my home schooling teacher, standing over my desk. "Honestly Kaitlyn do you ever stop daydreaming?" I smiled and shrugged. Below me was a blank page that should have been filled with notes. She went back to whatever she was teaching and I started to doodle on the page. I drew Cheshire being chase by Hatter with little Dormouse on his shoulder and Mr. Rabbit and I drinking tea, laughing. How I wish I were in Wonderland. I looked around not paying any attention at all to Ms. Grace.

When class was finally over I was so happy. I skipped to my room and put of my new outside dress my nanny got for me. I skipped to my mirror and laughed when I noticed what I was wearing. I was a blue dress that went to my knees and a white apron that went over it, with black flats. I looked just like Alice. I grabbed a white ribbon and put it in my light brown hair. I laughed and skipped down the hall. I stopped by my dad's study and peeked in. "Father, I'm going outside." He looked over at me from the book he was reading. "Kaitlyn don't you think you're a little old to be "playing outside". I shrugged and he added. "Your sixteen years old, it's about time you stop daydreaming and start focusing on the real world."

I was so tired of hearing his speech. Grow up, blah blah blah, stop playing around, blah blah blah, focus on your schoolwork. Give me a break for crying out loud. So in response, before I even knew what I was saying I blurted out, "Mom was always playing outside." I knew it hurt when I brought her up but it was true. Mom was always outside, in the fresh air. She called out garden in the back Kaitlyn's Wonderland. I missed her so much. I looked at him and he was looking at a picture. "Your right, I'm sorry. Go out and get some sun." With that I turned and left him to himself.

I ran outside as fast as I could, skipping through the front door and down the yard to the black, metal gate that lead to the rose garden. I stepped in and looked at the long white tea table with the many chairs. Mom use to say it was just like the one Mad Hatter and March Hair sat at when they had their crazy two people tea party. I went to the end and sat in the big red chair. I looked down the long rows. "I wish I were in Wonderland, and then I wouldn't be sitting here alone. I sighed and suddenly heard a noise in the bushes. I stopped and looked around. "Hello?" One of the rose bushes shook lightly and then stopped. I stood up and walked over to it. "Hello?" I called again. It was probably a bunny or a deer.

I peeked around a rose to see a little white rabbit. "Why hello there Mr. Rabbit." I said with a laugh. Something odd happened at that moment. Well two things, one the rabbit turned as if it understood that I was talking to it. I also noticed its eyes were a very interesting shade of blue. Well aren't your eyes a peculiar color." He blinked at me. I leaned down slowly and pet one of his long white ears. Suddenly he turned and hopped further into the garden. I jumped up. I figured if I caught him I could keep him, then he wouldn't have to be out in the cold at night. I could instantly tell he was special. "Wait Mr. Rabbit." I followed him until I got to a small line of tiny bushes. You could easily get passed it and the garden went farther, but I wasn't aloud back there, not since mom died.

"Wait Mr. Rabbit I can't go that far." I called after him. Oddly enough it stopped and turned around, flicked its ears twice and wiggled its nose. It waited a long moment always staring at me. I finally gave in. "Alright, but if I follow you, you have to let me hold you." I swear at that moment I started losing my mind as I swear I seen him nod. So I gently pushed my way past. He started hopping again. "Hey we had a deal!" I laughed a little and continued to follow. I followed until we reached a small cave, where he stopped at the entrance. "I am not going in there." I swear he gave me a look, so to prove my point I sat on the ground. He hopped over to me and put his bunny head in my lap. I could see his eyes were pleading. "Why is it so important that I go in that dirty, old cave?"

He jumped up again and made his way to the cave. Finally I gave in. Getting to my feet I walked over to the cave. I laughed feeling a kind of familiar feeling. "I'm not going to go in there and fall in a hole to some crazy Wonderland am I?" Get it? Because I'm dressed as Alice and I'm following a white rabbit into a cave. Never the less I followed him when he didn't stop. We walked and walked, the cave never getting dark like most do. I could always see, like I was always at the entrance of the cave. Finally we made it to the end of the cave and I almost fainted. "Ok, I have to be asleep."