
Hoshiko raised her head. Where am I? She wondered. Reaching up to rub her head she felt something hard. Putting up her other hand she felt around her head. It felt like two ears, like cat ears or wolf ears? And the hard stuff went down to above her left eye and around it covering the whole left cheek. From being able to look at it from the corner of her eye it looked white.

"Oh, so you're finally awake." Came a voice from behind her. She spun around in her position on the floor and looked at the man sitting on a big chair at the other end of the room she was in and two men, each standing either side of him.

Then she was aware of other presences. She let her red eyes dart around the room.

There were three men right at the opposing end of the room. The one sitting in the middle of the two others had slicked back brown hair and menacing brown eyes that burnt your very skin as he watched you. The man on his right had pale skin and silver hair. He had a fox like facial composure and chuckled quietly at her. The third man was dark skinned and had goofy (well she thought so) glasses. The middle man spoke again, "I see. You must not remember anything right?" he smiled coldly. "Well, with out further ado. I am Lord Aizen, these two by my side are Gin Ichimaru…" he waved a hand to his right, "… and Kaname Tousen." he then gestured to the dark skinned man. "And this is my army." he swept his long arms out and for the first time she noticed a whole bunch of people at the sides of the room wearing masks.

"So, this is the new chick." spoke an electric blue haired man, "She's kinda hot!" he tossed his head back and laughed. "What number was she again, Aizen?"

"3..." Aizen replied bluntly.

"Ha! Ulqiorra, some chick is stronger than you!" Boomed a large man with not much hair.

"Yami." said a pissed off Ulqiorra, "I would prefer it if you would refrain from saying those kinds of remarks."

"Che. You're no fun."

"As Lord Aizen failed to mention," added Gin, "Welcome to the army and enjoy your stay as my close companion." he grinned wider.