
"Hoshiko-sama?!" a woman screamed, clutching a limp body in her arms. Blood trickled to the wet floor and was spread with the help of the icy winter rain. "Hoshiko-sama!!!???" she screamed again.

Next to her stood a girl. This girl was identical to the girl in the arms of the screaming woman but unlike that girl she had a chain latched onto her chest and nobody could see her.

Hoshiko stared down at her body, watching the blood ooze from the wound inflicted by a gun and bullet. Her gaze then turned sour as anger boiled up inside her and she ran in the direction of the man that had caused her death and brought sorrow to her beloved maid.

As she got further away from the scene the screams faded and were replaced by that of ambulance sirens. She knew who the man was. She knew because it was her that murdered his family in order to cover up her secret of murdering another.

In her life she was the daughter of a rich and intimidating man, Katashi Kimura. Hoshiko Kimura was her name and she was regarded by people as the 'Demon Star Child'. This name was given due to the fact of her long white hair and blood red eyes. She regarded herself as the innocent monster. A monster covered in blood that hides behind innocent pure white hair and skin.

She guessed that she got what she deserved in the end and halted her running. If that man hadn't shot her and brought her life to an end then she would've only murdered more men, more women, more children.

"Thank you," she whispered into the rain and wind, running of in one direction to where she did not know.