Rating: M

Author's Notes: Hey there, everybody! It's Mr. Alaska with another new story for you! I decided to start another Naruto/Deadpool story, because I think the combination would be AWESOME! But unlike my first Naruto/Deadpool story, I will add a different twist to it. Wade's dialogue will no longer be BOLDED. And I will also add that in this story, the type of weapons that he uses WILL exist in that time period, but will be looked down upon the people of Konohagakure. So I just want to get that into the open. And also, I will have to be honest and admit that I got the idea from Lord of the Land of Fire's "A Mother's Love". But anyway, please enjoy and leave plenty of reviews.

Chapter 1: Night of Terror and Hope

It was a dark, terror filled night in Konohagakure, as the Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked. It's humongous nine tails whipped and twisted, striking the ground with so much force it cause tremors with each swing. It's large teeth and razor sharp teeth glowed in the moonlight, as wave after wave of ninja attacks came flying towards it. But the demon was not going down. It was virtually indestructible to any attack thrown at it. But there was one sure fire way to take down the massive, ancient beast…. But it came at a cost.

At the Konohagakure hospital, Kushina Uzumaki laid in her hospital bed, with her new born son cradled in her arms. She was a lovely woman, with long orange hair drooping down to the middle of her back. Her aqua blue eyes sparkled with tears, as she looked at her husband, who was standing right beside her. "M…Minato-kun…." She sniffled, pressing her cheek to her sleeping son's forehead. "I…isn't there another w…way?" Minato, the forth Hokage shook his head, as he tried his best to hold back his tears.

"No, Kushina-chan, this is the only way." Minato answered, as he gently rubbed his new born son's soft, spiky blond hair. "If I perform this jutsu right, the village will be spared. But I must use my son." He allowed a solo tear to fall down his face, as he took his boy from his loving wife. "I can not ask any other family to sacrifice their children. It would not be fair to them…" Kushina started to sob uncontrollably into Minato's chest, crying for him not to go. "Shh…shh, Kushina-chan…" He whispered, no longer trying to hold back his tears. He openly sobbed, with their crying causing their son, Naruto Uzumaki to stir. Before he left, he get his wife one last passionate kiss. "Please take care of our boy, Kushina-chan…." He whispered into her ear. Kushina wiped the tears from her eyes, and nodded.

As he left, he looked down at his sleeping son and wept. He was a beautiful baby boy. His light blond hair resembled much to his own, only shorter. His sleeping body twitched, as if he was already experiencing his first nightmare. With tears streaming down his face, Minato lifted his boy up and kissed him, ever so lightly on his forehead. "Please forgive me…my son…." Then, he was out the door.

( Two Hours Later )

Kushina was woken by someone who nudged her sleeping body. "Kushina. Wake up…. It's over." The sorrow stricken woman awoke, to see the legendary Sannin Tsunade standing over her. Tsunade was well known for her healing abilities, and was just at the right place at the right time. "It's all over, Kushina. The Kyuubi no Kitsune is gone." The blond woman said, with a look on her face as if to say "But I have some bad news."

"And my husband is dead?" Kushina said, more than asked. She knew the jutsu Minato preformed on the demon was a self sacrificing jutsu. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes again, as she scrummed in her hospital bed. She and Minato have only been married for one year, and now, that man she loved was gone. "I can't believe he is gone, Tsunade…." Kushina whimpered, wiping her eyes dry. But than, something came to her…the reason she was in the hospital in the first place. "Naruto! Tsunade! Where is my son?!" She asked, bolting up as fast as she can. But than, immense pain shot through her torso, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Don't make any sudden movements!" Tsunade ordered, aiding to the woman's side. "Your body is still tore up from giving birth. If you move erratically, you could open you wounds and die." Kushina groaned, as she lowered herself into her bed again. But Tsunade sighed when her friend shot her a testy look. "Your son is with Sarutobi-sensei and the council members. They are discussing his fate." Kushina's eyes snapped open when she heard that piece of information.

"Take me to my son, NOW!" The mother demanded, throwing the sheets off of her. Tsunade objected to her getting up. "Than get me into a wheelchair. I most see my son before those damned council members harm him!" Tsunade looked at her friend, sighed, and ordered for a nurse to rush a wheelchair up to Kushina's room as fast as possible.

( Inside the Council Chambers )

"I say that the demon should be kill now!" Fugaku Uchiha, head of the Uchiha clan roared, slamming his palms on the table. The council room was filled with clan leaders and council members. Sitting in the front of the room sat the third Hokage, with a baby carriage holding the still sleeping Naruto. "As long as the spirit of the Kyuubi no Kitsune still resides in that boy, this village isn't safe. We most kill it immediately." Sarutobi, looking down at the sleeping baby frowned when the first thing he heard was the death of his successor's son.

"There is not is no it here, Fugaku Uchiha. His name is Naruto Uzumaki." The old man said, with a stern voice and a hard look on his face. "And suggesting to kill the forth's bloodline is unspeakable. I doubt anyone would've even thought about that without you here." The third knew he was laying it on a little to heavy, but for someone to suggest killing a harmless and innocent baby managed to spark an anger in the old man.

The Uchiha head growled. "While Minato's death is tragic, we can not ignore the fact the he didn't kill the demon. He sacrificed himself just to seal it away. And that means that the Kyuubi can still be unleashed. That's why we must dispose of it as soon as possib…"

Just than, the front doors flew open, with an angry Kushina Uzumaki being pushed on a wheelchair in by the legendary healer Tsunade. "If you lay so much as a finger on my son, I'll kill you!" She growled, glaring daggers at the Uchiha. "He is my son, and I will kill anyone who tries to harm him." Tsunade followed Kushina's threats by cracking her knuckles threateningly. Tsunade's strength was also well known throughout the villages. And most of the members on the meeting gulped, imagining going up against the Sannin. "Sarutobi…please bring me my son."

The old man smiled warmly, and reached into the crib just as the baby boy woke up. He started to cry, but that was quickly remedied when Sarutobi handed him over to his mother. Overwhelmed with joy that her son was OK, Kushina rocked Naruto gently in her arms. "Shhhhh…. It's OK, my little Naruto. Mommy is here for you." She whispered, with warm tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

Seeing this moving mother/son moment, Hiashi Hyuuga, head of the Hyuuga clan cleared his throat. "I agree with Kushina. Killing Minato's only child isn't the answer." Fugaku turned and narrowed his eyes at the Hyuuga. "While the village suffered much damage and many deaths, killing a innocent baby will not undo what the actual Kyuubi no Kitsune did." Mumbles echoed throughout the council chambers, discussing what Hiashi stated.

Kushina smiled and nodded her head to the Hyuuga. "I will take my son home with me. I'll have Tsunade heal me up quickly, so I can take my son home." She watched, as members looked to one another, whispering into one another's ears. Some hateful glares and glances were shot randomly at Kushina, mostly at the once again sleeping baby. And Kushina managed to catch one, and added to her last statement. "And once I am healed, I will protect my son. Anyone caught planning to harm, or stopping in the process of harming my son will meet a swift and painful end." Venom was literally dripping off every word she said. "I lost my dear husband to the damned Kyuubi no Kitsune, and I have made peace with that. He gave up his life so that I, and the rest of the village could live. But I refuse to let anything happen to my son. If you want to get to him, you will have to go through me first."

"And me." Tsunade added, shooting everyone a death glare. "I'm Naruto's Godmother, and will fight to keep Minato's boy safe. And I highly doubt even Orochimaru would be able to take both me and Kushina on." That was true. Because Kushina was also a Shinobi of Konohagakure, and a skilled one at that. Minato taught her almost all of his moves while married, and she wasn't shy about using them.

After a few more minutes of whispering, the council members nodded. And when Kushina, Tsunade and Naruto were about to leave, Sarutobi stopped them. "Kushina…" He said in a soft voice. The two women stopped, and Tsunade turned Kushina's wheelchair so that she could see the third. "On behalf of all of us, I apologize for your loss. We all loved Minato as a Hokage, and will miss him." Kushina smiled softly, and nodded. "He was a great man…and a great leader. But because of his death, I will have to come out of retirement and take the title of Hokage again. And word about your son holding the Kyuubi no Kitsune has already spread…" Kushina's eye snapped open. "But I will deal with it. I will make a law, stating that they will not be able to tell their children. Naruto doesn't need a horrible childhood after losing his father."

"Thanks you, Sarutobi…" Kushina said, with a little bow. "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?" The old man took off his hat, and sighed.

"Yes…. Constantly protecting Naruto will prove a challenge, even for you. And just so it happens, someone I used to work with while I was first Hokage is in town. And I feel, despite his short comings, will be able to help you." Kushina, Tsunade, and all the other council members raised their eyebrows with curiosity. "He is an….unusual person, but he is a good man, and won't be able to refuse to help. I, like I said, worked with him before I passed the title of Hokage to Minato." Sarutobi turned to the door behind him, and took a deep breath. "Wade! You can come out now!"

The door opened, and everyone's eyebrows arched at who they saw walking out. He was a tall man, wearing an unusual costume. It was a red and black full body suit, and wore a weird mask that hid his face from the others. On his feet, he wore black combat boots. Attached to his back were two long Katana swords. And on his belt was a array of guns and grenades ( Quick note: There are guns and that kind of crap in this story. But no ninja uses them. They keep to the jutsus and Shuriken, while the rest of the world advances in technology ) "Kushina, I would like you to meet Wade Wilson. He has agreed to be a form of body guard for your son."

The masked man chuckled, and slugged Sarutobi in the shoulder. "HAHA! How could I refuse helping Minato's smokin hot wife raise his kid? Besides, things were getting boring with Cable. Too much "blowing up me" and not enough "letting me shoot him". I tell ya, it gets tiring after a while." Wade said in a annoying voice ( Think about the voice Deadpool had in both Marvel Ultimate Alliance games ). Ignoring the insults from the other members, Wade turned to the woman in the wheelchair, and smiled. "Hello, Kushina Uzumaki. The name is Wade Wilson, but call me Deadpool. Or if you'd like, you can call Wade Wilson, Wade, Wilson, Little Wade, Little Wilson, Red Wade, Red Wilson, Uncle Wade, Uncle Wilson, the Merc with the Mouth, Dead Man Wade, Dead Man Wilson or W, for short. I don't really care anymore." Kushina stared at the man, as he went off on a different subject.

"Umm….. O…OK, Mr. Wilson…" She said, with an anime sweat drop going down her head. She looked pass Wade, and raised a eyebrow at the old man, who was trying his best to hold back his chuckles. "May you please explain more as to why you went out and hired me a body guard?" Sarutobi nodded.

"I will stop by later this afternoon. I have to finish up the Vow of Silence Law, and finish up the paper work for it. But for now, Tsunade and Wade will escort you and your son back home." Kushina frowned, but nodded.

"I understand…thank you." Again, Kushina bowed in her wheelchair. Tsunade smirked at her old teacher, and nodded her head. And as the four left, Deadpool turned and flashed the old man a thumbs up.

"Smell you later, old man." Everyone stared at him, shocked to hear someone talk to the "New" Hokage in such a manner. "And don't worry…Kushina and baby Naruto will be alright in my mercenary hands…. Believe it." Sarutobi chuckled, and waved goodbye at Wade.

'Oh…. Kushina is going to kick my ass when she gets better…'Sarutobi thought, leaning back in his chair. 'But if anyone can help her raise Naruto, Wade could…. Though, there might be a few holes in that plan, but it just might be the best thing we have at the moment.'

To Be Continued……..

I know….pretty short, huh? But this was only supposed to give you all a taste of what was to come in future chapters. I will go more into dept as to why Deadpool was in Konohagakure during the Kyuubi no Kitsune attack. Deadpool will explain his life story to Kushina and Tsunade in the next chapter, followed by some major forth wall breaking!! YEAH! And if there is any mistakes in this story, I apologize. Please tell me via PM if you spot any mistakes. Other Marvel characters will be introduced as the story progresses. There will be a poll opened on my profile if anyone is interested. Please leave reviews if you like this, or if you have any suggestions.