Chapter 4 The Dumbest Idea Ever
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
"You don't remember any of this?" Emily said as she went through the photos on Adrienne's phone. Adrienne shook her head. Morgan looked through Reid's.
"Dude, you two have genius level IQ's."
"Morgan, don't go there. It was his idea." Adrienne pointed to Reid. "I think it was the dumbest idea ever!"
"You could've said no" Reid snapped.
"You wouldn't even tell me where the hell we were going!"
"You still could have said no when we got there."
"I don't even know how we got there! I don't even know where there was! But I'll tell you what I do know I want this fixed immediately."
"Honeymoon's over already…" said Garcia
"Come you two we'll stop and have it annulled on our way back to the police station," said Hotch, trying not to laugh. As was the rest of the team.
"Guys this isn't funny." Adrienne said
"Yes it is," said JJ
"Why is this so funny?"
"Because the reason neither of you remember getting married, is because you didn't," Emily said
"What!" Reid and Adrienne yelled in unison.
"After I got off the phone with you last night, we all left the bar and went looking for you two. We knew you couldn't have got far because neither of you had keys and Reid thinks taxis are unsanitary. Morgan saw you two out in front of that place about a block up the road. The two of you passed out cold before we ever got back here. So Prentiss came up with the brilliant idea to make it look like you actually did," Hotch said, smirking.
"Are you freaking serious?" Adrienne asked in shock.
Everyone nodded their heads and busted out laughing.
"You are all insane! Could you imagine me having to tell my dad?!" she yelled.
"You're dad would understand. But Strauss, not so much," Hotch said. "Come on let's get on the road already." They all started walking out the door.
"So wait, who's ring is this?"
"Yours now. We all paid for it." said Rossi. "Think of it as a consolation prize."
"Awwe. You guys really do like me!"
"Of course we do! We only do things like that to people we love!" said Garcia