Sorry for the wait, blame college applications, they are NOT fun. Anyway, a slightly longer chapter, just having fun with the Imperius. Anyways, hope you enjoy and please review!

"I like your attitude, Walker. But shall we see how pretty boy does first?" taunted Moody, raising his wand.

Kanda was shaking, visibly restraining himself from hurling himself at the scarred professor.

"Bring it on," he all but snarled, and Mad-Eye was only too happy to oblige.


At Hagrid's Hut

Hermione and Ron promptly arrived at Hagrid's residence at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. After explaining to the sensitive half-giant that the reason Harry wasn't with them to serve their detention was because of McGonagall and not because Harry did not want to see him, Hagrid perked right up and led the unfortunate Silver Duo around to the pens where the Blast-Ended Skrewts were kept.

Now those creatures were about four feet long with shiny black armor plus the stingers, suckers, and fangs. Fortunately for the Gryffindors, but unfortunately for the Gamekeeper, the Skrewts were killing each other. To Hagrid the answer was simple; the creatures had too much energy. The solution? Why to walk the animals on a leash of course.

"Are you crazy, Hagrid? Those things will kill us!" protested Ron.

Hermione added, "I really don't think that's the best idea Hagrid, they're dangerous creatures, not pets…"

"T'ese t'ings? They're 'armless! Just avoid the stingers, suckers, and fangs and you'll be a'ight! Now come on, try to walk these while I get this beauty over here." He chuckled happily while Hermione and Ron looked apprehensively at the snapping, violent creatures, each tentatively grabbing the leash attached to the Skrewts. The second the monsters felt that the force holding them in place had lessened they shot off across the grounds with their blasting ends, of course.

The poor Gryffindors were dragged along behind the 'energetic' creatures, bouncing along the ground painfully, yet being brave Gryffindors, they did not let go of the leashes once. However, that did not prevent them from protesting.


"Ssstttooopppp! Tell them to stop, Hagrid!"

It wasn't until Hagrid had managed to leash the rest of the creatures that he noticed the other's predicament. Coming to his senses at last, he hurried across the field.

"Oi! Ron! Hermione!" Quickly he grasped both leashes, stopping the Skrewts in their tracks, who still fought against the restraints. Both Hermione and Ron collapsed to the floor in relief, their adrenaline rush fading as the injuries they had sustained in the mad dash began to make themselves known. Painfully they both barely managed to stand and staggered toward the half-giant who looked absolutely miserable at what he had inadvertently caused.

"Er, Ron, Hermione, I didn't mean ta have you's hurt an' all. M'sorry!" And with that, the sensitive half-giant began to cry, loudly. The few other people who decided to spend their free period outside quickly regretted it as Hagrid's wails destroyed the peaceful day.

Limping hurriedly, the Silver Duo pushed the half-giant toward his hut, lying through their teeth.

"Hagrid please stop crying. Come on, the Skrewts are fine."

"But we're not," muttered Ron snarkily, Hermione, not so politely stomped on his foot, causing him to yelp in pain.

"And we're fine too. Right, Ronald?" cognizant of the threatening edge to the bookworm's voice, Ron meekly replied, "Yeah, we're fine Hagrid. Really, just- stop crying. It's- it's not manly to cry."

"Sniff, I suppose yer right." Another sniff. By this time the three had reached the gamekeeper's hut and Hagrid noisily washed his face in the barrel on the porch. Fang came over and rubbed against his master's leg. Trusting the canine to look after the half-giant, Hermione and Ron quickly said their goodbyes and limped toward the castle, not savoring any of their injuries.

Multiple cuts, gashes, and bruises marred their body, aside from the grass, twigs, and leaves that decided to roost in their hair. Their robes were torn and considering, maybe they would have sustained less damage by attacking the Whomping Willow. In great pain (not being used to it), they slowly dragged themselves up to the castle. Resigned, they headed toward the Infirmary. Once the Silver Duo reached the doors to the school nurse's office Hermione and Ron glanced at each other, silently swearing to never eavesdrop on anybody ever again if this was the type of punishment they would have to suffer through because of it. Or at least, not get caught.

Back in Moody's Classroom

Everyone watched, curious about the capabilities of the fifth champion. Moody then issued his command. "Act like a stuck-up, spoiled, rich, pompous little girl," he said, putting emphasis on the last word. Lavi's face lit up like it was Christmas Day.

"Tincampy better be recording this!"

"Oh, most definitely," promised Black Allen.

Kanda only felt an immense feeling of peace settle over him. All his other thoughts and previous goals were not that important, he would be happy if he just complied with what the voice was telling him. But the commanding tone brought back memories, and they were not the good ones. He couldn't remember when or what exactly the memory consisted of, but his mind registered an extreme aversion to shouted commands that forced him to do something he did not want to do. Subconsciously reacting to the underlying tone and finally understanding what the actual command was; act like a girl? No way in Hell would he do that! Kanda, with what felt like a strong effort, labored to pierce through the all encompassing veil of calm that was infinitely relaxing him as he fought against it. His anger served him well and in the classroom, beads of sweat appeared on the Professor's forehead as he fought Kanda, pouring more power into his spell and at the same time admiring/lamenting the exorcist's inner strength. The scene stayed that way for a few more seconds, and then with an incomprehensible roar of rage, the next thing the minds of the students' and Professor registered was the steel of Mugen pointing at Moody's neck.

Shock spread throughout the entire classroom except for the exorcists who had actually seen ponytail move. The students, plus Harry, held their breath. Was the fifth champion really going to decapitate their teacher? How barbaric!

"Nice recovery," praised Moody, and he stepped back, looking as calm as if the sword was a candy cane being pointed at him instead of a lethal weapon. Inside however, part of his mind was still quite surprised, although a greater part began to worry about the effect of the exorcists' on his Dark Lord's plan. These exorcists were more powerful than he anticipated.

Kanda slowly withdrew Mugen, and sheathed it with one swift motion. Then he turned and stood in a darkened corner of the classroom, waiting now for the Moyashi.

"Beat that shorty," he taunted.

The rest of the exorcists wondered how Kanda managed to throw off the curse but knew that ponytail would never tell him. Instead, they turned to look at Allen, whose Black Allen was raring to go.

"Bring it on, Teach!" he declared.

Recovered fully, the former Auror raised his wand and shouted, "Imperio!" Everybody watched closely, especially the exorcists to see how the white-haired boy would fare.

In the boy's mind, Allen was feeling completely at peace. All his troubles, worries, and fears just seemed to slip away. The war? The Millennium Earl? The Noah and akuma? Not important, they didn't really matter, did they? Then Allen heard a voice whisper into his mind as if from very far away. It said, "Act like a clown." A clown? Why not? In the absence of the war all Allen wanted to do was be a clown and entertain people. There really was no reason not to. So he did. With a giant goofy grin on his face Allen took a couple steps back and performed a flawless cartwheel, soon followed after by a seamless somersault. He stood to the applause of the class who was braver now that the previous feeling of killing intent (Kanda) had disappeared.

Kanda, however, was smirking. If only the beansprout could see himself. Not so cocky now, is he? Lenalee and Lavi were both of a different opinion. Lavi just thought it was cool that Allen was so acrobatic, as well as a little depressed that the hope for mankind couldn't throw off a curse, and Lenalee just gave a small smile, hoping that Allen, (even if it was because of a curse), felt as happy as he looked right now. Curse or not, what the professor was doing couldn't really be all that dangerous, the students looked all right after all.

But Professor Moody, disappointed, wasn't done yet. In order to test the limits of the cursed individual's determination, he had to command the victim-er-student, to do something that was completely against their nature. After some short deliberation, Moody got it. "Allen Walker, attack your friend Lenalee Lee."

Dun dun dun! Hope it's getting interesting! Please leave a review on your way out!