Flonne: Finally, a story that is full of love!

Laharl: God please spare me…

-The scene changes to a peaceful town and a small house-

Flonne: Once upon a time, there was a rich man live in a mansion with his three daughters. But unfortunately there was a depression and he went broke and has to live in a small house.

Master Big Star: That's unfortunate, being so rich in a short time.

Mao: And you have three kids.

Master Big Star: That's unexpected, me getting married.

Flonne: And your three daughters will be played as Etna, Prier, and Rozy!

Almaz: What about the mom?

Flonne: Not mentioned.

Laharl: Because she died from sickness.

Flonne: Wow Laharl, How did you know?

Laharl: I don't know, just a feeling.

Adell: If Roz is the main character of this story, then that means I'm the beast right?

Flonne: Yep!

Hanako: Sweet, we can see Adell in his demon form!

Rozalin: Can we get on with this story?

Flonne: Oops, sorry! Now where were we; One day, the man was going out shopping and we ask his daughters what they want, and they say.

Prier: I want a dress, the one with glimmerous sparkles.

Etna: I want some jewelries to sell for big cash.

Rozalin: I just want a red rose, that's all.

Adell: Isn't that obvious.

Rozalin: Shut up!

Master Big Star: Okay one beautiful dress, some jewelries, and an elegant red rose for my daughters. Okay then I'm off.

Flonne: And so, he bought a dress and some jewelries for his two daughters, but he couldn't find a red rose.

Master Big Star: All the stores never sells a single rose. Hmph, this town doesn't know the meaning of the word, "elegant", oh well it's off to the woods then.

Flonne: As he ventured into the forest, he spotted a huge castle.

Master Big Star: My, what's a castle doing in the middle of the forest? Might as well check it out.

Laharl: And hopefully, don't find any talking furniture.

Flonne: Laharl!

Laharl: What? Just making sure this won't turn into one of Disney's weird, musical, cliché version of it.

Etna: You know how he feels about happy music and love.

Flonne: Fine; He went inside and walked into the courtyard as he finds a rosebush.

Master Big Star: At least this castle elegant, the interior here is amazing and it also have a rosebush, and lucky for me, my daughter needs a rose.

Flonne: As he pluck a single rose off the rosebush, the Beast appear before him.

-Adell appears in his "demon?" form-

Adell's Mom: (As if he is already a pure demon)

Adell: Hey, what are you doing stealing my rose?

Master Big Star: Oh I sincerely apologize, but I need rose for my daughter.

Adell: Not if I'm around, give it back!

Master Big Star: I simply can't, I promised my daughter I could find a rose for her.

Adell: Fine, if you love your daughter so much, then I'll let you go, in exchange for your daughter.

Flonne: As the man returned home, he tells Rozalin about the deal he made to the Beast.

Rozalin: You mean to tell me that the Beast take me as his captive instead of killing you?

Master Big Star: Apparently so.

Rozalin: Why me, why not Prier or Etna?

Master Big Star: Because you are the only one who wants a rose.

Rozalin: That's true. (Great, I get to spend time with Adell again.)

Flonne: And so, she went to the Beast's castle.

Adell: I have a name you know!

Flonne: Fine; And so, she went to Adell's castle.

Rozalin: (Trying not to laugh) Adell, whats with the ridiculous getup? It looks like someone stuck a fake demon wings and fake demon ears on you.

Adell: Shut up will ya?

Flonne: When Adell see's her, he immediately fall in love with her. Instead of taking her as a prisoner, he treats her like a guest: he gave her beautiful clothing—

Adell: She practically wears the same thing everyday.

-Rozalin shot him in the leg with her gun-

Adell: Oww where did you get that gun?

Rozalin: I always had it with me.

Flonne: He fed her the finest food—

Hanako: What can I say? I'm one badass cook!

Adell: When did you get here?

Hanako: I managed to sneak in.

Flonne: And he talk to her often!

Etna: That's true love to me.

Adell & Rozalin: Shut up!

Etna: Alright fine geez…You don't have to be defensive about that.

Flonne: But one day Rozalin became homesick. After some begging Adell agreed to let her go as long she come back.

Adell: Here take these with you.

Rozalin: What am I supposed to do with a mirror and a ring?

Adell: The ring lets you teleport instantly back here and the mirror lets you know what's happening and no there's no old man in the mirror. (See Snow Sapphire to see what Adell meant)

Rozalin: Okay then, see you whenever.

Flonne: She went home to greet her family. That night she told them her stay at Adell's castle, unfortunately her sisters grew jealous after hearing how well treated their sister was. They fake tears to let her stay

Rozalin(Even though she can see through their lies): If you miss me that much then I can stay for a while.

Flonne: A few days later, Rozy begins to feel guilty for not keeping Adell's promise. Worried, she used the mirror Adell gave her. To her horror, Adell was dying from heart break.

Adell: That's a bit cheesy you know that?

Flonne: Fine, your dying from the demon's curse.

Adell: That's a bit better.

Flonne: Immediately, she used the magic ring to teleport to him. But it was too late, he was already dead.

Rozalin(Acting like she was about to cry): No please don't die on me! I love you!

Laharl: Oh god, the cheesyness, it's unbearable…

Flonne: Saying those magic words, Adell was brought back to life and transformed back to his human self.

Adell: Basically, those fake demon parts fall off on me. Thanks to you, the "curse" has lifted, will you marry me?

Rozalin: Yes of course.

Flonne: And so, Adell and Rozalin are finally married and lived happily ever after, the end!

Hanako: Technically, they're not officially married.

Flonne: Do you guys like it? What happened to Laharl?

Etna: He passed out because of the love and cheesy moments.

Flonne: Oh well after he wakes up, I'll think of another story to write.

To be continued…