okay, so I was reading a story (Hot Gimmick: Fax style) and thought, i should make this an avatar fanfic!! this is my first time writing anything then Maximum ride, (and my muse made one of these for that) and i've been wanting to write a Phantom of the Opera one, but that is pushing them all WAYYY out of character. this is more of just a test chapter. If i like how it's going, or have enough reviews, i'll keep going.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar, cause if i did, Zuko and Katara would be together, and I didn't really come up with the idea. Kinda stole it... heh. =\

Katara's POV:

Aang and I stood knee deep in water, bending a wave between us. He was in nothing but his pants, and ever sense he defeated the Fire Lord, his muscles have been becoming more and more apparent. Aang threw me that sweet half-smile of his, and I felt my cheeks redden.

I subconsciously took the wave we had been tossing back and forth, and shaped it to a heart. It rose above me, it's bottom still attached to the water, and I pushed it toward Aang. He formed a smaller, empty one inside it and easily stepped threw. He laughed and pushed my water at me.

I wasn't as quick. It splashed me in the face, drenching me from head to toe.

"Hey! Oh, it's one!" I smirked at flung a huge wave at him. Sweet sweet revenge.

Our game advanced to a full out water war. I was in the lead, until Aang pushed me over with a blast of wind, causing me to go head under.

Frustrated that I lost, I stayed under, crossing my arms like a little child. Soon enough, Aang was standing over me, laughing his head off. He fell for my trap.

Putting on my most charming smile, I whipped out water that brought Aang under with me. I heard a gurgle of bubbles and a yelp, then Aang was right next to me.

Smiling again, I got out of the water and bending it off. Victory was nice.

With a flick of my hair, just to add to it, I marched out of the water and up to our beach house. Sokka and Suki were sitting on the front steps giggling. Ignoring them, I walked into the open house, and to my room. I opened my door, and there, right in the chair in the corner of my room, was Zuko.

And he was holding a small notebook that had a stomach churning familiarity to it.

"Zuko!" I screamed, launching myself at him to grab my diary.

But he was taller, stronger, and quicker then me. He stood up, holding the diary above his head, and grabbed my arms for I couldn't come any closer.

"'July 28th. Dear Diary, today, I had the BEST time of my life. Aang is such a good kisser...'" Zuko read aloud, a smirking on his face. "Do you know what Sokka would do to you if he figured out you spend most of your time lip-locked with Aang?" He snorted, tucking my diary in his back pocket.

"Oh, I swear Zuko, if you breath a word of this to Sokka, I'll slice each of your lips off. One at a time." I threatened, anger surging threw my body.

He chuckled. "Oh, I won't tell him," a moment of relief washed over me, "but only under one condition."

I sighed. "What do you want?"

"You've got to do everything I tell you to do." His smirk came back.

Oh great. I thought of that. Lose my life to Sokka, or do a few dishes for Zuko. Dishes over life. Defiantly.

"Fine, fine! I'll do what ever you want! Now please, give me back my diary!" I struggled to free my arm and reach for it, but he just tightened his grip.

"Oh no you don't. I've still got some reading to do, then I need something to hold you to your promise." He let go of my arm and bent down to kiss my forehead. I blushed furiously, and Zuko walked out of the room like nothing happened.

"Oh, and I'm expected at a party for me becoming Fire Lord, and am suppose to bring a guest. You'll be coming with." He said over his shoulder, and left.

What in god's name did I just get myself into?

okay, so it's really short. But like a said earlier, experiment. That and I'm tired. Nighty Night.