Disclaimer: Alright everybody! This is my first Gundam Seed Fic, I hope you guys like it and don't be mad at me if I get anything wrong, I'm going to try the best I can with this ok, so please just bare with me. Anyway I don't own Gundam Seed, or any Gundam's for that matter. I do own my OC's and the people that helped me out, by sending out their information for their characters own their OC's and their own custom made Gundam's, but anyway I hope you guys like the story!
June 1st C.E 77
"Mr. President." A voice called as a Light brown man with yellow hair turned towards the president who was sitting in his office, going through his files with one hand propped up against his head and the other carelessly turning the pages as his smirk grew wider.
"What is it?" He replied rudely as he continued to go through his papers, not looking at the man that just ran into his office.
"Well….Well…Mr. President." The man said nervously.
"Spit it out!" The president snapped as he quickly stood up and looked at the man, who still stood in front of him. His body went stiff as the President walked slowly from around his desk and towards him.
The President stood at a good 6 ft2 with long black hair that sunk to the back of his shoulders; He wore a black suit with a white tie and white shoes. His eyes were emerald green. He had a sinister smirk that crept along his face as he approached the young man that stood before him.
"The project sir….the project failed." The young man said as he quickly shut his eyes, scared of what the president might say or do after he had delivered the message.
The president stopped in his tracks and looked at the young man and then slowly shook his head.
"So Project Cerberus was a failure?" The President repeated as he looked at the young man who slowly reopened his eyes and looked at the president still with a scared expression on his face.
"Ye….Yes sir…Yes President Nomaki." The young man said as he quickly shield himself with one of his arms as he continued with his explanation. "We…We sent some our man to go into space like you ordered, but…but." The young man stuttered.
"But what." President Nomaki said coolly as he walked towards his dresser and slightly opened one of the drawers.
"But…But we were cut off." The young man said again as he took a step back.
"Cut off you says." Nomaki stated as he slightly turned around with his hand pulling something out of the drawer, but the young man didn't catch sight of it.
"We….We don't know sir… The enemy was unknown…it…it happen as soon as we made contact with the project sir." The young man explained as he continued to watch the president's moves.
"An unknown enemy you say." The president said coolly again as he turned around fully facing the young man with one of his hand in his pockets and the other resting against his side. "Tell me what mobile suit were they flying." Nomaki said as his smirked grew wider.
"I'm….I'm sorry President Nomaki, that information is also unknown." The young man stated, somewhat now shaking.
"So you mean to tell me is, that you failed at your duty to retrieve what I asked for." Nomaki said quietly, causing the young man to slowly shake his head in approval.
"Ye…Yes sir…But we're sending our men back out there...And I pro..." The young man started
"I hate promises." The President said as smoke slowly left the pistol, that was fired by President Nomaki as he turned and walked back towards his desk.
The young Man body slowly fell as the President sat down; a bullet hole was left as a result in his face with blood dripping on the president's carpet.
Nomaki sighed as he simply pressed a button his desk
"Yes Mr. President." A female voice said cheerfully on the other end of the intercom.
"Send a cleanup crew to my office immediately." Nomaki said respectfully. "Oh and could you get Chairman…Durandal on the line for me?" Nomaki said with a bigger smirk growing on his face.
"Yes Mr. President." The young lady replied back.
A few minutes later Nomaki's phone rung, causing him to take a deep breath and slowly pick it up. "Yes Chairman how have you been. "Nomaki asked
"President Nomaki." Durandal voice being heard from the other line." President of the Earth Federation, what a surprise, I ask what do I owe the honors of having you calling me." Durandal asked somewhat sarcastically.
"Well Mr. Chairman, I do think you know of the current situation about the Cerberus project. " President Nomaki replied.
"Yes I believe I do, so tell me Mr. President how did our men do?" the Chairman asked.
"Hmph failed as usual." The President replied back as he leaned back in his chair as he continued the conversation. "But I do have another idea, that may work in getting us the mobile suit we've been wanting to get our hands on. "Nomaki stated slowly grabbed a cup of coffee.
"Hmmmm Go on." Durandal said showing interests in what Nomaki had to say.
"Well, it won't be easy, but It may drive the world into chaos." President Nomaki retorted.
"Chaos?" Durandal said quickly. "You mean another war!" He said somewhat surprised. "Hmmm Go on." Durandal said again, now with interest filling the conversation.
"Well…I think you know what you need to do." President Nomaki stated as he looked up and gazed at the dead body of the young man he just shot still lying on the floor in the middle of his office.
"Yes it will be done, this is going to be interesting, but do you really think that this was actually get us closer to the Cerberus project?" Durandal asked.
Nomaki let out a small chuckle of amusement as he took a sip of coffee and slowly placed the cup down back on his dresser.
"Mr. Chairman, please let me inform you that if we manage to get our hands on this project we can create our own militia of pure destruction." Nomaki stated as he turned his head towards his window an looked outside. " All we have to do is trick this simple minded people in the nation in believing that this little outcome is necessary and while their blinded by the spoils of war." Nomaki continued.
"It will give us all the time we need to complete this project and form only one nation. " Chairman Durandal stated causing President Nomaki to let out a small laugh.
"Exactly. " President Nomaki stated. "It's now the time that only one power stood, there's no need to have colonies or other nations. "Nomaki stated smugly.
"I completely agree with you Mr. President and I do a sure you that we will create the ultimate utopia." Durandal stated.
"Hmmm the Utopia Federation." President Nomaki stated. "That has a nice ring to it. " He continued as he walked towards his window, viewing the scenery.
"Well I guess it's time to put this into our own hands." Chairman Durandal stated.
"Hmmm Yes if we don't then this little project will never get off the ground, start it tomorrow...In New York." Nomaki stated.
"Will do Mr. President…Will do." Chairman Durandal said as you can tell he smirked on the other end of the phone as he slowly hung up along with President Nomaki.
Nomaki slowly opened up his windows and looked at the sky. "The Utopia Federation." He thought. "A new army of Mobile suits at my command and only the best pilots to operate them." He continued to think as he slowly brought his gaze down to the scenery of the city. "Hmph if they only knew what is to come of tomorrow." He said to himself as he slowly turned around and stepped on the body that he shot and walked out the room slowly closing the door behind him.
Alright I know this was short, but it's only the prologue, I know you can't base much off of this, but still you know an opinion on where you think the story might head. Oh and I know chairman Durandal died in the second Bloody Valentine War, just keep reading and you'll find out the whole story on his part. Well if you want to, but I will try to keep updating on a daily basis, and I just wanted to thank the guys that helped me out, by letting me use their characters for this story. I really appreciate it.