Luke's POV

"Sorry, Sarah Jane is not here right now." The raspy voice at the other end of the phone told me.


"What have you done with my Mum?" I asked, immediately turning defensive.

"She is perfectly safe in Antarctica, we've just come to get our plant back. We can't waste a good racweed plant, and we're running a little low." A sarcastic, ugly alien voice answered.

"Just take it and go, and don't touch a hair on my Mum's head." I shouted, feeling my anger building.

"Fine, fine, brain boy, just don't expect us to stop our plans." The Blathereen told me before hanging up.

"What was that all about?" Clyde asked, I explained the nature of the conversation and the threats and his face was a picture.

"It's all their fault, they're killing her!" Clyde protested. I nodded.

"We have to get home, or call Mr Smith. K9, can you put us through?" I asked him.

"Of course masters." He answered, Clyde put his mobile on loudspeaker in front of K9's nose.

"Clyde, Luke, dog, how may I be of assistance?" Mr Smith's voice rang out loud and clear.

"We've figured out how to stop the racweed. That low buzzing, it's communicating, it's how it stays alive or reproduces or both but the school bell stopped it." I explained.

"I presume you want me to recreate that noise Luke." He was good at guessing.

"Yes, but I don't know how loud the school bell is." I sighed.

"Won't it be recorded on Mr Chandra's computer somewhere?" Clyde asked, I was good at hacking.

"That would be wrong Master Clyde, like your cheating, and I recorded the volume." K9 explained, sounding a little un-K9-ish but, not at the top of my list of priorities.

"If you could inform me, dog, I can reproduce it easily." Mr Smith explained.

"Go for it!" Clyde encouraged. K9 told Mr Smith the volume and Mr Smith told us the sound wouldn't come for another couple of minutes. My mind drifted and I thought of my Mum in the southern hemisphere, what type of pain was she in and why had she left her phone in the attic? My thoughts then wondered to Maria in the US; would this affect her? Would this stretch the whole Atlantic ocean? The thought of Maria having to go through what Rani is…

…Was soon interrupted by an ear-splitting sound; everything was making a noise of the volume that K9 informed Mr Smith of and together it made a deafening sound that almost made me fall over, Clyde was doing the same.

A few seconds late it was over.

"Go Mr Smith!" Clyde cheered, the phone was still on.

"Thank you, Clyde, I will see you later." Mr Smith started his goodbye's. We informed him we would most probably be on our way home; 'like anyway was going to come back to school' Clyde had said.


Rani was not yet conscious after we'd jumped up the stairs two at a time.

"Maybe we weren't quick enough." I suggested. I got a glare from Clyde that told me it was not the right thing to say. He took hold of Rani's blotchy red hand and I saw a tear roll down his cheek and onto her hand.

"Rani, please don't die, I need you, to encourage me, to support me, to look at me with that longing look, that I want to return, I love you Rani Chandra, please, hear me, please," His voice was breaking and I knew now that he would deny saying this later, but he was loosing the woman he loved, it was painful.

I would do the same if I lost Maria, Mum and the Doctor, Mr Smith and his memory card. I heard Clyde's low sobs.

"Stop blubbering you idiot." I heard Rani's voice from below, she sounded fine and looked a lot better as well.

"You were faking weren't you?" I asked.

"Yup. Clyde really?" She asked him directly. Mum was zapped back into the room.

"Mum!" I called.

"Luke!" She called back, Clyde and Rani were talking quietly to themselves.

"I think we should leave them to it." I almost started laughing, as Mum put her hands in mine and we went downstairs into the living room.

"So what happened in Antarctica?" I asked over a cup of tea.

"I confronted them. They locked me up for half an hour while they came here. Came back, by which time I'd dug my sonic lipstick out my pocket and was free. Then almost as soon as they returned, I heard everything just turn on and make more than a little noise. I ran into the hall after I heard some sort of muted explosion, and saw blown up Blathereen on the, erm, everywhere. So I set the ship to drive itself into space and self destruct when it's far away from Earth, then I came home." Mum smiled and her story enchanted me, and mesmerised me, as her stories usually do. We headed back upstairs to find Rani and Clyde kissing on the sofa. I was grossed out but Mum wasn't fussed, they jumped apart as soon as they realised we were there and Mum looked at them sternly, obviously trying to restrain laughter, she pointed straight past me and out the door.

"Out! Now!" Neither of them protested as they rushed down the stairs and almost slamming the front door behind them.

I ran down to my room and watched them walked away together, hand in hand, kissing again before they even got off the drive. I went back up to the attic, met eyes with Mum, and we both burst out in fits of giggles.

"Talk about the most untypical love story in history!" Mum laughed.

Ok, I have to admit I thought it would be longer, but it finished there. O well, there's lots of cute Rani/Clyde (I think) so that makes up for it.

I know it's kinda ooc for Luke to find it funny but I was kinda like 'aah, haha' as I wrote it, I couldn't help but make Luke laugh with me!!!!
Please review and check out my other fics!

Ty for reading!

~SalJCDK xxx