
This is actually my first Aph fic. Actually found out about the series
pretty recently, but from the first moment I watched the anime
I was caught. I just LOVE THEM ALL! Hahaha.

Please enjoy


"…" Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it, ignore it…

"Yaho~! England~!"


"Oh, I caught up to you, England!"

Buggary hell… "… Hello, America." England stated formally, throwing the lively nation a glance before he continued to make his way down the corridor. To his misery, America followed him, smiling stupidly.

"Hey, hey! England, England!" The American said happilly, trying to catch the Britons attention. England groaned. Why did the American have to be so energetic in the morning?

"What?" He growled, turning his head towards the younger nation.

"Oh, come on." America whined. "Don't be so sulky in the morning!"

"I am not sulky!" England shouted, his face reddening in anger. "If there is nothing you want with me, then please leave and stop bugging me." He growled and stomped away from the chuckling younger Nation.

"Oh, but England~" America sang and skipped after him. "There's actually something I wanted to ask you…" England frowned.

"What is it?" He asked, annoyed. America allways had to drag out things and it took him hours to get to the point!

"How many of the nations have you slept with?"

"…" England could only gape in shock. America did not just ask that… did he? He stared doumbfounded at the younger nation beside him, mind utterly blank.

"England?" America asked, looking at his former caretaker with curiosity. He found it funny how Englands red-flushed irritated face could turn so white and horrified in a matter of a second. When England finally found his voice again he started coughing as if he had choked on something (Which he suspected was his pride…) and then his face flushed brightly pink.

"Wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-What are you talking about, you twat?" He hissed behind clenched teeth, face heating up even more. America only smiled.

"Oh, come on. Don't deny it!" He teased, throwing an arm around Englands shoulders. "I know you used to have many different allies back in the old days." He found it amusing how Englands ears became redder in emberassment. "And surely, you did something, right~?" He whispered seductively into the Britons ear before pulling away, laughing, as the Briton tried to punch him but missed. However, when he saw Englands flushed face he almost felt bad for teasing the older nation. Almost.

"Sh-sh-shut up! N-nothing like that happened, you idiot!"

"Oh~? The look on your face tells me otherwise, England." America chuckled. England tensed, eyes widening slightly. "Come on, come on! Tell me, tell me!" England, however, only clenched his lips together and turned around and started walking again. "Ah!" America scurried after him. "Come on, England. I heard France talk about how slutty you were back then and I'm curious about your sex-life~" He sing sang. After he said that, he automaticly threw his hands over his head, awaiting Englands furious punch. It never came however. He curiously glanced up at Englands face and gaped when he saw how concentrated England looked. England didn't pay any attention to him and only continued to walk down the corridor, mumbling things to himself. America fallowed quitely listening to the Englishmans mumbles.

"Slutty… Was I really…? Hm…" America thought it was weird hearing England think out loud about such things with a straight face. England was deep in thought. Now when he thought about it, he had slept with pretty many of the nations. He couldn't remember it, though, mostly because most of the times he had been extremely drunk. How many of them had he slept with? He didn't remember.

"Come on, England. Don't go 'round mumbling to yourself. Tell me." America was seriously curious now. He had first intended to tease the Briton a little about his past, but he didn't think he'd hit bullseye with the britt. England eyed him.

"Hm… Okay. I'll tell you." The britt said, without blushing, screaming or even looking ashamed. America backed away.

"Who are you and what did you do to England?" He shouted. England slapped him over the head.

"It's still me, idiot." America rubbed his head and blinked up at England. "But don't blame me later if you're scarred for life." America gulped.

"E-England?" He asked unsure. Was England really going to tell him? Awesome!

"Okay. First person coming to mind is France." England said thoughtfull. America gawked.

"F-f-f-f-france?" He stuttered. "B-but you're like… total enemies?" America noted how scary Englands smirk was.

"Oh, yeah. It was still pretty hot, damn. Lustfull, you know." England chukled. "Still happens every now and then…" He added in a whisper. America still heard it.


"But only when I'm totally wasted." The Briton added shortly after. "Anyway, the next one is… Russia, I guess?" America stared in disbelief at him.

"Don't tell me…" He said, no color left on his face.

"Of course, why'd you think he goes around asking me to become one with him again?" America shivvered. Mental… picture… too… strong.

"Oh, and then there's Prussia." England added. "It was pretty rough and kinky, if I remember correctly… Really, he was good at making me moa-"

"Don't wanna hear that!" America protested. England laughed at him.

"You're still too young to hear this stuff, America. You sure you want me to continue?" If America wasn't mistaken, something in Englands voice was mocking him.

"N-no! I can take it! I'm a hero after all!" England smirked.

"Oh, well… Then we have Romano. Yes, I was once allied with Italy. Did you know the hair on their head that points out is an erogenous zone? Yeah… And then there's Greece. He was very gentle, if I'm not mistaken… Can you believe he fell asleep in the middle of it? And of course, can't forgett about Spain. Geez… he was a sensitive one. Then we have Denmark, from way back, like... Viking era? Yeah... Oh, and then there's Japan… But Romano, Greece, Denmark and Japan was only once (Spain twice). Too boring. Oh! Right. Then there was a time when Germany conquered me-"

"Whoah, whoah! Wait just a fucking second. Germany? You slept with Germany?" America shouted terrified. Feliciano had told him many times that Germany was pretty rough, and that someone like Germany would conquer EnglandGo away, mental image! Go away! England sighed.

"Slept with and slept with… Rather 'were bound to the bed with handcuffs and totally raped', but sure… I didn't complain." America had no comment. He thought his soul went to heaven and lived hapilly ever after. "And then there's Canada…"

"STOP!" America shouted, eyes wide and mouth agape. "You had sex with my twin brother?" He felt like throwing up. Had Mathew really… Mathew, of all people?

"Well, of course. He was really desperate and horny. He actually begged for me to let him fuck me, how could I say no to his face? It actually happened more than once, too, you know? Remember that Christmas two years ago? When you, France and I were at Mathews place? Uhm… When Mathew and I went to get the wine in the basement?"

"No…" America didn't even feel like screaming. "Th-that was the reason you t-took so long…?"

"Uh-huh." England nodded. Americas face paled even more (If that was even possible.) "That's all I remember for now, actually… Pretty sure there was more people, though. But I don't remember. I'm a drunkyard, you know?" He said smiling. America was speechless.

"Oh, and it still happens that I hit it on with either France, Prussia, Russia, Germany or Canada even today… And sometimes, it's three of them at once…" Further down in the corridor, France showed up, noticing them.

"Amerique, mon Anglenterre! The meeting is starting. Depechez-vous!" England looked up.

"Shut up, frog! We're coming!" England then walked over to France and they started arguing on the way to meeting. America was somehow left behind in his state of misery. England had been right. Now he was scarred for life.

Yup, that was that. Err... supposed to be funny, but I think I pretty much fail.
It was scrabbled together rather quickly actually, so it's not really
well done or anything...

Oh, gawd. I love England! And France! And America! AND PRUSSIA :D AND ITALY! (both of them.)

Hope you Enjoyed!

(Oh Sh** xD I forgott to metnion I like Canada too. AW! POOR HIM! I forgott him!(Like everyone else does...))

Continuation is up! Check out Chapter 2!
