Dear Readers,

Okay, so here's the thing; this story has been going on for so long, I think we're all a little bored of it. While this fic will always have a place in my heart I feel it's time to move on. I've moved on since I start this, in skill, style and mentality.

At the beginning, I loved the characters I'd created and thought the plot was unique and intriguing but looking back it's very cliché for a beginner Fanfiction writer and I hope I've moved on from the mary-sue style OCs and predictable, immediately loved up, plot lines.

In total, this fic has 118,085 words, 80 chapters, 234 reviews, 11,223 hits, 12 favourites and 10 alerts. That's all you guys. You're all brilliant. This is my longest, most reviewed, third most favourited, third most alerted and has had the most hits of all my fics by more than double (as of 25/09/11). That's one of the reasons I put off writing this for so long; because I wasn't sure I could bare to let go. But I have to not just for me but for those of you who may have been waiting for this to be updated.

Regarding how the story ends, I think the last chapter (minus Tilly's in-put) was a good way of demonstrating how the fic would end; Bella and Luke would grow old together after she'd faced some sort of challenge in her musical career, she'd meet whichever band I'm obsessed with at the moment (One Direction, just in case you're interested – stay tuned for One Direction fics) there'd be a love triangle, Luke would get jealous, the Doctor would get involved, it'd all get sorted and her career would continue at whatever tangent I decided it would go down, then she'd almost die and Luke would cry and declare his love for her, then everything would be okay again and I'd have another hiatus. Then they can grow old together.

I'm not really proud of this fic and I wouldn't recommend it, though if you do like it (as some of you obviously do) continue to read as you please but this is the end.

I want to thank you all for taking this journey with me. I love you all and it's you that have inspired me to continue it for this long. Continue to read and write Sarah Jane Adventures fics and read my other fics if you like too. Now, I will concentrate my efforts on my Merlin fic as it returns next week and a Doctor Who fic after that, all among other One Direction fics and possibly a Harry Potter fic thrown in too. Feel free to PM me with ideas or just for a chat; I have a lot of spare time. Though I got into Pottermore yesterday so, HUFFLEPUFF's RULE! Ahaha :L

I love you all so thank you.

- Sophie xo