Star Trek: First Contact

Disclaimer: I'm organising a kidnapping. Shush.

Summary: Spock to the rescue.

A/N: I apologise to everyone for the terribly long delay. I'm not going to give any excuses; it's not writer's block. For any readers who are still interested; THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the support. I can now safely say with certainty: Only 2 chapters to ending.

So enjoy!

Chapter Eight:

'Wait for me'

Spock let that thought played in his consciousness even as he quickened his pace towards the Bridge.

His mind is already quite made up now. With or without assistance, he will chance a rescue mission for his Captain and fellow crewmen still stranded on M246.

Uhura who was following behind had to quicken her pace to keep up with the Vulcan. Spock had been silent ever since they exited Sickbay. Now, suddenly without preamble, he had walked at top speed.

All of a sudden without warning the Enterprise shook like it was being hit by a dozen asteroids. The red alerts were immediately triggered at the terrible shaking.

Spock was fortunate to be able to grab hold of the railings by the side of the ship; Uhura and many others who were similarly taken aback by the shockwave were not so lucky.

Uhura was thrown to the floor with a terrible impact.

The Vulcan rushed to her side to offer aide.

'Are you alright, Nyota?' he asked with concern.

She seemed rather dazed but with Spock's help was able to stand up again.

'I'm OK Spock,' she said rather shakily.

The Vulcan scanned her figure up and down to determine if there is any outward injury.

Apart from the obviously bruising elbows where it had impacted upon her fall, she looked fine.

But still, there is no accounting for internal injuries.

'Mr. Spock, Lt. Uhura. Report to the bridge immediately,' Scotty's voice boomed over the ship-wide communication channel which is mercifully the only communication they still have.

He turned to look at Uhura.

'You should report yourself to Sickbay first Nyota. I can accompany you,' he offered.

She shook her head.

There was no time and she was aware of it.

'I am really fine Spock. These bruises are nothing. Let's go back to the bridge together.'

Her tone left no room for any arguments; after all she was right. In a critical situation such as this, every able bodied crewmember will have to answer the call for duty. Uhura knows well enough the moment she signed up for Starfleet Academy that she would be devoting her life to duty and responsibility. Spock similarly is bonded to the same code of ethics.

'Very well. Let's go.'

Spock and Uhura shared a concern glance for a fraction of a second before they both rushed to the bridge and was soon taken from sight by the many bodies rushing everywhere to all parts of the moment the both of them stepped inside the bridge, another tremor, slightly less severe this time hit the Enterprise again.

Scotty was pacing to and fro around the Bridge apparently ill at ease.

No one could blame him really.

'What's our status Mr. Scott?' Spock began quickly.

Scotty's answer was not promising.

'More power failure happenin' all over the ship Mr. Spock. Remember I told ye about the Domino effect earlier. Apparently Sir it had reached my Engineering,'

'The Dilithium Crystals?'

'Aye. We're losing them one by one. If we don't break out of orbit now Mr. Spock; we're dead men and that's the fact.'

Spock scanned through all the reports that prove every single one of Scotty's simplified explanation.'

There really was nothing for it.

If they stayed within the orbit, the Enterprise will crash and with it claim the lives of many. On the other hand, to break out of orbit meant abandoning the landing team with no possible chance of another rescue attempt.

Thus there it is; Spock's very own moment of truth.

And it is at times like these that Spock admits that he felt keenly the absence of the Captain. But his mind was made up, had been since his last contact with Kirk.

'Mr Scott,' he began firmly.

The Engineer turned to look at him.

'Get the engines ready and bring the Enterprise out of orbit,' Spock finished.

Scotty looked uncomfortable.

'What of the Captain and the landing party Mr. Spock?'

It was just as well that everything be made ready for his own departure. Since the transporter is in-operational having been affected by the system failure, the only option that Spock can use to get to the planet is by using the shuttle craft.

The Enterprise had a supply of six of them to be used in the case of transporter malfunction. Thankfully, none of the shuttles were affected by the unusual power lost because all of them contained personal power reserves supply.

Now would be a good time to render them useful.

'I am ordering you to take the ship out of orbit. Meanwhile, I also would request a shuttle to be made ready for myself,' Spock said.

Just as the words escaped his lips, various eyes on the Bridge turned to regard him in shocked. Obviously they understood his meaning without the needs of an elaboration.

It was Uhura who voiced her opinion.

'Spock-please. It is dangerous to attempt a rescue by yourself. You don't even know where they are,' she stated.

'I am aware of the risks Lt. Uhura. I already have a possible clue of their location,' he answered calmly.

Even as Scotty and Uhura exchanged concern looks; Spock had proceeded to contact the crew responsible for the preparation of the shuttle craft.

'Mr. Spock,' Scotty started uncertainly.

'I cannae let ye undertake this mission alone. Take along personnel with ye that we can spare. I'll make the necessary arrangements.'

'That will not be necessary Scott. I alone will be able to undertake the tasks. You will need many personnel to navigate this ship out of orbit and therefore you cannot spare any,' Spock declined.

'But Mr. Spock,' Scotty protested.

'There will be no debate on the matter Mr. Scott. I will be going taking the shuttle craft down onto the planet. Begin your preparation for transporting out into space.'

Spock's voice was firm and steady.

As Captain Kirk would usually say: I do not invite a debate, gentlemen.

After all, they are running out of time as another tremor shook the Enterprise.

That settled the brewing argument quickly.

Many more bodies get thrown around increasing the occupant of the already busy Sickbay. Scotty started shouting for various orders to begin the engine start-up in order for them to bursts out of the gravitational energy that was increasing as it began to pull strongly at the ship.

There were flurries of activities all across the bridge as every station from navigation to helm to engineering began to simultaneously work to ready the ship for take off.

Even Uhura was back at her console trying to get them working although her eyes managed to steal worried glances to Spock every now and then.

Amidst these activities, a chirped sounded from the Command chair and Spock received the information from the shuttle ready room that everything has been prepared for him.

Spock walked over to where Scotty is currently belaying orders from the engineering console and the Scotsman promptly looked at him.

'I will leave for the ready room now Mr. Scott. I order you to get the Enterprise out of orbit the moment my shuttle disengaged from it.'

Scotty 's face was set and he regarded the other man with renewed respect.

'Aye. There'll be no use fer me tryin' ter change yer mind Mr. Spock. We'll be waitin' for your signal to retrieve ye. Best o' luck sir,' Scotty said earnestly.

If there was a good word to be said at a moment like this; Spock would have said it illogical or otherwise. As it stands, all he could relay to Scotty is his gratitude.

'Thank you Mr. Scott,' he said.

'Live long and prosper.'

Scotty gave him no answer save for a nod and a small tense smile. Spock nodded once and began his exit from the Bridge. As he neared the turbolift, Uhura stood from her station and came to him. She had her professional face on but the words she whispered to him were anything but:

'Spock, I know you needed to do this and I have no right to stop you. But please, promise me that you will come back.'

It was an echo of a similar conversation that had occurred seemingly a long time ago in another place and time.

Spock felt a pang of emotion wash over him for a moment before he carefully tucked it away from his face and his heart.

Even though they are no longer lovers, he still owed her his gratitude for everything that she had done for him. He tilted his head slightly and offered her a little smile.

'I always endeavour to return; especially when there is someone for me to return to,' he said.

She smiled a sweet smile although it did not reach her eyes.

Same words; different circumstances.

She offered him a little touch on the arm.

He nodded.

And then the turbolift had taken him away from her.

Uhura's eyes lingered upon the doors long after it had closed.

He was never hers to begin with.

She returned to her duty and her future.

Spock let his long legs carry him to the intended destination. No one bothered him as he walked and no one turned to look at him. Scotty had just relayed the order that the Enterprise was to break out of orbit and returned to space. The start-up of the Engine would take the cooperation between various departments and at the moment every single body aboard ship was involved in the preparation.

Spock heard many relieved comments uttered by the crew as he passed but also he caught various conversations voicing concern about the Captain's and landing team's well-being. Spock had no time for gossip; it is not in his nature to partake in such illogical activity and he already reached the ready room.

Inside a crewman stood at attention the moment Spock made his entrance. The Vulcan wasted no time in conversation as he prepared himself with various instruments and necessities to be brought down with him. Amongst these are medical supplies, water and nutritional packs.

The crewman offered him a military salute that he had returned in kind.

After making sure that the shuttle is indeed ready for take-off he entered the cockpit and started the ignition sequence. The shuttle sprang to life and Spock settled himself at the control seat. He began all the necessary procedures for take off.

Spock let the shuttle hover momentarily in the hangar before he slowly eased it towards the escape hatch. He piloted the shuttle craft and it broke free of the Enterprise. Once in space, Spock contacted Scotty to inform him of his whereabouts. He urged Scotty to leave the orbit now.

The Engineer's voice was calm and serious.

'Good luck sir,' he said.

'We'll be waitin' for yer call, Sir,' Scotty finished trying hard to instil a confident tone to his voice and the communication was terminated.

Spock stared at the million stars beyond the confined space of his cockpit.

Now, the fate of the Enterprise is no longer within his control.

Spock turned his mind to focus on his mission now.

He piloted the shuttle with a one intention only:

To bring the landing team safely from the planet.

Preferably alive.

Doctor Leonard McCoy shivered a little as the temperature in the desert suddenly dipped as a signal of the approaching night. The wind had began to howled all around him now and sometimes he thought he could hear whispered words mingling with it.

He wondered once again whether he was indeed going insane.

Do not lose hope.

Never lose hope.

McCoy snapped to attention.

What was that?

'Great McCoy. Now you're hearing things too,' he scolded himself.

He shook his head. Things had been going steadily bleak as the hours passed. The Captain had yet to regain consciousness and even though his condition had not deteriorated, it had not improved either and without medical help there was nothing McCoy could do to help. Sulu similarly is still lost in what apparently looked like a self-induced stupor. The helmsman had been sitting very still in the same position for the past hour or so staring blankly into space.

McCoy wondered if the trauma (whatever it was) that had caused Sulu's memory lost had contributed to the young man's worsening condition. He felt very hopeless and rather lonely in this desolation and as he looked about him he can't help but give a little shudder that had nothing to do with the lowering temperature.

Oh yes.

What could he do to protect them against the bitter cold night in these parts of the galaxy? They had not thought of bringing any extra warm garments for obvious reasons since this is a desert planet and the plan was to beam up aboard the Enterprise before night fall.

Obviously that plan now lay in ruin. A part of the Doctor is still holding on to hope. Perhaps the Enterprise (where ever she is) will come to their aid soon. One night in this worm-hole can still be tolerated for him; but his concerns are mostly for his friends. But another more cynical part of him knew that if help does not arrive and soon, there will be nothing that will stand in the way of demise.

McCoy shivered again and wrapped his arms tightly around his person to keep warm and went over to sit by the Captain's side.

Somewhere out there he prayed; let help be on its way.

To Be Continued…

This chapter is the most enjoyable to write for me thus far; but I supposed I'm gonna be happiest when Kirk and Spock are FINALLY together (:D)