Cave In

Chapter 8: Epilogue

A/N: *Sniff * *Sniff * Sadly, this is the...LAST CHAPTER! WAAAAAAAAAAAAA! :( however do not fret, for there are several mini stories I have written, so if you still like my HTTYD work, then go and check it out on my profile. Also, thank you for your reviews.



Astrid stood in the middle of her backyard, observing a sleeping Nad. It had been a full week since her duel with Fenja in the Feasting Hall. It had been a full week of rest and relaxation for her and her dragon. During that period of time, her wounds had mostly healed, now only her stomach hurt a bit. Nad however was a different story. He had been badly damaged in the cave in, and despite the constant bed rest and healer's best efforts, he would be out of action for another month or so.

Astrid watched her pet sleep a bit longer then began her normal training exercises. She wasn't allowed to do 'Advanced Exercises' because of Hiccup. She had only been practicing with her throwing weapons, when Hiccup had arrived and freaked. So now all she did were her stretching exercises.

As she did her exercises, Astrid thought of all that had happened recently. She and Hiccup had bonded more, they had even gone and watched a game of footracing among the younger children, Astrid had cheered for her younger sister a bit, Hiccup had thrown in his support as well, that had been a good day.

And they had played Tablut a lot too. Since Hiccup wouldn't allow her to move that much, for worry of reopening her various wounds, like she had done the first day after the duel. The game was a version of Hnefatafl, and was a bit more fun to play.

"Day dreaming?" a voice said from behind, and she swore she heard a chuckle. Turning around, stopping her exercises, Astrid nodded. "About me, hopefully?" he asked. Astrid just rolled her eyes at Hiccup.

"Yes, you caught me" Astrid gave a mock gasp. "I have unavoidable lust for Snoutlout and Tuffnut" she said sarcastically, a fake lovey duddy smile on her face.

"Well I better fix that" Hiccup said and jumped over her aged fence and she willingly went to him. After a few minutes, Hiccup broke away and started leading her away.

"Where are we going?" Astrid asked.

"My father's making an announcement" Hiccup said with a grin and the two of them made their way towards the feasting hall, along with all the other villagers. Soon they entered the massive room and found Stoick, Sigrum, Spitelout and Gobber were standing in the back, by the fire ring, ready to speak once the doors were shut.

After about ten minutes of waiting, Tuffnut and Snoutlout broke off from the crowd and sealed the doors after the last of the vikings had been packed into the room.

"My friends" Stoick said. "My fellow vikings. Today I announce to you, that my son and his friends, having shown their skills on the field and their will to tame and ride a dragon, have been given their first task by the village" he said and all eyes slowly turned to one of the Riders of Berk. "They, to better help protect our village and show their worth as warriors...will train the next group of riders!" he said and several people cheered as the rest clapped in approval, the Riders were then allowed to move forward to stand before their chief. "But before you take upon the task of training those how to ride dragon you will get a short break. Gobber will escort you all and your dragons to the island of Tarkus" he said. "Enjoy your time there, for you won't have much of it when you return!" he said with a chuckle and as the overjoyed parents and villagers and riders began filing out of the feasting hall and heading towards their homes to get ready.

"I hope this plan of yours works Hiccup" Stoick said as he shut the door, leaving just the two of them inside to talk.

Hiccup nodded. "It will work" he said. Then quietly, just to himself he whispered. "At least...i hope it does."


Well there is the end of the prequel fic. I hope you enjoyed and please leave a review. If you enjoy my work, then look up my profile and see if you like anything else there. The Tavern story is next on my work list, just so you know and if you enjoy star wars, check out my Dark Order fic.

Well im done with my shameless use of this fic to raise my views, C U NEXT TiME!