A/N: I'm a science interest type girl and I really like sci-fi even though I don't watch Star Trek, except the movie, haha. Anyways, thought it'd be fun to make a sci-fi story so here I present you one. I have to thank my Bio teacher for teaching me biological stuff to apply to my story. There're so many inventions I need to make up. Anyways, this takes place like in the year 3000. Wonder if Earth can live that long.

Disclaimer: Don't own Hetalia and I can't tell the future.


A new generation is made in the partnership and dedication of the Russian Federation and United States of America. At the start of the 22nd century after economic corruption and nuclear development was settled down and brought to a halt a new idea broke through the world. It seemed crazy. It was unheard of. It was a work of a crazy man but the dream became a reality. A majority vote had been made in the UN convention of 2209 to let the project become a product of the future of humans. Funding has been made for several years to provide this new science fiction invention a kick start. Operation New World had gone into play as scientist across the Free Land and Motherland banned together to create the pieces of their new world that would be covering the red planet that is Mars. It was history being made as the first station continent was shot out into space and dug onto Mars. A recorded of 60 astronauts have been repairing and finishing the first part of the planet piece. A successful mission was sent back to Earth as the dedicated men and woman step foot with their equipment off and inhaled the new oxygen both mechanically and environmentally made for the new civilians meant to thrive in.

Years have gone by and people were astounded at how the project had run on so smoothly. Many were growing restless to get shipped off to the Mars but only half the red dust was covered by the highest of technology pieces. But as there are those who appreciate the work of strong brilliant beings, there is an equal amount that were against the project. Many religious groups protested and rioted against the acts. It has been recorded to be the longest standing war through civilians, a note of listed wars so powerful since the 2194 world war for the last oil resource in Asia. Science came into a wonderfully strong growth just as the age of the Renaissance broke through after the war. A different kind of reusable resource had been processed as a power source for technology but some had seen it as the next step towards human annihilation. Many preached the word of God and how corrupt Operation New World was. The new pieces of cities that ran off renewable and solar powered equipment were attacked by those who could not accept new life on a different planet. Many compromises had been made, acknowledging the protester's complaints. The United State's government claimed that the men and women who disproved the project did not have to join those that would live on different land. This motion had started a treaty to the religious and citizen who chose to live off the Earth. It had also created the document for the civilians on Mars claiming rights for those who traveled back and forth to planets, the birth planet of children, work, economy, etc. It was only three years before Operation New World was finished in construction that the two documents were passed as World Rights.

Mars was open for business and welcoming those who volunteered to join. The families of the astronauts that helped piece together the mechanically covered planet were the first generation to move in with their loved ones. A second generation of volunteers were sent and settled down. Many approved their new lives, only a 6% of those that left chose to come back to Earth. Mars was active and construction for homes, shops, business offices and plenty of other buildings came to life instantly. Only two major events had been recorded, the black out that shut down any energy using piece of technology and the meteor that nearly hurled its way into Mars. Although, amazingly, only a recorded hundred and twenty casualties had been made combining both events.

Time moved quickly and more people grew eager to become the third generation of settlers on Mars. On Earth, nuclear radiation has seemed to grow, especially throughout the country of Russia. Volunteer based groups have joined to clean out the chemicals in many countries as the UN had agreed to ban nuclear based construction until the Earth was rid of high risk. Even so the people that basked in the hills of the Russian Federation were at the highest of risk. With this announced, the government of the United States was brought to more political attention to Russia. The two countries came to an agreement for many of the Russian people, including its government and multiple other people chosen around the world to be the third generation to escape to Mars. A whole country had been decided to be shot out into space and land onto Mars along with more than half of the Earth's brilliant scientists and plenty others to join them.

In a drastic event a new form of boarding had been made as the people of the Russian Federation opened what was once their land to the People's Republic of China, The United States of America and European Union with what they described as "chartered territory". Great pieces of the largest country was separated into three land pieces for the other countries to probe and clean up as the people vanished, almost as if they had gone extinct.

The radiation threat level had lowered drastically with the 'chartered territory' agreement as all three temporary owners of the land cleansed out any bio hazard items from their own country and the new pieces they were able to roam in. The Earth is facing a new life, healthier and stronger. More brilliant and well-known icons were imprinted in text books and recognized to both the people of Earth and Mars. What wonders await as a schedule date of the fourth generation will be taken by the very first nation that had left Earth and join them on a new planet?