Dislcaimer: I do not own Static Shock or The Incredibles
Set in the world of The Incredibles. Virgil is Lucius' son. The Bests and the Parrs make up a super hero crime-fighting team following the events of Syndrome. One day, Virgil discovers another super hiding amongst his high school peers, Francis Stone. Now the bad-tempered pyro has been forced out of hiding.
Okay, this is going to need a little backstory so before we get into the actual plot here is some character stuff that will make the plot easier to understand.
The Parrs: Bob, Helen, Violet, Dash, Jack-Jack (unchanged from the movies)
The Bests: Lucius, Virgil (mother deceased)
The Incredibles, Frozone, and Static live together in their headquarters, still living their alter ego lives while fighting crime in Metroville after the events of Syndrome. It's been about half a year. Supers have been accepted back into society and now take a lot of precautions in their crime fighting to avoid lawsuits.
Virgil and Violet attend the same high school while Dash is in middle school. Bob has quit his job and works at home, monitoring the city. Helen alternates between super hero duties and her motherly duties. Lucius continues working at his law firm in downtown Metroville and fighting crime in his off hours.
The children are trained on the weekend by their parents.
Francis Stone goes to high school with Virgil and Violet and is tough, street-smart kid with a bad temper who picks fights.
Chapter One: Hostage
Virgil Best woke one fine morning to the sounds of siblings Violet and Dash Parr arguing outside his door. Virgil groaned, rolled onto his stomach, and tried to go back to sleep. He still had another half hour before he had to get up and get ready for school. Just because those two rose with the sun didn't mean everyone else in the Sanctum had to.
Helen's motherly squawk joined her children's' bickering voices, clearly trying to separate them and quickly losing her temper. Virgil smiled into his pillow. Predictable Helen. He had known the Parr family his entire life and when Violet and Dash wanted to fight nothing could stop them, although following the whole Syndrome adventure the fights had gotten fewer and farther apart.
Virgil groaned again and sat up. He was wide-awake now. Might as well go shoo the Parrs away from his bedroom door. Virgil swung his legs over the side of the bed, pulled a pair of sweat pants on over his boxers, and walked to the door. He pulled it open, leveling a glare at the three Parrs on the other side.
Violet had Dash by the arm and her other hand was glowing with small circular forcefield. Helen had grabbed Violet's wrist and one of Dash's legs, who had clearly been speed-kicking his sister.
"Oh Virgil. I'm so sorry. Did we wake you?" Helen's annoyed look immediately evaporated into a look of motherly concern. Virgil almost laughed, then remembered he was supposed to be mad.
"Kinda, yeah." The three combatants separated themselves, looking sheepish. Virgil ran a hand through his disorderly dreads. "Look, I don't care if you guys wanna fight, but could you do it away from my room?"
"Of course. Kids apologize." Helen prodded Violet and Dash.
"Sorry for waking you Virgil." Violet said softly, flushing red with embarrassment, and then walked quickly away from the group.
"Yeah, sorry." Dash added reluctantly.
"Don't worry about it." Virgil said, stifling a yawn.
Helen looked very pleased. "Now that that's settled, you need to go get dressed." She looked pointedly at Dash, who was still clad in pajamas. "Breakfast is in twenty minutes and I expect you to be ready for school by then."
Dash nodded quickly and jetted off down the hall.
Virgil went back into his room and proceeded to get ready for the day. A typical morning in the Sanctum of the Super Squad.
"Morning Pops." Virgil sat at the table beside his father, Lucius.
"Morning Virgil." Lucius folded the section of the paper he was reading and smiled at his son. "Pancakes?"
"Yes, please. Bob, could you pass the bacon?"
Bob Parr looked up from the crossword and handed the platter across the table. Violet and Dash walked into the room, followed quickly by their mother carrying Jack-Jack. Everyone was sat at the table and had a very enjoyable breakfast. The adults were talked about the latest villains and how some supers were re-adjusting to the spotlight following the dismantling of the Superhero Protection Program. Violet and Virgil discussed the biology test they both had next week that was worth a quarter of their overall grade and Dash amused himself by playing with Jack-Jack until his mother scolded him.
"So, how's school been so far?" Lucius asked the two oldest children.
Virgil shrugged. The school year had just begun and things were pretty much the same at Metroville High School, even though he and Violet were both sophomores now. Dash, however, entering his first year at Junior High, leaped at the opportunity to explain how cool the classes were, how big the gym was, and how many more friends he had made.
Virgil thought about that. Dash made friends easily and usually Virgil did too, except he seemed to have gotten on the bad side of the school's most notorious bully, F-Stop. He couldn't think of anything he had done, but F-Stop just seemed hell bent on making his sophomore year miserable. In the two weeks since school had started F-Stop had shoved Virgil into lockers and down stairs more times than the teenaged Super could count. Even more annoying was the fact that F-Stop had a knack for knowing when teachers were around, so Virgil could never prove the bullying in front of authority figures. None of the other students would ever say anything either, nobody wanted to get on F-Stop's bad side. The dude was dangerous.
"What are you thinking about?" Bob asked, seeing a sullen look come over Virgil's face.
"Nothing." Virgil said quickly, staring at his plate. It was lucky no one at the table could read minds.
Violet was looking at him funny though. She might know, she did go to the same school after all. He would have to talk to her about keeping this quiet from the adults. He could take of himself if a fight ever broke out and the last thing he needed was for Mr. Incredible to come down to the school and harass F-Stop. That wouldn't do Virgil any favors. F-Stop wasn't doing anything illegal, he was just being annoying. Despite technically only having one biological parent, Bob and Helen treated Virgil like their own son and would do anything to make sure he was okay. Most of the time that was awesome, in this instance Virgil thought it might be a hindrance.
"You guys better get going or you'll be late." Helen observed, looking at her watch. The kids all got up, said goodbye to the adults, and headed for school.
"Hey Vi?" Virgil jogged after Violet after dropping Dash at the Junior High's front doors. "I guess you've probably noticed F-Stop's gunning for me."
Violet hugged her books closer to her chest. "I've noticed, kind of hard not to. He hasn't done anything yet has he?"
Virgil shook his head. "Nah, but I think we should probably keep it quiet, ok? I can handle it."
"Are you sure?"
"If worse comes to worse…"
"You'd use your powers?" Violet frowned.
Virgil thought about it. "If I had to I guess. I'd be careful to make it discreet. I don't want anyone to know I'm Static."
Violet didn't look too sure. "Just be careful."
Virgil nodded. They approached the high school; students were standing around outside the doors or in the parking lot, not in any hurry to head inside. The weather was still reminiscent of summer and very pleasant. Virgil and Violet split ways and went to go join their respective group of friends.
Within minutes the first warning bell rang and students began trickling inside for their first class of the day. Virgil sat down in homeroom, ignoring the glare he knew he was getting from F-Stop at the back of the room. Seriously, what was his problem?
The teacher called role and the PA system turned on, the principal making his announcements for the day. Nobody was really paying much attention and was talking with those sitting around them. That was when they heard the first gunshots.
Everybody sat up in their chairs, the teacher stood slowly, uncertain. The class had gone silent. A few more gunshots rang out and there was a scream from down the hall. F-Stop was the first to react. He ran to the door but before he could turn the knob somebody else shoved it open. It was a large, heavily bearded man, wearing all black and brandishing an assault rifle. He looked around the room, noticed F-stop right in front of him and grabbed the teen. In a flash the man smashed the butt of the rifle into F-Stop's face and the teen crumpled to the floor.
A girl started crying. The man smiled and surveyed the room again. "Up." He jerked his rifle.
They obeyed. Virgil clenched his fists. He knew he had to do something, without revealing his secret identity, but what?
"Good." The man grinned wider. "Do what I say and you won't end up like that kid." He nodded at F-Stop. "Follow me, you two take him." He pointed at two other boys and motioned at F-Stop again. They walked forward slowly, warily, and grabbed F-Stop, hauling him to his feet and slinging his arms around their shoulders. The class followed the invader out of the room and into the hall.
Up and down the corridor other classes were being led single-file by men in black towards the gym. Their class joined the crowds. Nobody spoke. It was eerily silent, the only sound the scuffling of shoes on the tile. Virgil looked for Violet and his other friends but didn't see them. Several students were crying. Nobody seemed injured, besides F-Stop. Maybe the shots had been warning shots to get their attention.
When they got to the gym the men had them stand in rows and then they surrounded the rows on all sides, rifles aimed at the students. The gym teacher was holding F-Stop up now and he seemed to be regaining consciousness. His face was a mask of blood, it was dripping from a deep laceration across his nose and staining his shirt red.
They stood like that for several minutes before one of the men, presumably the leader, held his hands up for their attention. "I am sure you are all wondering what exactly is going on here." Nobody spoke. He continued. "It's quite simple really. My men and I want control of the city. You are our hostages, our bargaining chip if you will. The police and the mayor are well aware of the situation. If they don't meet our demands, we will kill you. If they do, you are all free to go. Until that time, however, if you disobey us, you will be punished. If you try and escape, you will be shot. Cooperation is key, your life depends on it." The man smiled and a chill went up Virgil's spine. "Do not try and be the hero."
"How are you going to kill us?" Somebody in the back asked.
The leader indicated for his men to part. They revealed a small item covered with a cloth. The leader whipped the sheet off, showing a bomb to the student body. "We have an escape route some of my men and I will utilize, the rest of you and a few brave volunteers will be blown to bits."
The bomb itself was rather crude, but undoubtedly powerful. Sticks of dynamite were strung together and a fuse ran from the top of the explosives. There were frantic whispers among the captives.
Virgil stared at the bomb and then the invaders. There was nothing he could do at the present moment. He would have to wait and see how those outside the school responded to the situation. His father and Mr. and Mrs. Incredible would be on the scene soon. They would know what to do.
All they could do now was wait, so they did. As the minutes passed, eventually an hour, the students and teachers sat and began to talk quietly amongst themselves, still in orderly rows. Virgil located Violet on the other side of the gym and exchanged looks with her. He noticed F-Stop's face had stopped bleeding and he was scowling at the invaders with a look that did not go unnoticed by their captors. The bearded man who had hit him kept smiling at the injured boy. Virgil hoped F-Stop could keep his anger in check, which would be quite the feat. F-stop wasn't known for his patience or self-control.
The hour turned into several more. By this time the hostages were growing restless but fear kept them in place. Boredom and hunger had set in but still nothing had happened. Finally, a cell phone rang.
The leader's hand went to his belt and he pulled a phone out, flipping it open in a smooth motion. He put it to his ear. "Yes?"
He listened for a moment, frowning.
A frown wasn't good. Virgil locked eyes with, of all people, F-Stop. He looked just as worried. No one else seemed to realize what was happening.
"No." The leader slapped the phone shut and sighed. He looked to his men and nodded. They began to fan out. Then he stared at the crowd of students and teachers and shook his head. "You have only your very foolish government to blame. Goodbye."
He turned and walked from the room. One of the men pulled a lighter out and held it to the fuse. People were leaping to their feet, shouting, panicking. The invaders leveled their rifles at the crowd. The fuse began to burn.
Virgil leapt to his feet and with a flick of his wrist caused one of the rifles to jam by rearranging the metal parts within the gun, rendering the weapon useless. He quickly disabled several more rifles. Now the men were panicking along with the crowd. People were running for exits but the doors were locked.
Someone managed to bust through the lock on one of the doors and people began streaming through the only exit, but they weren't going to be quick enough. The invaders were still trying to force the hostages to stay in the gym and not enough people were getting out.
A man with a rifle guarded the bomb, clearly meant to die with the hostages. He shot at anyone who came within a few feet of the explosive. The fuse had almost burned down to the dynamite. There were only a few inches of fuse left. Virgil's eyes widened and he tried to push his way through the crowd, struggling to get to the bomb. He wasn't going to make it. Out of the corner of his eye he saw F-Stop surging through the crowd in the same direction, he threw his hand out towards the bomb.
Virgil closed his eyes and fell to the ground, preparing for the blast. It never came.
He opened his eyes and looked at the bomb. The fuse was out.
The guard looked confused and before he could react Mr. Incredible came charging through the wall and decimated the man with a clothesline. The guard lay sprawled on the floor, unconscious. Mr. Incredible went to work dismantling the bomb.
Virgil got to his feet and looked around. His father skated in through a high window, icing as many of the invaders as he could see whom Mrs. Incredible then tied up. Police swarmed into the room, guiding the hostages out. Virgil looked around and saw F-Stop, his hand still outstretched. A flicker of a flame danced on his palm before the older boy closed his fist and retreated into the crowd. Virgil blinked. F-Stop was…a super? No. No way.
But how else had the fuse gone out?
"Virgil! Come on!" Violet grabbed his arm and pulled Virgil away and into the stream of people hurrying from the building.
Once they were outside, the two teens had to duck news reporters and paramedics that had surrounded the school. Several teens had been injured and Virgil figured F-Stop would be one of them getting treatment. He wanted to talk to the bully. Virgil went from ambulance to ambulance but no F-Stop. He had disappeared.
Virgil was confused and curious. A hand landed on his shoulder and spun him around. Staring intently at him was his father, still in uniform. Frozone looked his son over from head to toe, worry etched on his face. "Are you okay?"
Virgil nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine."
Frozone nodded. "Just get Violet and head home. I'll meet you there." Virgil nodded again and his father reluctantly returned to his super hero duties.
Virgil found Violet and the two went home as instructed, questions still buzzing through his mind. The most pressing was, is F-Stop a super? Virgil wanted to think he had imagined the flame in F-Stop's hand, but he knew he'd only be lying to himself.
Author's Note:
Ummm....yeah. So, not sure how people are going to feel about this. Also not very pleased with this first chapter, seems kind of stiff to me and I was really reluctant to write about schools and shooting. I am not making light of that. Please don't take offense. It's just...this is an idea I've had ever since I saw The Incredibles for the first time six years ago. That's a long time to have a story in your head and I just wanted to get it out. It will get better as it goes along, I promise. I just have to get into the groove. It also gets more interesting and more in-depth than other stuff I've written. But I am not going to continue if people don't like it. So...