Hello all! So this story... well, you'll have to read it to find out what's going on - I'll say more at the end. This is just an idea that popped into my head and demanded to be written... quite honestly, I'm interested in seeing where this idea leads. Plot is pending further deliberations.
Disclaimer: I only own my OC - that's one character (and her family), folks! I own nothing else! NOTHING! See author's notes at the bottom for further discussions concerning my OC.
EDIT: I changed one thing in this chapter (two words) upon choosing a better nickname for my OC.
Ch 1, Rude Awakening
His whole body ached, and his head pounded. He couldn't remember much, which suddenly worried him greatly.
Just as he was about to puzzle out who he was, he felt a hand slap his face. "C'mon, wake up," a voice whispered urgently. It was female, and she sounded almost panicked. "Please wake up," she pleaded with him as she gently slapped his face again.
He blinked his eyes open, staring at the Japanese-appearing girl standing above him. He didn't recognize her, but considering he couldn't even remember his own name, he wasn't going to complain. She didn't seem to mean him harm, anyway. She had odd, red highlights in her otherwise straight black hair, which made him wonder if they were artificial. Her eyes were grey, also unusual for someone of Japanese descent, but her facial structure definitely rang true.
"Oh, thank God," she sighed in relief as she spotted his open eyes, her hand stopping short of his face for what he guessed would've been another gentle slap.
"Wha… what happ'n'd?" he croaked, his throat and mouth dry. How long had it been since he had last spoken? Or had anything to drink for that matter?
"I don't know – help is on the way though, if that crash meant anything," she grimaced. "But we can work on that later – how do you feel? We're going to need to escape out of here soon."
He pushed himself up on the – medical bed? Where the shell was he? Suddenly he had to know what was going on, and only the fact that the girl already said she didn't know kept him from demanding answers. He realized there were three others here as well, all guys wearing only shorts. He looked down and realized that he, too, was only wearing shorts. At least the girl was still wearing all of her clothes.
"I… okay," he croaked again, answering her question. He tried to stand up and nearly fell instead. The girl caught him before he could take a nosedive onto the ground, though. "Thanks," he whispered.
"They must've caught you long before they caught me," she frowned at him. "Can you even stand?"
He could, but just barely. His legs shook as he stood on his own. "This isn't good," he muttered, ignoring the dry feeling in his throat as he said those words.
Before she could reply to that, there were shouts from right outside the room they were all in. The girl looked at the door worriedly before it was suddenly kicked in. "Logan!" she cried in relief as a burly man entered the room, looking ready to kill. He looked relieved at spotting the girl, although he didn't seem to recognize the other four in the room.
So I guess this means I don't know her, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather go with her and this guy then stay here, the confused teenager decided.
"You okay, Mule?" the man, Logan demanded of the girl.
"I'm fine – I'm more worried about the rest of the people here," she answered worriedly, looking at the guy she was standing next to. "I'm not leaving them behind," she added firmly, her jaw set.
Logan growled. "Fine," he said, much to both teenagers' relief. "You're gonna hafta help, though. Can you walk, kid?" he directed that question at the boy.
"Maybe," he croaked, wishing he could find something to drink in this place before the six of them bailed.
Logan's eyes darted to the girl. "Mule?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"I'll make sure we get out," she told him determinedly. "Listen," she turned to him with an urgent look on her face. "I'm telekinetic – I can make sure you don't fall over or anything, but you're going to have to do most of the running yourself. Do you think you can manage that?"
Telekinetic? How was that possible? He blinked several times, before he realized that there was a better time and place to ask those questions. "I think so," he managed to get out.
"Good," she sighed with relief, and carefully picked up the smallest of the three unconscious teenagers. Logan had already hoisted the other two onto his shoulders. "Lead the way," she told Logan, indicating for the other boy to follow Logan.
It was hard work. A couple of times, he almost fell over or collapsed entirely. Only a strange, invisible force kept him from falling, and he once shot a look over his shoulder at the girl, whose face was pinched with concentration. The few times people came running at them, they went flying away from them.
They got outside, and the boy blinked at the apparent fog that was surrounding them. "This way!" Logan shouted, dashing into the fog. The boy almost didn't follow him, and was startled when he was 'pushed' to continue. He stumbled, suddenly unable to move any longer. His muscles had atrophied way too much, and he couldn't continue.
"I can't…" he told her, panting hard. He suddenly found himself floating after her as she dashed in the direction Logan had gone. It didn't take long to get to the vehicle they would use to escape by, and only the cover of the fog had kept anyone from realizing it was there except for Logan, who had led them there.
Logan suddenly appeared right next to them and grabbed the boy floating in the air. The girl shot him a look of gratitude as she ran up the steps with the other teenager. He was too embarrassed to ask Logan any questions as the man hurried up the steps into the jet. The three others were all strapped into medical beds for the trip, and the girl was slumped in a chair, panting hard.
Logan sat him next to her. "'Ro, get us outta here," he growled as he headed into the cockpit, the hanger door closing behind him.
"Are you okay?" the boy asked the girl, concerned, mentally wincing at the sound of his voice.
"Just… tired," she managed. "I'm not used to doing rescue work like that. Logan? Can you get him some water?" she called. "I'd get it if I wasn't so exhausted!"
The man snickered as he brought a bottled-water back. "Now will you listen to me when I tell you yah need to exercise yer telekinesis more?" he snorted at her, handing the bottle of water to the boy. He broke open the bottle and nearly started to guzzle it down before he remembered that that wasn't the best idea, especially considering he didn't know how long he had been there.
"All right, all right," she sighed. "I get it – now get us home." Logan snorted, shook his head, and headed back into the cockpit. "Sorry about not introducing myself – I'm Hitomi Weber. You are?"
He paused as he struggled to remember, and suddenly his name came to him. "I'm Donatello Hamato."
Author's Notes:
Okay, first off, this is not AU - well, it will be once we get into the rest of the seasons, but it's not AU right now, if you know what I mean. Basically, this takes place sometime in the middle of season two of both X-men: Evolution and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have several reasons for both of these choices. Season 2 of X-men Evo has Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy, who will play an integral part fairly soon. As for TMNT, I wanted it to be after the turtles learned their secret origin, but before the start of season 3. (I did consider putting this between seasons 2 and 3, but I felt it would work out better if this occurs in the middle of the season rather at the end.) The exact placement in the episodes has not been determined as of now, but don't worry, I'm working on it.
Now, I'm sure you are all wondering what is going on. It's clear that the main character for this chapter is Donatello, but why does it seem he is human, you might ask? Well! That's a mystery, and one that this story will eventually solve, so don't worry, it will be addressed.
My OC - I write better with an OC, to be honest, but I promise to keep the number of OCs in this story limited to just Hitomi Weber unless I feel I absolutely need someone else that isn't already in the Marvel Universe. Hitomi's story will be told at one point, let me assure you of that. If anyone wants to use her in a story, I have a basic rule - ask me for permission first, and give me credit when you write the story. I'm pretty easygoing, and I promise I'm willing to share any OC anyone takes a liking to. (As a side note, her name is pronounced Hi-toe-mi, with very short vowel sounds. As a general rule of thumb, all Japanese names are pronounced with short vowel sounds unless it has a stress mark over the vowel.)
If you come upon this story either knowing just TMNT or just X-men: Evolution, don't worry, I plan on carefully introducing each character as though no one has ever met them before. That being said, please let me know if you're confused about anything in this chapter. There are a lot of things I left out, on purpose mind, that I could explain without giving away too much of the story.
I now have a forum thread in my Corner just for this story. Please pop by and ask questions, make comments or suggestions, or just come to chat.
Finally, please review! I enjoy writing stories, but I become discouraged if I don't get reviews telling me that people want to read more of the story. Even if it's a short, 'please continue' review, I will be happy, because that means people are reading my story and are interested in seeing it continue. So please remember to review!!!