Slowly into the Light
Chapter 1

Disclaimer: Don't own anything other than my imagination, but sometimes it owns me.

A/N: This is the continuation of my story Adrenaline. Sorry but you kind of have to read first to understand where this story picks up. But if you want to try it on its own it follows the episode-'Mayhem' and is before and during the episode-'Angel Maker'. Hope this satisfies those who were hoping for more in my original story, enjoy!---Montez

The five hour drive back to Quantico was closer to six and a half for Morgan and Hotch. What had started out as a quiet, slightly tense trip turned into one of the times Morgan was glad he had gone with his gut instinct and insisted that he drive Hotch back to Virginia instead of allowing Agent Davis from the New York office to do so. About two and a half hours into the drive, Aaron had a milder, but no less frightening, episode like the one he had experienced in his hotel room that morning.

It started with Derek noticing his boss rubbing his forehead, unconsciously putting his right hand against the side of his head, covering his ear again. A slight change in his breathing pattern alerted Morgan that Hotch was in more pain than he should have been. Derek pulled the SUV to the side of the road when the Profiler almost doubled over in the front seat, the seatbelt keeping the older man from touching his head to his knees. "Hotch?" Giving the man beside him a moment, Morgan reached out and touched his friends shoulder, giving it a gentle shake, "Hotch, look at me."

When Aaron didn't respond, Derek realized he probably couldn't hear him and the pain was distracting him from acknowledging the younger Agent. Turning on the flashers and the engine off, Morgan climbed out of the vehicle and came around to the passenger side, pulling the door open, trying to get a better look at Hotch.

A few tense moments passed before Aaron started to take deeper breaths, as he slowly straightened himself up, leaning back with his eyes closed. "You with me yet?" Morgan asked, watching the man before him.

"Yeah" Hotch mumbled his right hand still over his ear.

"Is it time for your pain meds?" Derek asked as he opened the back door, reaching inside his own bag pulling out a bottle of water, handing it to Hotch.

"About an hour." Hotch took the offered water, taking a small sip.

"Next exit I'll find us someplace for lunch." Morgan mentioned. Hotch giving only a slight nod in reply, surprising Derek in his agreement to stop.

Fast food wasn't usually their thing, but that was the only option at the next exit, so they stopped. Hotch barely touched his food, only eating enough to take the pain meds, hoping to hold off any additional episodes. Once disposing of their trash, Hotch excused himself to head for the restroom; Morgan took the opportunity to text Dave on their progress. Dave agreed it was good that one of the team had driven Aaron, especially since he'd experienced an episode. Rossi let Morgan know everything was ready at his place and he would be expecting them around five, allowing for time to run by Aaron's apartment to grab a few items for the stay at Dave's.

Finishing, Morgan heard his friend's voice behind him, "Was that Dave?" Hotch knew the two were going to be watching him like a hawk, since they had been witnesses to just how bad the pain he was experiencing could be.

"Yeah, he's expecting us around five." Morgan answered as they climbed back into the big, black truck, Derek starting the engine.

"I really don't need to stay with anyone, I'm fine." Aaron knew the moment those words left his mouth that he was anything but fine, but he didn't like showing weakness.

Morgan shot him a glance as he pulled back onto the interstate, "Keep telling yourself that Hotch, but I'm not buying it and neither is Rossi." Without another word the two men continued in silence, Hotch leaning his head back against the head rest, allowing the pain medication to relax him, the hum of the road lulling him toward sleep. Knowing Morgan was with him allowed Hotch to rest, he hadn't been lying when he told the Junior Agent that he entrusted the man with his life. And though he would never admit it, Aaron was glad he had people in his life that cared about him as much as he cared about them.

The rest of the drive was uneventful; they reached DC by four, allowing them time to stop by Hotch's place so he could get a few items to take with him to Dave's Cabin. Derek hung around in the living room as Hotch moved through the apartment, gathering a few things here and there. Within twenty minutes Aaron had changed from his usual suit into a pullover and jeans, the older man knowing there was no way he was going to be allowed back at the office until cleared by Bureau doctors and that wouldn't happen until he had seen the Specialist about his hearing.

"You got everything you need?" Morgan asked as his boss came through the room carrying his go bag.

Rubbing his head, Hotch gave a slight nod as they headed toward the door, Aaron hoping they would arrive at Dave's before he experienced anymore problems. The drive to Rossi's was another forty-five minutes, putting them pulling in the driveway a little past five.

Dave came walking down the stairs as the SUV came to a stop, "I was about ready to call Garcia to tap into the GPS on the truck." The older man smiled as Hotch shot him an 'I'm not in the mood' look. Looking at Morgan Rossi continued, "Did he give you any trouble?" Ignoring the two men, Hotch made his way up the stairs toward the front door, he really needed to get inside, he could feel the pain starting to build and wanted to get something to drink and take his medication before it escalated again.

The levity seemed to leave the two Agents left standing outside as they watched Aaron ascend the stairs. "Other than what I texted you about, he's been quiet. He even slept a little after taking his medicine after lunch, but he didn't eat much." slowly heading toward the porch Morgan continued, "I don't think the pain medication they gave him is helping a whole lot, just on the drive from his place I could tell the pain was returning."

"Did he lose his hearing with the earlier episode?" Rossi asked as the entered the cabin, hearing the running of water coming from the kitchen.

"For a few minutes I think so, but it didn't last nearly as long as what he experienced this morning." Derek looked up as he heard Hotch come into the main room.

Dave turned as well, "We've all been given a few days off after what happened in New York and they said you were on leave until you were cleared by the doctors."

Aaron felt suddenly weary, the aches and pains his body had been experiencing for the last few days, since the explosion, making him feel extremely tired. "Figured" he mumbled as he sat in one of the arm chairs.

"I better get going, I'll stop by tomorrow to make sure everything is all right." Morgan headed toward the door.

"I'm fine." Hotch mumbled, his voice sounding sleepy, which was unusual for the normally totally in control man.

Dave and Morgan exchanged amused looks but thought it better not to comment.

"Thanks Morgan" Rossi shook the younger man's hand, then closed the door.

Turning Dave crossed the room, taking a seat on the couch that was across from where Hotch was sitting, his head tilted back, eye's closed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Dave, just tired." Aaron raised his head slowly, looking at his friend.

"Bullshit Aaron, how are you really feeling?" Rossi wasn't buying the whole 'I'm fine' bit.

Blowing out a deep breath Hotch leaned forward, holding his head in his hands, "Honestly?"

"Always." Dave replied.

"I'm sore as hell and the ringing in my ears is really getting on my nerves." Tired eyes met Rossi's.

"Well, you need to call one of those specialists in the morning. Hopefully they can get you in and tell you how long to expect it to continue. As for the rest, sleep will probably go a long way to helping that. Are you hungry?" Dave watched his friend's reaction.

Shaking his head slightly Hotch closed his eye's again, leaning back. "I'd rather just sleep."

"Let's get you settled then." Rossi stood, retrieving Aaron's bag from where he had dropped it, near the door, upon entering. Watching as the younger man slowly stood, Dave led him down the hallway. "Do you remember the layout of the place?"

Hotch and the rest of the team had visited the cabin on a few occasions when Dave had invited everyone to his place for dinner, so Aaron knew his way around. "Yeah."

Pausing at one of the bedroom doors, "As long as you're here this is your place too, if you need something let me know, I mean it Aaron. For once you need to let others worry about you and you just worry about getting better, understand?"

Taking his bag from Dave, Hotch answered, "Thanks Dave." Rossi watched as his friend entered the room and closed the door. The older man knew it was going to be tough getting Aaron to put himself first, the younger profiler was always use to watching out for everyone else, but Dave knew that as long as he was able to keep Aaron under his roof, he could at least keep a closer eye on him and make sure he took care of himself. Turning, Rossi made his way back down the hallway, pausing to pour a small amount of his favorite Scotch into a glass, then he headed upstairs.

A/N: well that's my start, how is it? I'm gonna work Hotch a little out of character, but considering what he went through even our normally stoic leader can have his moments. but don't worry it won't be too bad, I love Hotch how his is and won't stray to far from that. hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!--Montez