I decided against the vote, I couldn't stay away. And for some reason I feel it still went according to plan XD On to the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I own Momo who I still don't know if she will be in this story…
"I see you don't have manners" I hissed," Or a faithful girlfriend-"As I finished the sentence I found us on the floor with Naruto smirking at me.
"WE could fix that" He said as his hand trailed down my side. I shivered and kneed him in the gut. He rolled off me in pain. I scrambled up in shock but a persistent hand grabbed my wrist. I almost screamed, until Naruto spoke.
"Come live with me," He suggested. I just looked at him like he was crazy.
Don't let him have you, Hinata, we need you pure!
I won't ever let him have me again…
"You must be in—"
"Come back to school then,"
"No! Now get out!" I pushed him out the door and locked it. He wasn't going to get me that easily!
"Hinata-sama, open the door!" But Neji might…
Open the door!
I quickly opened the door startled by the outburst. Naruto was long gone and Neji stood glaring at me.
"What did you do? You ruined you record with this stunt!" I almost cried at the memory. Tayuya's screaming and all the blood going down the shower drain.
"I-I really don't know what happened, she opened a wound f-f-from my c-coma and I saw b—"But froze, I went silent.
"And? You saw what?" Neji asked impatiently.
I could see her smug little grin…
"I could see her smug little grin…"
I wanted to wipe it off her face, so I did…
"I wanted to wipe it off her face, so I did…"
"Hinata, stop"
I grabbed her throat, quickly taking away her air, I wanted her life but I didn't take it. So I took something else…
"I grabbed her throat, quickly taking away her air, I wanted her life but I didn't take it. So I took something else…"
"Hinata!" Neji shouted, roughly grabbing my shoulders, "What is happening to you?"
"Let me go, Neji" I said to him calmly, "I'll be alright"Neji let go abruptly and backed away.
"Hinata…I'll be back to check on, I hope to see you at school tomorrow so we can solve this mess"
I can't go to school tomorrow! Neji jumps in his car, driving away, leaving me to my thoughts.
You ARE going to school tomorrow, and maybe get a hotel room instead…
N-no I'll just stay here for awhile and I will go to school tomorrow, but first I need to find a job
Good child now how do you feel?
Like crap, I wish I never did that to Tayuya!
I have another remedy for that…
I-I want to try it…
Hehe, alright get a lighter and a piece of metal, a fork…
Ano, okay…There, now what?
Light the fire under the fork for a minute
Okay…and done!
Take the fork and put it anywhere on your skin…
I did as my thoughts told of me; I placed the hot fork on the back of my hand. Immediately after contact I screamed, it hurt so much but I felt something weird.
I need this, Tayuya suffered worse then this,
Feel her pain, and make yours…
Go away…
I sighed loudly, I got carried away with the fork, and my whole arm was bandaged up. I stared at the gate and took a deep breathe. I ran all the way to my locker, no one seeing anything but a blue blur. I opened it quickly and caught my breath, I was early.
"Hyuga!" a high pitch voice yelled. I flinched hearing Karin's gang, minus Tayuya, come towards me. Naruto and Sasuke were with them. Sasuke looked slightly angry and Naruto looked smug. He tricked me, it was a trap! I would have cried but my eyes were already dried up from last night. Karin grabbed my hair roughly and looked me dead in the eye.
"You will pay for what you did to her!" Karin hissed, then in a split second she slammed my head against my locker, as everything went black I could feel there kicks and punches, and someone shouting.
Then I heard screaming and crunching sound, the darkness faded away and I saw Karin holding her broken wrist while everyone else ran, screaming. Naruto tried helping his girlfriend but she wouldn't listen, she couldn't stop screaming. I couldn't help what I was about to do, I caused her pain. My head bled into my eyes, I saw red. I snapped my own wrist; Naruto looked at me with horror in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Karin" I tried to stand on bruised wobbly legs; Karin stood and ran in fear. Naruto stared at me and took a step forward before I fell, into his arms?
Get rid of him!
I don't know why I did this, my only excuse it seems; I tried to push him away roughly. He only held tighter, which didn't help my weak condition…
"Hey, you two! What are you doing to her?" And didn't help the situation…
Naruto was only suspended for 1 week because of the lovely words of Karin. I was in the hospital with a few major injuries, nothing 17 hours of surgery couldn't fix. It has been at least 6 days since then and I hear Tayuya was getting out of the hospital soon. My friends came to visit me often, they didn't know about me attacking anyone, they assumed it was Karin's fault. They told me a rumor is going around school about Naruto and me. I didn't want to hear it but of course they told me anyway. Naruto was going to visit me with a revenge plan in mind, courtesy of Karin's gang. I just smiled at them, to make them feel better. I haven't been hearing that voice for awhile, I wonder what happened.
"Hinata Hyuga, you have a visitor" the polite dark haired nurse stated. I nodded, allowing her to let them in. I immediately regretted it. Hiashi walked in with a fake smile and as the nurse left his smile faltered. He glared daggers at me.
"What the hell do you think you were doing these past few days?" He roared, "You are to come back to the compound, right now, I've already checked you out and canceled your little apartment plan"
"I don't want to go b—"
"You will do what I say" Hiashi hissed dangerously after his assault at my face. The nurses ran in and noticed me crying, they looked reluctant about letting me go but complied with their order, proceeded to clear my room, and sent me home with my father.
This is a nightmare…
Not yet…
I didn't hear anything as my father had pushed me into my old room, I could se there had been adjustments. My window had a combination lock, and door had pad-locks all over. I looked at my dad with a fearful expression.
"You're not running away, not like your mother" He slammed the door shut and I cried as I heard all the locks clanking, I'm trapped…
When I woke up in the morning my door was cracked open and I could smell the maids cooking breakfast, I had to go to school. I quickly got ready and skipped breakfast, I didn't want to see anyone. When I shut the door, I was surprised to see my friends outside waiting for me.
"Hina-chan, Hiashi suggested we walk you to and from school" Sakura said giving me a quick tight hug.
"And considering all the drama…" Ino dragged on.
"We thought it was a good idea" Temari grinned at me. I almost cried, my friends will always be there for me, I hugged all three of them and we continued on our way to school.
Everything is going to be okay…
We went our separate ways to go to our lockers, that's when I noticed how alone I was without them. I smiled to myself, I'll be alright. I looked up at my locker and saw a white piece of paper sticking out of it. I picked it up and read it.
"I wish to speak with the pure lily I fell in love with, I want to make you feel whole and safe again, please meet me on the roof at lunchtime, Sincerely…your secret admirer" I almost laughed at this, it was obviously a prank. I crumbled it up in my hand and tried to throw it at the trash can. Instead it hit a very broad chest and before I could see the hooded figure's face he turned and quickly walked away. I noticed, however, he must like the color orange to have a bright orange and black track suit...
It was almost lunchtime and I was wondering if I should go to the roof, I mean Karin's gang hadn't tried anything yet, it could be a trap.
If it's a punishment from Karin or Tayuya, I should take it willingly
How honorable, I say you should go
You don't need to tell me, it's my entire fault…
Just don't forget what happened, don't forget how he hurt you, you both were doing so well and went to Karin's party. You were so worried when you couldn't find him anywhere, he had too many drinks, and he was bound to get hurt.
No, don't…
No, he wasn't hurt, I'd say he was thoroughly enjoying himself…
Stop it!
In the upstairs room…
Please don't!
In the bed…
With Karin!
I think I snapped again, everything went dark and I heard screaming again, but not in pain, in fear and anxiety. I opened my eyes and saw…the sky? I looked up to see my hand holding onto the window's ledge. I was about to fall out a window from the forth floor. I was so panicked my hand started to sweat and I cried as it slipped a little. The guys were gasping and the girls were scared, I was scared too. I screamed when my hand finally decided to let go. I fell to at least to the second floor when a hand grabbed a hold of mine, and pulled me back into the building. I was so scared I immediately latched onto the person and cried. He hugged me tightly as well; almost afraid I was still falling. I started hyperventilating and before I passed out from the shock, I could swear I felt something wet on my shoulder…
Is it long enough? If it is, tell me so all my updates will be around this long. Or tell me if you want it longer, I'll work hard to make them longer if I have to!
Thank you and Good night!