Why? Why did I care so much for Bumblebee? Why did my spark feel like it was distinguished when I saw him taken away?

I just wish I could have him back.

I don't want the same thing happening to him like I let happen to Black Arachnia.

"Prime," Asked Prowl as he caught up next to Optimus, "is you okay? You haven't talked in cycles since we left the Base."

"Fine." He firmly responded.

"We're almost there."

"Good." The highway seemed to melt, fusing with his tires. Optimus felt like he was going agonizingly slow, feeling like he couldn't get there in time.

"But, Starscream," Bumblebee protested, fighting his offlining systems, "you aren't a decepticon anymore. Join the autobots, and it would make everything easier."

"I don't think that would be the best idea right now." Hushed Starscream.

"Please." Bumblebee begged, his optics blurring and everything getting fuzzy.

"Trust me."

Bumblebee closed his optics, submitting to the unbearable feeling of being drowsy. "I just miss them."

A feeling of guilt pressed over Starscream. He cradled Bumblebee, letting him drift off to stasis, cuddling his little honey close to his spark.

The clouds above grew angry, darkening out the sun. He gazed up, observing the sky and contemplating on his actions.

He better build something to stop the rain from entering the room.

He sat up, trying his hardest not to wake Bumblebee, and set him back down. Smiling, watching Bumblebee, a feeling of warmth and happiness spread throughout his wiring.

"What am I doing?" Starscream murmured walking away. "Tampering with a young, pure bot. I've tainted him!" He slashed his servos at the wall, causing a couple boards to collapse. "Why do I even care? I am just using him." He gathered spare plywood. "Am I really falling for him?" He whispered, leaping to the roof. "Is he making me….soft?" Starscream sat on the sturdiest part of the roof. "No, he can't. He is just another young…cute…..sparkling-like mech." Spacing out, he stares into the grey clouds. "An adorable mech. My mech. " Starscream smiled to himself. "What am I doing?" Starscream shook himself back to earth. "Megatron would terminate me. And the autobots are surely coming after me." He began working, placing the wood over the large, gaping hole in the roof. "And if Megatron finds out about Bumblebee, he would put me to shame, messing with suck a small mech…..….an autobot!" He growled. "Like he would say anything when I am his competition for the throne? I will take him down with Bumblebee at my side! It will be me everyone looks up to! And it will be me Optimus Prime will be afraid of!" Laughing, a couple drops of rain landed on Starscreams' broad wings.

"Az if anyvone vould be afraid ov you, Ztarscream."

Starscream jumped, twisting around to meet his opponent. "Blitzwing? Come to spread your bipolar depression?"

Switching to hothead and arming his cannon. "I do not have any deprezzion!"

"Oh yeah, you just have a speech impediment." Starscream snickered.

Switching to random, "And you hav a programming difficulty!" laughing.

Lugnut landed behind him. "All hail Megatron. Compared to him, you all are unworthy and outmoded!"

The rain started to downpour. Random turned to icy and Starscream stopped laughing. "Get off the roof Lug-brained!"

"Vy doez it matter to you, Ztarscream? I thought zou loved bloving up random objectz."

"Just get off the roof" Starscream growled, arming his lasers.

"No, you are coming with us, Megatron commands it." Lugnut butt in.

Angered, Starscream shot his lasers, hitting both of them at the same time, knocking them to the ground.

The ground shook, pivoting the foundation of the warehouse. The water on the roof caused sections of it to collapse.

Starcreams' spark skipped a beat as the wood beneath him gave away.

"Get back here!" Lugnut growled, equipping his death punch, A. K. A., P. O. K. E.

Knowing nothing will end out good, Starscream leaped to the sound-sleeping Bumblebee and covered him just in time before Lugnut blew up the whole warehouse.

Shrapnel of wood and old equipment flew everywhere as the sound of thunder rung across the sky. Starscream was punctured, and shaken before buried by everything.

"Oh no!"

"What is it Boss?" Bulkhead asked.

Optimus just sped up as fast as his engine would allow, watching the warehouse explode as they turned off the highway. Smoke mixed in with the rain of the wreckage and a fire ignited.

"Prime!" Ratchet exclaimed when he spotted Megatron above.

Prowl sped ahead of Optimus, being the fastest.

Optimus just sped on, ready for battle.

"WHAT THE SLAG?" Bumblebee exclaimed, woken in a shock. His works were muffled out by the collapsing building.

Smelling smoke, Starscream grimaced. "Shush! Bumblebee!" Starscream pleaded.

Curled into a ball pressed against starscreams' chest. "What happened?" Bumblebee whispered as all of the blast calmed.

"The Decepticons, now be quiet and maybe they won't find us."

Bumblebee shook, grabbing onto Starscream.

The rubble began to burn, fire against the rain.

Megatron landed really close. Starscream could tell because the ground shook as if an earthquake in California.

"Where is he?" His dark, thunderous voice demanded.

"I don't know, lug-brained had to blow everything up!" Blitzwing angrily replied.

"I'm sorry master! Forgive me!" Lugnut pleaded.

"OH! SHUT UP!" Megatron roared.

Starscream grimaces harder and held Bumblebee closer, trying to keep quiet.

Then a loud blast was heard and something landed on the pile covering starscream. Starscream let out a grunt of the weight on him.

"Where is he, Megatron?" Optimus yelled.

Starscream looked down to Bumblebees' wide, glowing optics.

"Optimus!" Megatron growled as he sat up, "where's who?", the weight was lifted off of Starscream and he let out a large groan.

Bumblebee covered Starscreams mouth. But it was too late.

Megatons' cannon blasted the debris off of Starscream and stung his wings.

Starscream let out a scream of pain as the blast shot him. Thinking fast, Starscream grabbed Bee and crawled away before any of the smoke cleared, jumping behind a wet, un-singed new pile of debris.

"Where'd he go?" Megatron growled.

Optimus, confused, wanted answers. "Where did who go?"

"STARSCREAM!" Megatron roared, furious.

Starscream flinched at the sound of his name. He has heard it been called like that before, and it never turned out good.

"Why are you looking for him?" Ratchet asked

Bumblebee gasped, looking at Starscreams' side, "Starscream," Bumblebee whispered, "you're leaking."

"BECAUSE HE IS A TRAITOR!" Megatron yelled.

Starscream looked down and could see some of his raw energon leaking and trickling onto Bumblebee. He left a good amount behind, and if Megatron would only look, he could easily find a trail right to them.

"I WANT HIS SPARK ELIMINATED!" Megatron continued.

"We're getting out of here." Starscream whispered.

"What did he do that was so bad, Megatron?" Optimus challenged.

"No, I don't want to." Bumblebee whispered back.

"You mean he hasn't joined yet?" Replied Megatron, a smile crossing his face.

"We have to." Starscream Whispered. He thought 'Megatron is going to ruin everything.'

"He threatened to overthrow me by joining the autobots." Megatron growled.

"I thought you were banished." Whispered Bumblebee.

"Well, none of us has seen him for cycles! Right Prowl?" Optimus explained, not giving Prowl time to say anything. "Now, tell is where Bumblebee is!"

"We're going!" Starscream growled. He grabbed Bumblebee and transformed, jetting away. A couple shots of cannonfire whizzed by Starscream. Soon, they were out of range.

It was silent for a couple millicycles. Bumblebees' face showed no emotion.

"Everything is going to be all right, I promise Bumblebee." Starscream soothed.

"I know, it's just…." Bumblebee trailed off.

"Just what?"

"Just that I never missed a fight." Bumblebee pouted.

"Oh…well, I'm sorry."

Nothing was said again as an awkward silence settled its' way over them. Starscream slowed, soon hovering over shrubs and wilderness, far from the city of Detroit.

"Where are we?" Bumblebee asked; bad tempered.

"We are taking a quick break, then moving on." grumbled Starscream as he transformed back into his robot form.

"I didn't ask what we are doing, I asked where we are."

"We are in the woods." Starscream plopped down onto a large boulder, grunting.

"Well duh." Bumblebee rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

"We can't stay here long, they will end up catching up. Who knows, Megatron might have put a bounty on my helm, Lockdown could be after me, Shockwave could be tracking me, or even Soundwave could be listening into every word I say. And I know for sure, Optimus would be tracking you now." Starscream trailed off, his head in his servos.

Bumblebee sneaked up the sobbing Starscream. "Join the Autobots, Starscream. You would be safe there and you need to be repaired. Bad." He placed one hand on Starscream knee.

"That would just make everything more complicated." Starscream whispered.

The adrenaline wearing off, Bumblebee began to lose balance, the world whirring around him. "Starscream." Bumblebee called.

He just looked up from his servos, looking at Bumblebee.

Crawling into Starscreams' lap, Bumblebee curled up against his large, sleek chest. "Don't leave me." Bumblebee whispered.

Shocked, Starscream felt like a mother to a lost orphan child. A child that was too sweet to be put through the stuff that gets thrown at him.


Starscream wrapped his servos around Bumblebee letting him drift off. "Shhh."

"Starscream?" Bumblebee looked up, tears welting in his optics. "It hurts." He murmured.

Starscream instantly loosened his hold. "W-what does?"

"M-my….my everything." Bumblebee felt uncomfortable.

"Well that doesn't help. Did I hurt you?" A sharp pain stabbing at Starscream conscience.

"Well…yes….and no. My sensory…hurts bad. And I miss the guys."

Starscream was silent. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't want you worrying."

Holding Bumblebee closer, rocking him off to sleep, Starscream felt soft.

A couple millicycles passed by, his self-recovery repairing his torn wires. He watched Bumblebee fall away, letting him recuperate. "I'm so sorry Bee."

A loud thud was heard nearby and a tree fell over.

Starscream slowly moved behind the rock he was sitting on.

A blast sounded and purple smoke filled the air.

"Starscream!" Megatron called with hatred.

Placing Bumblebee down, Starscream stood up. Ready to take fight, then flight. "Got anything better to say than constantly call my name, Megatron?"

Aiming his cannon at Starscreams exact spot as he stood, Megatron growled, "You coward, come over here and face me!"

Starscream chuckled, sitting back on the rock. "Like I should listen to you?"

"Why don't you agree with me? Why don't you want to seek out what is best for our home planet? Or do you want to become soft and perish like the others who stood in my way, just like you?" Megatron charged his cannon.

Starscream took the moment and leaped behind the bolder, grabbing Bee and transforming away from the blast which shattered the rock.

"GET BACK HERE!" Megatron thundered as he transformed into helicopter mode.

"Oh great." Starscream mumbled. It was harder to run away from Megatron, and he was now hot on his tail.

Bumblebee grasped to Starscreams pilot seat, moaning and drooling in his sleep.

"Bumblebee, everything is going to be alright." Starscream whispered just as a couple shots from Megatron flew past him.

Bumblebee moaned again and bit at the seat, sucking on the soft leather.

Chuckling, Starscream gasped. "You are one 'horny' mech." Dodging more shots from Megatron. "And a good distraction." Starscream tried to push Bee out of his thoughts and focus on getting away from Megatron.

Starscream didn't realize how much Bumblebee slowed him down until Megatron almost rammed right into him. Putting more effort than he ever had to before, Starscream almost hit supersonic.

"NO!" Megatron hissed when Starscream was out of range. "Very well, but no matter where you go Starscream, I will find you."

"You would think fighting Blitzwing and Lugnut would be a breeze, but it seems we underestimated them." Prowl commented to Optimus.

"Yeah, it did seem to easy, now use your cyber-ninja skills to get us free!" Bulkhead but in, struggling against his cannonball.

"Easy for you to say." Grumbled Ratchet. "But if you listened to me and didn't use your cannon ball like I told you to, we wouldn't be tied together, now would we?"

Extinguishing what is left of the fire, Optimus struggled to reach, "I'm sorry Bulkhead, but I am going to have to cut the cable." Optimus grasped his ax, and started to saw at the cord bounding the autobots together.