Thanks as always to you for reading/reviewing/alerting/favoriting.

givemesomevamp is one kick-ass beta.

And of course, I don't own it...

-Sweeter Than Wine-

I woke the next morning feeling achy and stiff all over. Somehow during the night I had broken free of my sleeping bag, and was now lying on the hard ground, uncovered and freezing. My left leg was slung over something I didn't recognize and my face was buried cool nylon.

I slowly opened one eye, trying to get my bearings.

"Shit!" I was startled. That unidentified mound my leg was slung over; that would be Jasper. And the cool nylon; that would be his sleeping bag that my face was pressed against. I moved my left arm over my head in search of my pillow. It landed it a mess of tangled curly hair. Wonderful. Fucking perfect. I had inadvertently spooned Jasper. I slowly eased over to my side of the tent, hoping I hadn't disturbed him

"Mornin'," Jasper drawled as he lazily rolled over.

Well, so much for that. Ok, no way to make this any less awkward.

"Morning. I'm sorry. I must have wiggled out of my sleeping bag in the middle of the night. Shit. I am so sorry," I buried my face in my hands.

"Darlin', there is no need for an apology." I could hear the smile in his voice, but I still couldn't look at him.

"This is so fucking embarrassing," I groaned.

"I told you; don't worry about it. Wow, a beautiful woman snuggled me while I slept. Fucking tragic," he said sarcastically. "I'm goin' to shower and start breakfast. Sleep as long as you like."

I raised my head just in time to see Jasper stand and grab his own duffel bag.

"It was really kinda nice," he grinned as he turned to exit the tent.

I caught his side profile just before he stepped outside. Apparently, Jasper liked to sleep in mesh shorts and not much else. There stood Jasper's morning wood in all its glory; like Mount fucking Everest, begging me to climb on up.

I snapped my jaw shut and collapsed on my back in a fit of silent giggles, thankful that no one was around to witness this.

I finally pulled it together enough to stand up. I grabbed my bag and stepped outside, picking up my bathing suit that I had hung up to dry the night before. It was already hot outside and I felt disgusting as I trudged up the hill to the women's restroom.

Had I not been in dire need of a cold shower, I would in no way, shape, or form use this pathetic excuse for a bath house. The walls were concrete cinderblocks, and the floor was covered in a disgusting mix of lake water, slime, and the water from the shower of whoever had been there before me. One wall was lined with sinks and mirrors, while the other had several shower heads sticking out from it. Great: no dividers and no curtains. Luckily, it was early and I was in here alone.

I made quick work of my shower, taking care to hit all the important spots. I pulled on my bathing suit and flip flops. I opted against brushing my teeth in there. No way was I getting anything that went in my mouth close to those disgusting sinks. I slathered on more of my lotion, remembering the way Jasper's hands felt as he rubbed it over my body. I felt my stomach start to tingle, and thought back to what I had witnessed in the tent.

"Get it together; you have got to face him in a few minutes. Act normal," I scolded myself.

"Who ya talking to?" Charlotte's chipper voice chimed in from behind me, causing me to drop my favorite lotion in that nasty floor.

"What? Who?" I stuttered.

"You've got it bad, girlie," she giggled as she proceeded to strip completely naked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I picked up my bag and stomped outside; my best attempt at acting huffy.

Jasper was nowhere in sight, so I grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler. I squeezed out some toothpaste on my brush and began scrubbing my teeth. I had just spit out the residue, was rinsing my mouth, and doing some very undignified gargling when I felt a poke in my ribs, causing me to gag on the water.

I quickly spit it out and turned to face the perpetrator. "Nice, Peter. Very mature," I scoffed as I wiped my chin with the back of my hand.

"Couldn't resist. So what sorts of naughty things did you and Char do to each other in the shower?" He raised his eyebrows up and down.

"You are ridiculous." I slapped his arm. "We weren't even in there at the same time."

"Oh, well. A man can dream," he sighed wistfully.

"Dream about what?" Jasper asked as he stepped out of our tent.

"Char and Bella, wet and soapy, gettin' naughty in the shower."

Rather than his usual scolding or slapping Peter across the arm, Jasper simply quirked an eyebrow and made a little "humph" sound, as if he didn't think that would be such a bad idea either.

"Pervs," I blushed.

"You know it," Peter said in a sing-song voice as he pranced off toward the men's bath house.

This left me alone with Jasper. Again. In only a bathing suit. And him only in those same mesh shorts. Oh, God. And I know what is lurking just under that flimsy fabric…

"Bella?" he startled me from my thoughts with a concerned look on his face. "I was only joking. If I offended you-"

"What? No. I was just, uh, thinking about something. So what's for breakfast?" I turned and started rummaging through one of the coolers.

"Bacon and eggs," he answered as he found the charcoal bag and started walking toward the campsite's metal grill.

He pulled a Zippo and lit the bag before placing in on the bottom of the grill. He walked back to me and rummaged through a bag until he found a frying pan.

"I fucking love food cooked outdoors," he mused, mostly to himself.

I fucking love hearing him say 'fucking'.

"You wanna help?" he asked.

"Um, sure. I've never cooked like this before, so I don't know if it will be any good," I replied.

"Darlin', you know I love anything you make. Grab that stuff and come over here."

I picked up the ingredients and a few plates and headed toward Jasper.

I mostly watched with a gaping mouth as Jasper cooked. Apparently that was my version of being helpful; but God almighty, is there nothing this man does that doesn't look like pure sexiness? He scrambled the eggs perfectly and flipped the bacon until it was good and crispy. All the while humming and running his fingers through that mess of hair on top of his head.

He finished too soon for my liking. I helped him plate the food[,] and we made our way back to the picnic table.

"I don't know about you," Jasper smirked, "but I am starving. I have no desire to wait on those two fuckers," he motioned toward Peter and Charlotte's tent. "Who the hell knows what they've gotten into this early."

I nodded my head in agreement. Jasper poured me a cup of orange juice and passed it to me before taking a drink straight from the carton.

I grabbed a plate and started inhaling my food. It was the best breakfast I had ever eaten. In the span of a few minutes I had shoveled in three eggs, four pieces of bacon, and a glass of juice.

"So you like it?" Jasper asked, taking another swig of orange juice.

"That shit is awesome," I nodded with my mouth full.

"Glad you like it," he smiled as he took another bite of bacon. It slid inside those perfect lips and over his tongue. I had never wanted to be a piece of charred, pig-flesh more in my entire life.

"I'll clean up," I said after we were both finished. He stood to protest, but I held up my hand to stop him. "You cooked. I clean."

He rolled his eyes but didn't argue.

When I finished, I found Jasper stretched out in one of the lounge chairs and plopped in the one next to him. We sat I perfect silence, staring out at the water.

I was nearly asleep when I heard the obnoxious sound coming toward us; the humming of two small motors followed by lots of 'woo-hoos' and splashing water. Peter and Charlotte soon came into view, speeding across the water on two mobile death traps.

"Well, I guess that explains where they ran off to," he chuckled.

Peter and Charlotte tied the jet skis at the dock a few yards from our campsite and headed toward us.

"What do ya think?" Peter asked excitedly as he found his plate of breakfast still sitting on the picnic table.

"I think it looks like an ER visit waiting to happen," I smirked.

"Oh, come on. They're fun!" Charlotte chimed in.

They proceeded to stuff their faces while discussing new and exciting ways to cause me bodily harm.

"If you don't wanna ride those things, it's cool. We can just hang out here all day," Jasper whispered to me.

I smiled and nodded my head.

"Oh, hell no. No way are you backing out of this," Peter exclaimed before stuffing another bite of egg in his mouth.

I looked to Jasper who had a sympathetic smile on his face. "Fine. But she rides with me."

"Well, yeah. I mean, did you think I was gonna be the one straddling your ass all day?" Peter rolled his eyes.

They finished breakfast and we made our way to the dock. Jasper held my hand the entire time walk; my stomach was doing flip flops. Now comes a new worry; perhaps I'll regurgitate Jasper's delicious bacon and eggs all over his back?

"Don't worry, Darlin'. I won't let anything happen to you," he breathed in my ear, wrapping an arm around my waist and squeezing.

"Here ya go," Peter called before tossing me a life jacket.

I stuck my arms through the holes and fumbled with the zipper and latches.

"Here, let me help." Jasper turned me to face him. He pulled the vest tight and carefully pulled the zipper up. I thought he stared a little too long at my breasts as his hand moved the zipper overtop of them. Wishful thinking.

Peter and Charlotte had already suited up and taken off, calling something back to us about being 'too old' and 'chicken shit'.

"Alright. I'm gonna climb on first and start it. Then you get on behind me. You will have to, um, straddle me," he instructed.

Oh, I liked the sound of that.

"Ok," I answered, biting my lip. I did as he instructed; awkwardly positioning myself behind him. I pressed my body close to his and wrapped my arms around his stomach and hung on for dear life.

"Ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be," I replied.

He shot off across the water like a bullet. I couldn't help the little squeal of excitement that escaped my lips as we sped further away from shore.


"Admit it, Bella. You had fun today," Charlotte grinned sleepily from her perch on Peter's lap. We had just finished dinner and had settled around the campfire.

I nodded as I took a sip of my coconut rum and pineapple juice cocktail that Jasper had just poured me. "You're right," I yawned. "What time is it anyway?" The sun had just set over the water.

"Nine. I knew you were gettin' old," Peter smirked.

"Yeah, buddy. Pass me the Bengay," I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously? It is only nine?" This seemed to rouse Charlotte. "No, we can't go to bed this early. It's our last night here."

"What are you whining about?" Jasper teased as he took his seat next to mine, fresh beer and cigarette in hand.

"I don't wanna go to bed yet," she pouted.

"What do you suggest? Unless it's something really interesting, I don't think I will last long," I yawned again.

"Ohh! I know; how 'bout a game of Truth or Dare?" she said conspiratorially.

"What is this, junior high?" Jasper scoffed.

"Come on; it'll be fun," she grinned, turning to Peter.

"Whatever. I'm in." He knew better than to argue with her.

"I guess," I sighed.

"Resistance is futile," she raised an eyebrow at Jasper.

"I guess," he grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Yay! Ok, since it was my idea, I get to go first. Jasper, truth or dare?" she asked.


"How many times have you been in love?"

"Boring," Peter said in protest, earning him and slap in the arm from Charlotte.

Jasper was deep in thought. "If find love very difficult to define. It is always changing and evolving. Often confused with infatuation, comfort, lust…"

The way he said lust made my cheeks warm.

"Thank you, Sigmund Freud. Can we please have a fun question next?" Peter scoffed.

"It's Jasper's turn," Charlotte grinned, taking another long sip of her cocktail.

"Pete, truth or dare?"

"Dare, mother fucker!" he exclaimed, a little too excited for a campfire game of Truth or Dare; but, whatever.

"Finish Char's cup of that fruity shit."

"You people are really no fun at all," he remarked before upending Charlotte's glass. "Easy. Bella, truth or dare?"

Oh, hell. Of course he would pick me. "Truth," I answered, figuring it was the lesser of two evils.

"How many 'wieners' have you seen? Ya know, up close and personal," he grinned.

"One," I shrugged. That was easy. "Charlotte, take my turn; I can't think of anything good."

"Gladly. Bella, truth or dare?"

"Geez, it was just my turn," I protested. "Fine. Dare."

"I dare you to kiss…Peter," she said with a raised eyebrow.

Well, that's certainly not the name I was expecting her to say. "What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Oh, come on. We're just havin' some fun. Now kiss," she commanded.

"Oh, I've dreamt of this day," Peter said dramatically as he hopped up from his chair, nearly spilling Charlotte on the ground. "Pucker up, baby," he drawled as he knelt next to my chair, moving his mouth closer to mine.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to meet his. "No tongue," I instructed just before our lips touched.

It wasn't bad. A small peck and it was done.

"Thanks," Peter grinned, licking his lips as he stepped back to his chair.

"Your turn again, Bella," Charlotte said as she snuggled back into Peter's lap.

"I still got nothin'," I replied.

"I'll take her turn," Peter smiled. "Char, truth or dare?"

"Dare, baby."

"I dare you to kiss Bella," he said with an evil grin.

"What the hell? Does everyone here want to kiss me?" I blushed.

"Yes," Peter and Charlotte answered in unison.

"My turn," Charlotte hopped out of Peter's lap and plopped on me. She pressed her lips to mine before I had a chance to react. It lasted just seconds longer that the one I shared with Peter. Again, it was nice; just like kissing a friend should be.

"That was awesome," Peter whispered with wide eyes.

"Thanks, doll," Charlotte grinned as she hopped off my lap. "Are you feeling left out, Jay?" she turned to Jasper.

He just rolled his eyes at her. His expression wasn't exactly amused.

"Come on. Walk me up to the Ladies' room. I'm scared I'll step on a snake or something," she grabbed his hands and pulled him to his feet. He begrudgingly followed behind her.

Peter scooted his chair next to mine. "Don't feel weird or anything. We were just having fun," he said out of the corner of his mouth as he lit a cigarette. He handed the pack and lighter to me.

"I know; it's no big deal," I attempted to act nonchalant.

"You've really got it bad for him, huh?" he smirked.

Well, that one caught me off guard. "Got what bad for whom?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You have it bad for my brother."

Oh my God. Tell me this isn't happening. "Jasper is a great friend. And yeah, maybe I do like him more than I should. But like I told your fiancé; I'm just not ready to fall in love again." I took a long puff from my cigarette.

"Who said anything about love? That expression you get when he walks by, the way you look at him; that ain't love written all over your face," he smirked. "That is good ol' fashioned lust."

I could feel the blush spread from my cheeks to my neck and chest. "Whatever, Pete," I found myself unable to form a coherent response.

"Just be good to him, ya know? He's been through a lot. I don't wanna see him get hurt," Peter shrugged.

"Peter Whitlock," I smiled, "Are you trying to protect your big brother?"

"Don't say it like that; you make me feel like we're in some Lifetime movie bullshit. But seriously, he's always looked after me. And I know the shit storm that was his previous relationship," he shuddered.

"I would never hurt him," I said softly.

"Good. And believe me when I say, he would treat you like an absolute fucking queen," he replied, taking another draw from his cigarette.

"And how do you know he's even interested?" I couldn't hide my smile.

"Are you kiddin' me?" he raised his eyebrows. "Honey, you'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice that shit."

"What shit?" Charlotte asked from behind Peter, walking back to the campfire hand in hand with Jasper.

I still could not get over how close they all were.

"Nothin'. We were just talkin' about work," he lied.

"You about ready to turn in?" she asked Peter with a devilish grin. "All this kissin' has got me hot and bothered."

"Absofuckinglutely." Peter hopped up and tossed Charlotte over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, running for their tent. Her giggles of protests soon turned to low moans as he unzipped their tent door.

"Awkward," I whispered.

"No shit." Jasper's cheeks were a rosy color I had never seen before. "So, uh, you wanna go to bed or stay up a while?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm really not all that sleepy." Between the kissing and conversation with Peter, I was now wide awake.

"I got an idea," he started toward our tent. He emerged a few seconds later carrying his sleeping bag. He spread in on the ground in front of the fire and sat in the middle. "Wanna join me?"

"Sure," I smiled. I sat down next to him. He spun around, pulling me between his legs. I leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed into his chest and he rested his chin on top of my head.

We sat for a few minutes, watching the fire flicker. Everything was completely silent minus the chirping crickets and occasional giggle or moan from Peter and Char's tent.

"Have you had a good time?" he asked softly.

"The best," I sighed. "Thank you so much for inviting me."

"You're welcome, Darlin'. So, I have a question for you," he sounded nervous. "When we get back home, would you maybe want to go to dinner or something? Ya know, like, just the two of us. I mean if you don't, it's totally fine, I understand."

"I would love to," I grinned.

He moved his mouth closer to my face and touched his lips to my cheek. "Great," he breathed.

I swear to the Lord it took everything in me not to turn around and tackle him, then and there. I opted instead to close my eyes and focus on the feel of his body next to mine.

"This feels nice," he said after a few more minutes.

"Uh huh," I sighed. I was sleepy again. He tightened his grip around me. "What does that mean, anyway?" I asked as I traced the Latin script inked on his forearm.

"Per aspera ad astra. Through adversity to the stars."

"That's really beautiful," I smiled. "Peter has the same thing?"

"Yeah. We got 'em when I was on leave from the Army one time."

"What about the others?"I asked.

"Well, the one on my side, I got to cover some of the scars," he moved his hand over the thick black ink that intertwined with the raised skin. "And these," he pointed to the backs of his calves, "are Chinese letters. This one is 'brother,' and this one is 'sister'."

"Is that the same one Charlotte has tattooed on her foot?" I asked, pointing to the 'brother' symbol.

"Yep; same one Peter has on his shoulder."

Wow. This bunch really was tight-knit. I had known close families, but never any that were willing to get all inked up for each other.

"Maybe we were just being dramatic," Jasper said.

"No. No, not at all," I replied, afraid I had offended him. "I have just never known such a close family before. I think it's great."

"We take care of each other. Always will," he shrugged.

I settled back into his chest, feeling amazed and yet unworthy. I was so fortunate to have this group of friends. But, why? Why had they decided I was worth getting to know? Why had they opened their lives to me? I was nothing special. Hell, I was way less than special.

"Are you ready for bed?" Jasper asked.

"Sure. If you are?"

"Yep. We have to get up early and head back." He stood behind me; then offered me both his hands, pulling me up to meet him.

He turned me to face him; his eyes dark and intense. I couldn't move. A fucking meteor could fall from the sky and crash in the middle of the lake for all I cared. The only thing I could see was Jasper. His tongue slid over his lips, moistening them. Mine subconsciously followed suit. I stood on my toes to meet him as he lowered his head.

His lips first brushed gently over mine, barely making contact. I could no longer control it. I wrapped both arms around his neck, pulling him down to me. Both his hands gripped my lower back, pressing our bodies together.

Our lips met again in a much less chaste fashion than their first contact. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth, biting it gently, before our tongues met in a fit of fury. I wound my hands into that mess of blond hair and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

We pulled apart a few moments later, both panting and red-faced. I couldn't look him in the eye. I saw him attempt to inconspicuously adjust himself in those damn mesh shorts.

"That was, um, really nice," he finally spoke.

"I liked it, too," I blushed deeper.

"Get a room!" Peter called, making his way back to camp from the restroom.

Great. I would never hear the end of this one.

"Well, I guess we better get to bed," he said, still fidgeting with his situation down below.

"Yeah, I'm really exhausted," I lied, faking a yawn. I couldn't sleep now if I had an entire bottle of Ambien laced with Lunesta.

I walked awkwardly back to the tent, still dazed and confused, as Jasper picked up his sleeping bag and followed after me.

I tucked myself in tightly, praying I would stay that way. "Night, Jasper," I whispered after he had settled in.

"G'night, Darlin'. Sweet dreams," he whispered.

It occurred to me that I wouldn't mind hearing those words every night before I fell asleep. Yes, I am definitely in trouble. Head over heels and all that bull shit.

I closed my eyes and focused on Jasper's breathing, letting the soothing sound lull me to sleep.


"I'm so glad you came on this trip with us, Bella," Charlotte said as she soaped up her hair.

Sure, I had been the first one in the bath house this morning; and no, there were no curtains. But Charlotte was never one to let a little thing like privacy or modesty stand in her way.

"Me, too," I replied and I twirled the bar of soap in my wash cloth.

"And please, don't feel awkward about that kiss last night." She turned her back to the faucet, letting the water rinse the suds from her head.

"What kiss?" I asked too quickly. Had Peter seen me kiss Jasper? Had they heard it? Not that I was ashamed or anything; I just did not want to be teased.

"Peter," she said with a raised eyebrow. "Obviously, we're cool with each other," she motioned between us.

"Oh, right. No, it was fine. Kinda like what I would imagine kissing my own brother would be. If I had one," I shrugged.

"Good," she smiled.

We continued our showers. I thought back to the night before. I had managed to lock lips with all three of my friends. It wasn't bad; but only Jasper made my lady bits tingly. And then I had an odd thought. Maybe this group was really closer than I had first imagined.

"Charlotte, can I ask you something?" I asked nervously as I turned to rinse under the water.

"Of course," she grinned.

"You guys don't like, uh, ya know, swap or anything?" I stammered.

She burst into a fit of laughter. "Hell no. Peter is so damn jealous he would never go for that. Plus, like you said about Peter; Jasper is like my brother. Come to think of it, he's more like my brother than my actual brother."

Well, that was good to know. This was without a doubt the oddest shower I had ever taken in my life.

We finished showering, toweled off, and got dressed. We found the boys had already packed up most of the campsite. I was sad to leave. We had such a great time; I didn't want it to end. I wanted us to be like this forever.

We were too exhausted to talk much on the ride home. Peter snored loudly from the front seat while Charlotte mindlessly flipped through an Us Weekly magazine. I watched the scenery pass, contemplating the week ahead and my upcoming date. Jasper flipped through the radio stations and occasionally I would catch him staring at me with a grin through the rearview mirror. I smiled back and blushed, naturally.


"I'm gonna miss you, girlie," Charlotte exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug. "Call me more than once in a blue moon."

"I will," I promised, hugging her back. I felt a lump in my throat, realizing just how much I really would miss Charlotte.

Peter had finished loading Charlotte's things in the back of his Camaro and they were ready to head back to Houston.

"I'll be back before work tomorrow," Peter called to Jasper.

"Take your time, brother. I have Bella to help me," he grinned.

"Aw, young love," he said dramatically before shutting his door and cranking the car.

"What a dick," Jasper mumbled.

After helping Jasper finish unloading his camping gear and re-pack it neatly in the garage, I retreated to my room to sort laundry. Jasper said he had 'shit to do' around the farm and stayed outside for the remainder of the day. I took a nice, long soak in the tub before cooking dinner.

After we ate, we sacked out on the couch to watch a movie. I begged to watch Dazed and Confused for the thirty-seventh time and he conceded. Jasper sat on one end of the couch, his feet propped up on the ottoman, while I lay with my head against the arm rest and my legs stretched across him. He was massaging my feet and we were laughing.

"'That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age'," he drawled out in his best impersonation of Matthew McConaughey as Wooderson. "Best fucking movie quote of all time."

"Can't argue with that," I giggled.

I was startled from blissful haze by the obnoxious vibrating of my cell phone.

'Give to me sweet sacred bliss
That mouth was made to suck my kiss'

"Peter," I rolled my eyes. "He really can be a jackass," I smirked as I typed a reply to his text. "They made it to Houston."

Jasper nodded and continued rubbing my feet. I tried to focus on the movie, which was damn near impossible.

"I swear to God," I said, completely annoyed, as I reached for my buzzing phone again.

Uh oh, I thought as Sugar, We're Goin' Down blared through the tiny speaker. That's one I hadn't heard in a few months. My stomach became tight and my palms were sweaty as I quickly hit Ignore.

"Peter again?" Jasper asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," my throat felt dry as sandpaper. "Actually, that was Edward."

His eyes narrowed. "What the fuck could he want?"

"Hell if I know. Probably just dialed it by mistake," I answered nervously.

"Humph," was his only reply.

The movie continued to play; neither of us paying any attention to it. My mind was a jumbled mess of 'What the fuck?' and my stomach was queasy.

Finally, Pink and his gang had gotten caught smoking a joint on the football field by his coach and then decided Aerosmith concert tickets were way more fucking important high school football. A fact I couldn't argue with.

I hurriedly excused myself to my room and collapsed on my bed, one big jumbled mess of nerves. I flipped my phone open over and over, looking at my missed call log, hoping I had made a mistake. But there was the name, clear as a damn bell.

What in the hell could he possibly want? He hadn't left a voice mail. Maybe it was just a mistake and he didn't mean to dial my number? Maybe his parents told him about my big blow up in the coffee shop? Try as I might to pass it off as nothing, I could not escape the nagging feeling that maybe something was wrong. And I fucking hated myself for giving a damn.

So this one was loaded with tons of action, no? Don't worry, folks; I have a plan and I promise you will enjoy the outcome. Trust me?

Love it? Hate it? You know what to do...