Ziva was typing away some paperwork while looking at pictures she made of Kate wearing wedding dresses. It was just pictures of her head glued on to pictures of models: some of them either made Kate look like she had a huge head, or a small one with a normal one right behind it. Ziva didn't care. It has been two weeks since Ziva proposed and got engaged, but it only felt like a day or two, especially with planning the wedding, which was three months away. Ziva doubted she could wait that long, but that was the only time Kate's father could come (the rest of her family were…less than pleased with Kate's choice of spouse). She was looking so deep at the picture of Kate and imagining her wedding that she didn't notice the real Kate at her desk. When she noticed, Ziva smiled, then realized something was bothering her.

"What is wrong Caitlin?" Ziva asked, praying to God it wasn't Kate having second thoughts.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry" Kate said.

"What for?" questioned Ziva, now more panicky.

"For not realizing you were trying to propose to me for a month" Kate said, wincing. "Tony told me how you were trying to ask and how you were getting discouraged".

Ziva smiled, inside and out, though she made a mental note to follow through on her threat to deprive Tony of children and grand-children.

"Kate, do not be sorry" Ziva said. "Your only fault was being someone who would make anyone happy"

"It's not just that" Kate said. She took a ring box and opened it to reveal a ring. It was similar to the one Ziva gave to Kate, although there a design difference.

"I've been trying to propose for four months" Kate said. "Everytime I tried, my stomach would lurch violently and my nerve would give out or my voice…"

Ziva got up and kissed Kate, tear running down her cheeks. If Kate thought Ziva would've been angry hearing this, she was wrong on so many levels. If anything, it made Ziva feel ten times better. Ziva broke off and sat back down. She turned to Kate in time to see her kneel on one knee.

"Ziva David, if someone told me five years ago I would marry you, I would've laugh. If someone told me today that I hated you five years ago, I'd laughed myself to death. Quite frankly, I can't imagine hating you, just like I can't imagine life without you. Will you marry me?"

Kate sighed and looked down, embarrassed.

"Stupid, right?" Kate asked. She looked up to see Ziva in tears, smiling.

"Yes" Ziva said. Kate winced

"I knew it" Kate said, dejected.

"No, you misunderstood" Ziva said softly, barely containing herself. "Not 'Yes' it was lame. 'Yes' I want to marry you"

Kate lunged to Ziva and hugged her. Ziva hugged back. If you could find two happier people, call Gibbs. You would make an excellent investigator. You'd probably be a good replacement for Tony.

"Get a room" Tony shouted, smiling. His smile lasted ten seconds.

"Don't talk unless you're on the phone with an adoption agency" Ziva hissed.

When Tony turned around, green and scared for his pride and joy (yeah, I wish I hadn't typed that either), Ziva turned back to Kate.

It was going to be a long three months. However, it won't be as bad as waiting for this moment: knowing Kate and Ziva would soon be each other's forever.