Once Upon a time there was a boy who never wanted to grow up. Can you guess his name, yes, Peter Pan. Now, that Hook was back all he wanted to do is get rid of Peter Pan one last and final time, but he wouldn't be able to do that with all of the lost boys. So, he had a plan to kidnap one of the lost boys and use him a bait to get Peter Pan to come to the ship to meet his DOOM.

"Lost Boys, let's go get some supplies" Peter Pan called into their hideout from outside the window.

Tootles, grudgingly getting up off his lazy bum, offered to get the coconuts.

Curly teased, "No way – you'd eat it all! Besides, there isn't a coconut tree alive that would support you. And you can't climb anyway." He sighed. " Go get a basket and I'll climb up and hand them down to you."

(Sigh) "Fine" Tootles agreed. Curly was right anyway. 'Besides,' he thought, ' that was less work for him'.

The two headed over to the nearby patch of trees.

"Bombs away mate!" Curly shouted as he dropped a coconut.

"Owwweeee!" Tootles yelped. "That was my head, it's fragile! I need that!"

"Oh you're fine. You've got the thickest skull of anyone I've ever met. Now stop daydreaming and try catching the next one. With your hands, not your face "Curly replied teasingly.

The other lost boys, chuckling at the two's antics, headed towards the woods to gather the rest of the supplies. All, that is, except for Peter.

"Errrrr…" he hesitated. " I'm gonna go get some water from the spring. I'll catch up with you guys later." And with that he flew off in the general direction of Caveman's Cove.

"Eh, he just wants to talk to the mermaids" Slightly winked at the others as they started down the forest path.