Author's Note: MUHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!! *laughing in hysteria* "Read my MINIONS!"


First thank you to jenny77 for being the first person to review my first ever story, as well as the rest of you. As per jenny77's request her very own Kakashi clone will be sent to your home courtesy of Orochimaru Evil Inc. If he doesn't show up assume he is late and bide your time by reading my new chapter and reviewing. Please take note that the way some of the characters speak might be a little different from last chapter, its because I'm still working out exactly how I want them to sound like. There will be little NaruHina and SasuSaku (BOO!) this chapter because I want to write about everyone's post 'incident' reactions. Don't worry it's still a good chapter (YAY!). Be patient because chapter 3 is graduation/ grad party, I'll add lots of icha icha and more pairings for the later chapters.

(SPOILER ALERT ~guess who gets to ride in a yellow limousine~ )

I do not own NARUTO, but if I did I'd put bells on all the ninjas.

The Hot Topic

Iruka's House

Iruka was kicking it on his couch watching his favorite show on Nin TV (side inside story, maybe?) Dancing with the Ninja Stars (shuriken isn't as funny), trying to forget what had happened in his class earlier that day.

He was planning to stay well away from every member of the Hogake's household hoping not get in trouble.

"Chibi Kakashi, who do you think gets voted off tonight."

The Kakashi plushy merely sat there giving him that famous Kakashi stare.

Iruka couldn't believe he actually brought the thing home with him, he wanted to act cool by giving it to one of his female students, but what was he to do.

It wasn't like he was just going to give it away, what if Kakashi got mad at him. Sighing to himself he thought, 'I need to get a life, God my students get more action them me.'

He hadn't had a woman in what was like forever, and couldn't help but check out his 'blossoming' students. Groaning at his lack of 'game', he gets up to make some more butterscotch caramel popcorn (mmm good), chibi Kakashi gets knocked to the ground and Iruka spots a pull string on it's back. He picks it up and sits back down.

'Well I never noticed that, I wonder what it'll say if I pull it.' zip , tiny Kakashi voice, "Tiger, horse, monkey, dragon summoning jutsu" Poof! The real Kakashi was now sitting on Iruka's lap. "AHH!"

"K-Kakashi? W-what are you doing here, I thought you were on a secret S-Class mission."

"Well I finished much earlier than expected and also, you summoned me", Iruka "How?"

Kakashi got a sparkle in his eye, "it's my own variation on the summoning justu, I call it an 'Emergency Summon Doll'" he said all excited. "It's for shinobi who don't have the time or power to do it themselves, it also can be used to extract ninja from dangerous missions."

"So why'd you leave it with me."

Kakashi could only shrug, "I had expected you to give it to those cute students you were always eyeing."

"Wha-?, Kakashi I would never d" Kakashi cut him off, "I had hoped to be in the arms of a cute girl,

not a closet hentai (look it up) like you Iruka."

"As a matter of fact Iruka why did you even keep it, do you secretly collect dolls?"

Iruka didn't know what to say, Kakashi explained all this while still sitting on his lap, and how did he know what he had been thinking. (sharingan)

"Though maybe I don't mind being in your arms Iruka." Kakashi whispered while leaning in.

That's what did it for Iruka, brain overloaded, all he could manage was a, "I'm not a-" before he blacked out.

'Well that was surprisingly fun' Kakashi thought. Then proceeded to kick Iruka off his own couch

(he was foaming at the mouth now), and eat the unconscious man's popcorn as he got comfy on the couch. "Eek, I love this show."

Hokage Tower

Minato was sitting at his desk wondering why his wife had to kick in his door just to tell him some fantasy about Naruto getting it on with Hinata in their living room and Sasuke sleeping with an actual girl.

'Where did all this come from?' This thing with Hinata didn't seem possible,

and as much as it pained him he knew Naruto wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and wasn't likely to make the first move. And as for Sasuke, in all the years he's been at their home Minato has never seen him spend time with anyone, ever.

"I'll get him on the phone Iruka right away dear." Minato said while picking up his sleek new mobile blackberry storm 2 special nin addition (yea being Hokage you get all the pimp gear).

Kushina finally shut up as she waited to hear how it all happened.

Hiashi's rage had been building since hearing Kushina's story about his daughter, but wouldn't act upon it so close to the Hokage. He controlled himself and silently waited for the explanation.

At the other end of the line. "Hello? Oh, good evening Lord Hokage this is Kakashi "

"I was just spending some quality time with Iruka, he gets so lonely sir." he said with a full on evil grin (you couldn't see it, but you knew it was there) "What about students kissing?"

"Oh ,so you have heard the story about Naruto and Sasuke kissing." Kakashi had to drop the receiver and cover his ears to steel his nerves for this one.

Back at the tower. "WHAAAAT!" "What do mean Naruto and Sasuke kissed!" "They're not ga-. They would never." Minato was on the brink of teleporting strait to Kakashi. Meanwhile Hiashi's anger melted into hilarity, it was harder to hide then his rage. He managed to stay quiet but couldn't keep his shoulders from shaking. 'O Kami, there gay, hahah.' "Were is Iruka, where was he when all this was going on." THUNK! As Kushina hit the floor, feinting at the idea of her boys engaging in 'forbidden love' (ok, no more shoujo manga for her).

Kakashi feared the Hokage might snap, and nobody wanted that. The last time that happened, the 9 Tailed Demon Fox got the crap kicked out of it and sealed itself inside Naruto just to escape his wrath (yup I made Minato the ultimate badass). "Please remain calm my lord, Iruka is…" he looked down 'still foaming', "Incapacitated, but if you listen I'll explain, Iruka told me." he was never going to tell Minato that he was there too. It took a while for Minato to compose himself and revive his wife before they could piece the two stories together. "So your telling me that because of this accident, they both acted on instinct to reassert their masculinity by kissing girls they 'presumably' liked." Kakashi, "Hai."

"Very well, Kakashi good night." click. Now that he understood everything Minato thought

it was all very funny and kind of proud that his sons had each scored a babe in the process. He started to reminisce about a similar situation in his youth (now that's a whole different story you don't want to ask about, seriously people died asking about it ask Kakashi) and started to lose himself in his memories. Hiashi wasn't angry or happy, he wasn't anything. Still unsure as how to take this news, he returned to his cold, indifferent Hyuga stare. Happy that her boys liked girls and not each other, Kushina had an idea that she thought was awesome.

"Hey Minato, use that thing you put on them to find them, see where they are now."

"You mean that tracking device I put in there clothes so we could always find them?" "Yea that's the one."

"It only works with Naruto, Sasuke was to smart to let himself get bugged."

"So then check Naruto maybe he's with Hinata, do it now." It was a command. Minato didn't really want to spy on his kid during a date, but because someone wont put out if he doesn't,

like a good Hokage he opens his laptop and pulls up the file that will show him where to find his miniature. "There headed towards the Hyuga compound, hey there by your place Hiashi. I don't know where Sasuke is, could be anywhere." (check under Sakura's skirt)

Kushina went all misty eyed, "Aw, Naruto is walking Hinata home, isn't that sweet Hiashi." (what about Sasuke?) the mother said to the clan head.

Truth be told, Hiashi new this day would come seeing as they were both clan first born and so close, but not like this and so suddenly. But now that he knew his daughter hadn't instigated the relationship with the Namikaze boy (though she certainly did finish it) Hiashi saw it as an opportunity to bring the two clans closer together,

which would strengthen his own clans position within the village.

Seeing as Naruto was the Hokage's son, if a bit dimwitted, he saw no reason to object. "Lord Hokage, I find no reason to deny there relationship as long no indecencies are discovered and it remains morally pure."

'Fat chance of that happening.' the Hokage thought, "Sounds like the go-ahead to me.

Thank you for being so understanding Hiashi, now if you please excuse me there are many preparations left for tomorrow's graduation, we will see you after the ceremony." Kushina put her two cents in,

"I know Naruto will treat her right." "Yes I know Hinata will do the same." As he left he used his byakugan to memorize the code and file that track Naruto, 'I know he will, cause I'll be watching.'

Inuzuka Residence

Kiba, Shino and Shikamaru were chilling at Kiba's place, they were on the roof trying to hit the wings off dragonflies with their kunai. (Shino was kicking their asses, he was 10 for 10, his clan hated the Tonbo clan in Iwa, made for good practice)

All of them had been thinking over the day's events. Shikamaru couldn't believe the day he had to endure, every Sasuke fan girl in the city was after him, which was a lot considering how large the Hidden Leaf was.

Ether they wanted to beat to a him to a pulp for ruining there hopes of ever dating Sasuke,

or smother him for granting there yaoi dreams.

He had to disguise himself as Choji using the transformation justu, just so they wouldn't get mobbed on the way to Kiba's place. "Man, today was such a drag, I didn't know stalkers were so - well crazy (Really? It never occurred to you.). What do you guys think about what happened today." thump, "Got one."

"I think that they'll make good couples, and it was time Naruto realized Hinata's feelings." Shino mentioned.

"Yea I guess so."

Kiba didn't bother to answer, he was to busy staring at nothing and wondering if he should have followed Hinata and Naruto like he wanted to. It took him a second to register what Shikamaru had said since it sounded like he was talking at a distance. Kiba looks over, "What'd you say?"

Slightly annoyed at repeating himself, "Tsk, I said that at least they have dates for the dance after the graduation, because you know its better than going stag (Shikamaru, stag, get it. wink wink).

"W-what, do you really they would go as a pair."

"What's it to you Kiba, I thought you weren't even going." Shino said looking his friend straight in the eyes with a world class poker face. "What are you talking about, I only meant um, that -well… Hey look at that." Kiba pointed down towards the street

From their viewpoint they could see a jovial Naruto walking hand-in-hand with Hinata, and the girl was unmistakably living on cloud nine. He was talking with overly-exaggerated movements as she answered him with nothing but giggles, each clearly enjoying they're effect on the other.

Off the hook, Kiba allowed his thoughts to drift back to the girl, being escorted home. "I wonder what they've been doing, its so late", Shikamaru asked. Shino almost had an actual smile, "What ever it was, it must have been outstanding from the look on their faces."

Again, Kiba forgot to respond. Occupied with the 'blissful' notion that he was walking Hinata home planning for the upcoming dance after spending the day together. And his friends didn't bother to ask him what was on his mind, as the conversation shifted back to the chaos from that morning.

Thud, thud "I win." "Aw man, what a drag."

Woods behind the Namikaze manor (yes there still there)

It had been so cozy in each other's arms for Sasuke and Sakura that 'going home' hadn't occurred to them until well after dark. "So uh, you want me to take you home?" "No it's ok." skeptical look "Sasuke it's fine, besides I wouldn't want you there when my parents trip out over me breaking curfew." "Uh huh." (Sasuke isn't so great at social skills) Awkward silence almost overtook them, but before it could grab hold Sakura stole a swift kiss goodbye and (with a bit of a prance) walked past an amazed Sasuke. She new he was watching, and liked it. So she adopted a hip swerve for an added effect, knowing Sasuke wouldn't be able to pull his eyes away as she made her way home.

If you review my story maybe you'll get a personalized NARUTO plushy that talks when you pull their string, if you don't Hinata Bot will enter pout program 305 and wont stop crying.